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Momoservertw edited this page Aug 1, 2021 · 34 revisions


Support plugins

Plugin Description
PlaceHolderAPI To get more placeholders.
PlayerPoints Give and take points from players.



If the player is offline, the placeholder of player without "(offline)" will return nothing.

Placeholder Target Description Example
%TARGET_last_login% player(offline) Gets the last date and time that this player was witnessed on this server.
%TARGET_has_played% player(offline) false
%TARGET_gamemode% player CREATIVE
%TARGET_flying% player true
%TARGET_sneaking% player true
%TARGET_money% player(offline) The money of player has. 1000
%TARGET_points% player(offline) The points of player has. 100
%TARGET_perm_PERMISSION% player(offline) Checks if the target has certain permission node. true


If the player is offline, the placeholder of player without "(offline)" will return nothing.

Target Description
player The main target player.
entity The main target entity.
entity The main target entity type.
block The main target block.
item The main target item.
Placeholder Target Description Example
%TARGET% player(offline), entity, block, item, material The target name. Momocraft
%TARGET_type% entity, block, item, material The target type. ZOMBIE
%TARGET_type_local% entity, block, item, material The the local language of target type. 殭屍
%TARGET_display_name% player, entity, item §c§lZombie King
%TARGET_has_custom_name% player, entity, item true
%TARGET_amount% item 64
%TARGET_max_stack% item, material 16
%TARGET_uuid% player(offline), entity f11915de-e889-3fd8-b79a-71ba4ffe919b
%TARGET_world% player, entity, block, location world
%TARGET_loc% player, entity, block, location 100, 80, 100
%TARGET_loc_x% player, entity, block, location 100
%TARGET_loc_y% player, entity, block, location 80
%TARGET_loc_z% player, entity, block, location 100
%TARGET_loc_x%NUMBER% player, entity, block, location The coordinate of x and offset value. 101
%TARGET_loc_y%NUMBER% player, entity, block, location The coordinate of y and offset value. 81
%TARGET_loc_z%NUMBER% player, entity, block, location The coordinate of z and offset value. 101
%TARGET_nearby%TYPE%name/type/amount%GROUP%RADIUS% player, entity, block, location Getting the nearby targets' name, type, or amount. TYPE: "players", "entities, materials", "mythicmobs". GROUP: "all", Custom group in CorePlus/groups.yml. More information: group.yml Momocraft, §c§lZombie King, CREEPER
%TARGET_world_time% player, entity, block, location The world time. 23850
%TARGET_boimes% player, entity, block, location DESERT
%TARGET_light% player, entity, block, location Mobs spawn: ">8", Crop grow: ">9", Ice melts: ">12". More information: Light 15
%TARGET_liquid% player, entity, block, location The location is in liquid or not. true
%TARGET_solid% player, entity, block, location The location is in solid or not. false
%TARGET_cave% player, entity, block, location 【malfunction】The location is in cave or not. Searching radius: 3 blocks true
%TARGET_outside% player, entity, block, location The location is under the sun or not. true
%TARGET_residence% player, entity, block, location The location's residence name. spawn
%TARGET_in_residence% player, entity, block, location The location's residence name. true
%TARGET_is_usable% block, item, material If the material is door, button, crafing_table, etc. true
%TARGET_is_container% block, item, material If the material is chest, shulker_box, hopper, etc. true
%TARGET_is_itemjoin% block, item If the item is ItemJoin's custom item. true
%TARGET_itemjoin_node% block, item Gets the itemjoin node. menu
%TARGET_is_menu% block, item If the item is server menu. Needs to setup in CorePlus/config.yml true
%TARGET_skull_textures% block, item Gets the item's skull textures. TEXTURES_VALUE
%TARGET_inv_type%SLOT% player, entity, block The item type in the slot. DIAMOND_SWORD
%TARGET_inv_name%SLOT% player, entity, block The item name in the slot. &e&lExcalibur
%TARGET_is_usable%SLOT% block, item, material If the material in the slot is door, button, crafing_table, etc. true
%TARGET_is_container%SLOT% block, item, material If the material in the slot is chest, shulker_box, hopper, etc. true
%TARGET_is_itemjoin%SLOT% block, item If the item in the slot is ItemJoin's custom item. true
%TARGET_itemjoin_node%SLOT% block, item Gets the itemjoin node in the slot. menu
%TARGET_is_menu%SLOT% block, item If the item in the slot is server menu. Needs to setup in CorePlus/config.yml true
%TARGET_skull_textures%SLOT% block, item Gets the item's skull textures in the slot. TEXTURES_VALUE
%TARGET_location%LOCATION% player, entity, block, location If the target is in the Location. true
%TARGET_blocks%BLOCKS% player, entity, block, location If the target is nearby certain Blocks. true


Placeholder Description Example
%localtime_time% To get the local time. 2020/08/08 12:30:00
%random_number%NUMBER% To get a random number. 1120
%random_list%STRING1,STRING2% To get a random online player except for some players. Momocraft
%random_player% To get a random online player. AllBye
%random_player_except%PLAYER1,PLAYER2% To get a random online player except for some players. Momocraft


Space: "{s}" b Empty: "{e}"


Placeholder Description Input Output
%str_replace%VALUE%OLDCHAR%NEWCHAR% Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar. %str_replace%Momocraft%craft%{e}% Momo
%str_endsWith%VALUE%SUFFIX% Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. %str_endsWith%Momocraft%craft% true
%str_startsWith%VALUE%PREFIX% Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix. %str_endsWith%Momocraft%momo% false
%str_startsWith%VALUE%PREFIX%OFFSET% Tests if the substring of this string beginning at the specified index starts with the specified prefix. %str_startsWith%Momocraft%omo%1% true
%str_matches%VALUE%REGEX% Tells whether or not this string matches the given regular expression. %str_matches%Momocraft%[a-zA-Z]+% true
%str_toLowerCase%VALUE% Converts all of the characters in this String to lower case using the rules of the given Locale. %str_toLowerCase%Momocraft% MOMOCRAFT
%str.toUpperCase%VALUE% Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the given Locale. %str_toLowerCase%Momocraft% momocraft
%str_length%VALUE% Returns the length of this string. %string_length%Momocraft% 9
%str_indexO%VALUE%CHAR% Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring. %str_indexOf%Momocraft%M% 0
%str_lastIndexOf%VALUE%CHAR% Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character. %str_lastIndexOf%Momocraft%t% 8
%str_equals%VALUE%anotherString% Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations.
%str_equalsIgnoreCase%VALUE%anotherString% Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations. %str_equalsIgnoreCase%Momocraft%momocraft% true
%str_contains%VALUE%STRING% Returns true if and only if this string contains the specified sequence of char values. %str_contains%Momocraft%craf% true
%str_charAt%VALUE%INDEX% Returns the char value at the specified index. An index ranges from 0 to length() - 1. %str_charAt%Momocraft%3% m
%str_substring%VALUE%beginIndex% Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. %string_substring%Momocraft%4% craft
%str_substring%VALUE%beginIndex%endIndex% Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. %str_substring%Momocraft%5%%string.length%Momocraft% craft
%str_split%VALUE%REGEX% Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression. %str_split%1+2+3%+% 123


Placeholder Description Example Input Output
<js>FORMULA</js> Calculation formula. <js>(%AMOUNT%/(9+1)*10)%10</js> %AMOUNT%=11 1
<js>SCRIPT<var>VAR</js> Execution script. <js>var input='%VALUE%';" + "var output ='' ;" + "for (i = 0; i <= input.length; i++) { " + " output = input.charAt(i) + output" + "}<var>output</js> %VALUE%=abcdefg gfedcba
<js>SCRIPT<var>VAR1, VAR2</js> Execution script. <js>var input='%VALUE%';" + "var output ='' ;" + "for (i = 0; i <= input.length; i++) { " + " output = input.charAt(i) + output" + "}<var>input, output</js> %VALUE%=abcdefg abcdefg, gfedcba


More information: conditions

Placeholder Description
%condition%CONDITION% Checking if the the "Conditions" in condition.yml is matched.
<if>CONDITION1<and>CONDITION2</if> Checking if the the "CONDITION1" and "CONDITION2" both matched.
<if>CONDITION1<or>CONDITION2</if> Checking if the the "CONDITION1" or "CONDITION2" is matched.
<if>CONDITION1<and>CONDITION2<or>CONDITION3</if> Checking if the the "CONDITION1" and "CONDITION2" both matched or "CONDITION3" is matched.


If the conditions are matched, executing the action.

The condition is the same format without "<if>" and "</if>".

Placeholder Description
Placeholder Description
Example Input Output
<action>%server_name%=survival<true>&a&lSurvival</action> %server_name%=survival &a&lSurvival
<action>%server_name%=lobby<true>TRUE<false>FALSE</action> %server_name%=lobby2 false
<action>%server_name%=lobby<false>FALSE</action> %server_name%=lobby
<action>%server_name%=lobby<true><str_replace>%server_name%<var></str_replace>LOBBY%<elseif>%server_name%=survival<true>SURVIVAL<else>%server_name%=lobby2% %server_name%=lobby2 false


Features Available Example
Spawn, Limit, Purge entity %entity_cave%
Drop player, entity %player_cave%
Damage entity, target(=entity), trigger, player(=trigger) %trigger_cave%
Spawner block, entity %block_cave%
Spawner Description Example
%spawner% To type of spawner. ZOMBIE
%spawner_type_local% The the local language of spawner type. Zombie
%new_spawner% To type of new spawner. CREEPER
%new_spawner_type_local% The the local language of spawner type. Creeper
%nearbyplayers% The list of nearby players. Momocraft, Steve


Placeholder Description Example
%nick% To get the input nick of player. Momo
%color% To get color code of nick. a


Points Description Example
%points_balance% The residence points. 7000
%points_limit% The limit of residence points. 10000
%points_used% The number of used residence points 3000
%points_group% The group or group of residence points VIP
%points_level% The group or group of residence points LV.10
%points_size% The select residence size. 125
%points_format% The residence points' display name. Can be translate in CorePlus/config.yml. points



The value of placeholder %TARGET_inv%SLOT% and %TARGET_inv_name%SLOT%.

Slot type Description Values
Inventory 0 ~ 35
Craft Table... 0 ~ 3
Anvil... 0 ~ 2
Horse, Llama... 0