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Update authorize.lisp with abstractions for obtaining an Oauth access…
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…-tokens. Add inline comments as to how these abstractions relate to the oauth spec.
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mon-key committed Jul 28, 2012
1 parent 3c39464 commit c02f8b5
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 30 deletions.
175 changes: 145 additions & 30 deletions authorize.lisp
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are full of devs reporting hassles when attempting to access privately scoped
fields on the sandbox.
- Set the endpoint-type to :production.
- Set the endpoint-type to :production (or :sandbox as need dictates)
(when (eql (nth-value 1 (etsy-environment)) :sandbox)
(set-etsy-environment :endpoint-type :production))
- generate a new request-token
- Generate a new request-token
Section 6.1 "The Consumer obtains an unauthorized Request Token."
(set-api-request-token :drakma-header-stream *standard-output*)
- obtain a verification code by accessing the URL returned from:
- Obtain a verification code
Section 6.2 "The User authorizes the Request Token."
We do this by accessing the URL returned from:
- set the *api-request-token* verification-code slot to the code we recieved.
- Set the *api-request-token* verification-code slot to the code we obtained above.
doing so has the effect that when we go to obtain the access code the
authorization headers will contain the following key/value pair:
Note, although the request-token *api-request-token* _has_ a verification-code for it's
slot value it isn't meaningfull b/c the slot-value was simply init'd as (random-verification-code)
(setf (cl-oauth:request-token-verification-code *api-request-token*) "<VERIFICATION-CODE>")
- set the authorized-p slot to T
(cl-oauth:authorize-request-token *api-request-token*)
- Set the authorized-p slot to T
(cl-oauth:authorize-request-token *api-request-token*)
- obtain an access-token
(let ((drakma:*header-stream* *standard-output*))
(setf *api-access-token* (cl-oauth:obtain-access-token (get-access-token-endpoint) *api-request-token*)))
- Obtain an access-token
"Section 6.3 The Consumer exchanges the Request Token for an Access Token."
(with-drakma-drakma-header-stream *standard-output*
(setf *api-access-token* (cl-oauth:obtain-access-token (get-access-token-endpoint) *api-request-token*)))
Holding onto our existing tokens:
(defparameter *api-production-access-token* *api-access-token*)
(setf *api-production-access-token* *api-access-token*)
(defparameter *api-production-request-token* *api-request-token*)
(setf *api-production-request-token* *api-request-token*)
What the user sees when asked to grant an app permission to the user account:
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`make-api-consumer-token', `set-api-consumer-token'."
(setf *api-consumer-token* (make-api-consumer-token)))

;; (make-api-request-token)
(defun make-api-request-token (&key (permission-parameters *api-default-permission-scope*))
(defun make-api-request-token (&key (permission-parameters *api-default-permission-scope*)
(drakma-header-stream nil))
;; :NOTE The returned request token will be generated with an endpoint
;; as per current _dynamic_ value *base-url*.
;; See return value of (etsy-environment) for details.
(declare ((or cl:boolean stream) drakma-header-stream))
(when (null *api-consumer-token*)
(error ":FUNCTION `make-api-request-token' -- value of *api-consumer-token* must not be null"))
(assert (typep *api-consumer-token* 'cl-oauth:consumer-token))
(get-request-token-endpoint) ;URI
*api-consumer-token* ; CONSUMER-TOKEN
:user-parameters (list (get-default-permission-scope-parameter :permission-parameters permission-parameters))))
(with-drakma-drakma-header-stream drakma-header-stream
(get-request-token-endpoint) ;URI
*api-consumer-token* ; CONSUMER-TOKEN
:user-parameters (list (get-default-permission-scope-parameter :permission-parameters permission-parameters)))))

;; *api-request-token*
;; (set-api-request-token)
(defun set-api-request-token (&key (permission-parameters *api-default-permission-scope*))
(setf *api-request-token* (make-api-request-token :permission-parameters permission-parameters)))

;; (make-api-access-token :consumer *api-consumer-token* :key "<KEY>" :secret "<SECRET>")
(defun make-api-access-token (&key consumer key secret)
(declare (cl:type cl-oauth:consumer-token consumer) ; cl:type is shadowed.
(string key secret))
:consumer consumer
:key key
:secret secret
;; As of 2012-07-20 we can't get the sandbox to return a valid access token.
;; Until we can assume the token orignated from production URI.
;; :origin-uri (get-access-token-endpoint)
:origin-uri ""))
(defun set-api-request-token (&key (permission-parameters *api-default-permission-scope*)
(drakma-header-stream nil))
(declare ((or cl:boolean stream) drakma-header-stream))
(with-drakma-drakma-header-stream drakma-header-stream
(setf *api-request-token* (make-api-request-token :permission-parameters permission-parameters))))

(defun set-etsy-verification-code-for-request-token (etsy-verification-code &optional (request-token *api-request-token*))
(declare (string etsy-verification-code)
(cl:type cl-oauth:request-token request-token))
(assert (typep request-token cl-oauth:request-token))
(setf (cl-oauth:request-token-verification-code request-token) etsy-verification-code)
(if (cl-oauth:request-token-authorized-p request-token)
(cl-oauth:authorize-request-token request-token)))

;; (cl-oauth:token-consumer *api-consumer-token*)
;; (with-drakma-drakma-header-stream *standard-output*
;; (setf *api-access-token* (cl-oauth:obtain-access-token (get-access-token-endpoint) *api-request-token*)))
(defun set-access-token-verifying-request-token (etsy-verification-code
&optional (request-token *api-request-token*))
"Update unauthorized REQUEST-TOKEN with ETSY-VERIFICATION-CODE and usit it
to obtain an access-token setting *api-request-token* to the access-token so obtained.
; set *api-request-token* to a newly geneerated request-token
\(set-api-request-token\) ;
; Get a URL we should visit to obtain \"<VERIFICATION-CODE>\"
; Set *api-access-token* to a newly generated access-token using \"<VERIFICATION-CODE>\"
\(set-access-token-verifying-request-token \"<VERIFICATION-CODE>\"\)
:NOTE Once we've obtained valid credentials we no longer need to re-request new
credentials for the authorized user. We can store the token-key and token-secret
slots of the valid access-token to a file. Later, we can reinstantiate a valid
acces key as follows:
\(write-api-credentials-to-file #P\"/path-to/etsy-access-token-key-and-secret\"\)
\(make-api-access-token-from-file-credentials #P\"/path-to/etsy-access-token-key-and-secret\"\)"
(declare (string etsy-verification-code)
(cl:type cl-oauth:request-token request-token))
(assert (typep request-token cl-oauth:request-token))
(setf *api-access-token*
(set-access-token-with-verified-request-token etsy-verification-code

;; (setf *api-access-token*
;; (make-api-access-token :consumer *api-consumer-token* :key "<KEY>" :secret "<SECRET>")
(defun make-api-access-token (&key consumer key secret
(origin-uri (get-access-token-endpoint))
(drakma-header-stream nil))
(declare (cl:type cl-oauth:consumer-token consumer)
(cl:string key secret)
((or cl:boolean stream) drakma-header-stream))
(with-drakma-drakma-header-stream drakma-header-stream
:consumer consumer
:key key
:secret secret
;; As of 2012-07-20 we can't get the sandbox to return a valid access token.
;; Until we can assume the token orignated from production URI.
;; :origin-uri "")))
:origin-uri origin-uri)))

(defun write-api-credentials-to-file (pathname)
"Write the value of `*api-key*', `*api-shared-secret*' and key and secret
slots of `*api-access-token*' to PATHNAME. Values written to PATHNAME should be
be replayable for recreating a valid oauth access-token."
(with-open-file (tks pathname
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create
:direction :output)
(list (list :api-credentials
(list (cons :api-key *api-key*)
(cons :api-shared-secret *api-shared-secret*)))
(list :access-token-credentials
(list (cons :access-token-key (cl-oauth:token-key *api-access-token*))
(cons :access-token-secret (cl-oauth:token-secret *api-access-token*))))
(cons :origin-uri
:stream tks)

(defun read-api-credentials-from-file (pathname)
"Read contents of PATHNAME and return a list of the credentials read.
Elements of the returned list are strings the values of which correspond to the following credentials:
The contents of PATHNAME should be contained of the output from `write-api-credentials-to-file'."
(let* ((keys-and-secrets
(with-open-file (tks pathname :direction :input)
(read tks)))
(cadr (assoc :api-credentials keys-and-secrets)))
(cadr (assoc :access-token-credentials keys-and-secrets)))
(cdr (assoc :api-key api-credentials)))
(cdr (assoc :api-shared-secret api-credentials)))
(cdr (assoc :access-token-key access-token-credentials)))
(cdr (assoc :access-token-secret access-token-credentials)))
(origin-uri (cdr (assoc :origin-uri keys-and-secrets))))
(list api-key api-secret access-token-key access-token-secret origin-uri)))

(defun make-api-access-token-from-file-credentials (pathname)
(destructuring-bind (api-key api-shared-secret access-token-key access-token-secret origin-uri)
(read-api-credentials-from-file pathname)
*api-key* api-key
*api-shared-secret api-shared-secret
*api-access-token* (make-api-access-token
:consumer (set-api-consumer-token)
:key access-token-key
:secret access-token-secret
:origin-uri origin-uri))))

(defun get-default-permission-scope-parameter (&key (permission-parameters *api-default-permission-scope*))
"Return a permission-scope parameters as a consed pair.
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