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@kmahar kmahar released this 07 Jun 15:22
· 292 commits to main since this release

The MongoDB Rust driver team is pleased to announce the v2.3.0-beta release of the mongodb crate.

Highlighted Changes

The following sections detail some of the major changes included in this release. For a full list of changes, see the Full Release Notes section below.

MSRV Increase (RUST-1263)

The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) for this crate is now Rust 1.53.

MongoDB 6.0 Support

This release adds support for a number of new features added in MongoDB 6.0, including change streams with document pre- and post-images and clustered collections.

The latest release candidate for MongoDB 6.0 is currently available for download here as well as on MongoDB Atlas.

Changes to mongodb::Collection::estimated_document_count implementation (RUST-1216)

When adding support for MongoDB 5.0, the driver's implementation of estimated_document_count was changed from using the count command to the aggregate command with the $collStats aggregation stage. This change first appeared in our 2.0.0-alpha.1 release. This change inadvertently broke support for using this method on views, as they do not support using $collStats.
In this release, we have reverted that change, and estimated_document_count is now once again implemented using the count command.
Please note that due to an oversight, count was omitted from the MongoDB Stable API version 1 in MongoDB server versions 5.0.0-5.0.8 and 5.1.0-5.3.1. Consequently, users of the Stable API who use estimated_document_count are recommended to either upgrade their MongoDB clusters to 5.0.9+ or 5.3.2+ (if on Atlas), or to set ClientOptions.server_api.strict to false when constructing Clients.

New ConnectionString type

RUST-1193 introduced a new public mongodb::options::ConnectionString type, which models a MongoDB connection string. This type can be used to parse a connection string and inspect and manipulate its contents, and to initialize a mongodb::options::ClientOptions, and in turn a mongodb::Client.

For example:

use mongodb::{
    options::{ClientOptions, ConnectionString},

let mut conn_str = ConnectionString::parse("mongodb://localhost:27017/?appName=myApp1")?;
println!("{:?}", conn_str.app_name); // prints: Some("myApp1")
conn_str.app_name = Some("newAppName".to_string());
println!("{:?}", conn_str.app_name); // prints: Some("newAppName")

let options = ClientOptions::parse_connection_string(conn_str).await?;
let client = Client::with_options(options)?;

The differences between a ConnectionString and ClientOptions are that:

  1. ConnectionString only contains client options that are universal across MongoDB drivers and can be set via a MongoDB connection string, whereas ClientOptions also contains Rust driver-specific options,
  2. When using a mongodb+srv connection string, initializing a ClientOptions will perform SRV and TXT lookup, whereas initializing a ConnectionString will not. Note that if a ConnectionString is initialized and then used to construct a ClientOptions or a Client, SRV/TXT lookup will be performed at that time.

Included Tickets

Below are a selected list of tickets with user impact; for a full list of completed tickets see this Jira query.


  • [RUST-332] - Operations don't report errors for invalid setName in single topologies
  • [RUST-1274] - commitTransaction retry sometimes fails with InvalidOptions error
  • [RUST-1328] - ServerDescriptionChangedEvents for servers with errors always emitted even when description does not change
  • [RUST-1337] - Significant performance regression in large reads

New Feature

  • [RUST-1166] - Change streams support for user-facing PIT pre- and post-images
  • [RUST-1193] - Introduce ConnectionString type
  • [RUST-1271] - Clustered Indexes for all Collections
  • [RUST-1290] - Always report 'wallTime' in the change stream event output



  • [RUST-488] - Allow using both async and sync API
  • [RUST-585] - Refactor Topology to use channels instead of locks
  • [RUST-803] - Use "hello" command for monitoring if supported
  • [RUST-1152] - Use hello command + OP_MSG when 'loadBalanced=True'
  • [RUST-1168] - Do not error when parsing change stream event documents
  • [RUST-1216] - Use the count command instead of collStats to implement estimatedDocumentCount