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job to maintenance script for articleUpdate
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momo54 committed Sep 1, 2012
1 parent ff9c5f0 commit 3a1d0b8
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 0 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/ArticleUpdate.php
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@

* To the extent possible under law, I, Mark Hershberger, have waived all copyright and
* related or neighboring rights to Hello World. This work is published from United States.
* @copyright CC0
* @author Mark A. Hershberger <>
* @ingroup Maintenance

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../../../maintenance/Maintenance.php" );

class ArticleUpdate extends Maintenance {
public function execute() {
global $wgServerName,$wgScriptPath, $wgServer, $wgScriptExtension;
$urlServer = 'http://'.$wgServerName;
$revids = array();
$revids1 = array();
$page_ids = array();
//Getting all the revision ids of pages having been logootized
$db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );

$model_table = $db->tableName( 'model' );

$sql ="SELECT `rev_id` FROM $model_table";

$res = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $db->fetchObject($res)) {
$revids[] = $row->rev_id;

//if (count($revids)==0) $revids=array();

//Getting all the revision ids without the pages in the DSMW namespaces and
//Administration_pull_site_addition and Administration_pull_site_addition pages

$rev_table = $db->tableName( 'revision' );
$page_table = $db->tableName( 'page' );

$sql ="SELECT $rev_table.`rev_id` FROM $rev_table, $page_table WHERE
`rev_page`=`page_id` and `page_namespace`!= 110 and `page_namespace`!= 200
and `page_namespace`!= 210 and `page_namespace`!= 220
and `page_title`!= \"Administration_pull_site_addition\"
and `page_title` != \"Administration_push_site_addition\"";
$res1 = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $db->fetchObject($res1)) {
$revids1[] = $row->rev_id;

//if (count($revids1)==0) $revids1=array();

//Array_diff returns an array containing all the entries from $revids1 that are
//not present in $revids.
$diff = array_diff($revids1, $revids);

//get page ids of these revisions (each id must be unique in the array)
foreach ($diff as $id) {
$page_id = $db->selectField('revision','rev_page', array('rev_id'=>$id));

$page_ids = array_unique($page_ids);
//Now we can logootize:
if(count($page_ids)!=0) {
foreach($page_ids as $pageid) {
$title = Title::newFromID($pageid);
echo "processing (".$processed.",".count($page_ids).") : ".$title->getText().".\n";
$ns = $title->getNamespace();
$lastRev = Revision::loadFromPageId($db, $pageid);
$pageText = $lastRev->getText();

//load an empty model
$model = manager::loadModel(0);
$logoot = manager::getNewEngine($model,DSMWSiteId::getInstance()->getSiteId());// new logootEngine($model);

$listOp = $logoot->generate("", $pageText);
$modelAfterIntegrate = $logoot->getModel();
$tmp = serialize($listOp);
$patchid = sha1($tmp);
if ($ns == NS_FILE || $ns == NS_IMAGE || $ns == NS_MEDIA) {
$apiUrl = $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/api" . $wgScriptExtension;
$onPage = str_replace(array(' '), array('%20'), $lastRev->getTitle()->getText());
$download = $apiUrl . "?action=query&titles=File:" . $onPage . "&prop=imageinfo&format=php&iiprop=mime|url|size";
$resp = Http::get($download);
$resp = unserialize( $resp );
$a = $resp['query']['pages'];
$a = current($a);
$a = $a['imageinfo'];
$a = current($a);
$mime = $a['mime'];
$size = $a['size'];
$url = $a['url'];
$patch = new Patch(false, true, null, $urlServer. $wgScriptPath, 0, null, null, null, $mime, $size, $url, null);
$patch->storePage('File:'.$lastRev->getTitle()->getText(), $lastRev->getId());
} else {
$patch = new Patch(false, false, $listOp, $urlServer, 0);
$patch->storePage($lastRev->getTitle()->getText(), $lastRev->getId());
manager::storeModel($lastRev->getId(), $sessionId = session_id(), $modelAfterIntegrate, $blobCB = 0);

return true;

$maintClass = 'ArticleUpdate';
if( defined('RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN') ) {
require_once( RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN );
} else {
require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE ); # Make this work on versions before 1.17

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