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Microservice for backend/REST API for NFT based marketplace for digital artwork

How to install:

  1. Clone this git repostiory
  2. In root folder, run command "npm install".

How to run:

  1. Create a file in root folder with the name secret.json
  2. Enter account mnemonic in this format in the file - { "secret": "mnemonic phrases" }
  3. Create a fie in root folder with name ".env" and enter FROM ACCOUNT and RINKEBY_RPC_URL as follows: FROM_ACCOUNT=<0x Binance Smart Chain Address/Account> RINKEBY_RPC_URL=
  4. In root folder, run command "node server.js"
  5. Use browser to create NFT token for digital artwork with URL, for example, http://localhost:4000/mint?toaddress=&tokenuri= .

To access the front end - cd into the src folder and see the readme file.