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Process JUnit test results into TestRail.

junit2testrail will read JUnit XML results from stdin and post those results to the nominated TestRail server. TestRail-specific configuration is supplied via environment variables:

  • TESTRAIL_SERVER is the full URL of the TestRail instance
  • USERNAME is the username of the user that will be used to post updates
  • PASSWORD is the password of that user
  • PROJECT_NAME is the project name on the TestRail instance to be updating
  • SUITE_NAME is the suite name within the TestRail project to be updated

Example usage

$ cat junit-sample.xml | TESTRAIL_SERVER=... USERNAME=... PASSWORD=... PROJECT_NAME="My Test Project" SUITE_NAME="Master" go run JUnit.go


$ go build

$ cat junit-sample.xml | TESTRAIL_SERVER=... USERNAME=... PASSWORD=... PROJECT_NAME="My Test Project" SUITE_NAME="Master" ./junit2testrail


$ docker build . -t junit2testrail:latest

$ docker run -e ...


  • decide how to handle JUnit test cases that don't exist within the nominated project/suite
    • ignore them?
    • error out?
    • create the test case within the project/suite and update it?
    • decided to handle this by automatically adding a new test case within the project/suite, then updating it
  • couldn't get batches of updates working due to some strangeness in the TestRail API - at the moment I'm doing one update per testcase, which isn't ideal
  • write some --help documentation
  • create some detailed docs
  • consider adding support for Zephyr, XRay, ALM etc. (shouldn't be hard, just don't need it yet)
  • work out how to drive this from Kubernetes-hosted infra, as part of a completely automated testing capability (e.g. test execution driven by Gitops)
  • consider whether this should be installable as a Knative FaaS
  • build in CI to build/test & deploy to a Docker registry (, GCP, AWS, Azure, ...)