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@jmikola jmikola released this 21 Aug 21:54
· 898 commits to master since this release

The PHP team is happy to announce that the third 1.6 alpha version of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

When connected to MongoDB 3.6, the driver can now automatically retry queries and read commands executed with executeQuery() and executeReadCommand(), respectively, that fail due to a network error or replica set failover. Note that only initial queries and commands can be retried; getMore commands issued during cursor iteration are not retryable. This feature is controlled by a new retryReads URI option, which defaults to true.

As of this release, retryable writes are now enabled by default. Note that retryable writes are fundamentally incompatible with the MMAPv1 storage engine. Applications still relying on MMAPv1 should consider upgrading to WiredTiger or otherwise disable retryable writes explicitly by setting the retryWrites URI option to false.

MongoDB 4.2 introduced aggregation pipelines for updates, which allows for more expressive update statements (e.g. conditional updates based on current field values). To support this feature, BulkWrite::update() now accepts a pipeline array as its second argument.

This release also upgrades our bundled libbson and libmongoc libraries to 1.15.0.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found at:


Documentation is available on


We would appreciate any feedback you might have on the project:


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb

Windows binaries are available on PECL: