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This gem can be used to easily search and query the CKAN APIs. For example, those located at:

Any resource that can be found on should be searchable via its resource_id. These generally adhere to a format like c95fae96-ce4a-459c-a935-ba2a37767ac9, and can be found on Inventory pages (example) and are found in the final portion of the URL path.


gem 'DataDotGov', github: 'moneythink/'


# use predefined resources
resource = DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING
client ='depaul') #=> [#<DataDotGov::Objects::PostSecondary:0x007ff8c5904cf8 @_id=1104, @institution_name="DePaul University", @state="IL", ... ]

# use whatever resource_id you like (obtain from
client = '6d2a0324-5964-44c3-97be-061c0eb5fcc9')
results ='Child Care Provider/Assistant')
results.last.program_title # => 'Child Card Provider/Assistant'
results.first.award_level # => 'Associate's degree'

# configure client to cache responses for the same params consecutively in memory
resource = DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING
client =, cache: true)
result1 = client.find('DePaul University') #=> not from cache
result2 = client.find('DePaul University') #=> from cache

Cache configuration

resource = DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING
client =, cache_options: { expires_in: 86400 }) # Default cache is MemoryStore (which is a bad idea for Rails apps!)
# Other options:
client =, cache: :memcache, cache_servers: [''])
client =, cache: :file, cache_file_path: 'tmp/cache/')

Client methods

Methods you can use to search with a DataDotGov::Client instance:


Usage: search(value, offset = 0, limit = 20)

Example: search('illinois', 0, 10)

Returns: All items containing the given word anywhere in its data. You may get some VERY tangential matches! For example, if you're searching using the DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING item and you search a state school like 'Illinois', you'll get matches that have addresses on Illinois Street, etc. Use methods below for more restrictive results.

Sample results for DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING: Objects with names of "Colorado School of Mines"‡, "Carl Sandburg College", "Southwestern Illinois College", "Illinois Wesleyan University", "Hair Professionals Academy of Cosmetology", "Illinois State University", "DeVry University-Illinois", "Illinois College of Optometry", "Eastern Illinois University", "Illinois College", etc.

‡ See. I told you. Colorado School of Mines is on 1500 Illinois St in Golden, CO.


Usage: contains(value, limit = 20)

Example: contains('pennsylvania', 50)

Returns: Up to 50 results with names containing the word 'pennsylvania' or 'Pennsylvania'. Note: The limit is the number of results that will be returned; you are likely to get fewer than 50 results as the endpoint will often return matches that belong to the state of Pennsylvania, or in a county called Pennsylvania, or other matches outside of the title. AFAIK, there is no way to fuzzy match on a name field only.

Sample results for DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING: Objects with names of "Pennsylvania Institute of Health and Technology", "Strayer University-Pennsylvania", "Pennsylvania Institute of Taxidermy Inc", "York College Pennsylvania", "Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology", "DeVry University-Pennsylvania", etc.


Usage: starts_with(value, limit = 20)

Example: starts_with('iowa', 50)

Returns: Up to 50 results with names starting with the word 'iowa' or 'Iowa'. Note: The limit is the number of results that will be returned; you are likely to get fewer than 50 results as the endpoint will often return matches that belong to the state of Iowa, or in a county called Iowa, or other matches outside of the title. Currently, there is no way to fuzzy match on a name field only.

Sample results for DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING: Objects with names of "Iowa Wesleyan College", "Iowa Western Community College", "Iowa Central Community College", "Iowa Lakes Community College", etc.

find (has some caveats)

Usage: find(exact_name)

Example: find('DePaul University')

Returns: An EXACT match for the term.

Sample results for DataDotGov::Resources::Ed::PostSecondary::DIRECTORY_LISTING: DePaul University†

Note: If you search 'depaul university' or 'DePaul', you will get NOTHING. This has to be exact. Another good example is Ohio State University: its official record is 'Ohio State University-Main Campus', so good luck finding that with exact name.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run bundle exec DataDotGov to use the code located in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/DataDotGov/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Search and query the CKAN APIs in Ruby.


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