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Releases: mongodb/mongodb-atlas-cli


13 Aug 13:13
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Breaking change

MongoDB CLI will now change the default output format to a simplified view, to revert back to the old behaviour please use --output json on any command, or to make this your preferred default please do mongocli config set output json

New Features

  • Adds support for Programmatic API Keys
  • Adds support for Ops Manager and Cloud Manager Agent API keys
  • Adds support for Private Endpoints

Fixes and Improvements

  • When Creating Ops Manager or Cloud Manager projects the response now includes the generated Agent API key


d2a9907 CLOUDP-67924: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) list|ls (#315)
8357185 CLOUDP-67926: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) describe (#316)
3dd8e8a CLOUDP-67927: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikeys create (#319)
d7d6635 CLOUDP-67928: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) update (#317)
b06468d CLOUDP-67929: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) delete (#318)
c9ad623 CLOUDP-67930: iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) whitelist|ipwhitelist list|ls (#324)
f55e2ef CLOUDP-67931: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) whitelist|ipwhitelist create (#331)
15071ce CLOUDP-67932: mongocli iam organizations|orgs apiKey(s)|apikey(s) whitelist|ipwhitelist delete (#334)
313201d CLOUDP-67933: Project api keys list (#321)
0a9760d CLOUDP-67935: create project api key (#322)
8821c06 CLOUDP-67936: mongocli iam project(s) apiKey(s)|apikey(s) update (#338)
4f148bd CLOUDP-67937: mongocli iam project(s) apiKey(s)|apikey(s) delete (#336)
688ed54 CLOUDP-68444: Enable simplified output by default (#320)
3c7b751 CLOUDP-68499: mongocli ops-manager agents list (#325)
7b18e0e CLOUDP-68500: mongocli ops-manager agent(s) apiKey list (#337)
ee680cd CLOUDP-68501: mongocli ops-manager agent(s) apiKey(s) create (#339)
688c84b CLOUDP-68502: mongocli ops-manager agent(s) apiKey(s) delete (#340)
a28bf4e CLOUDP-68503: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) list|ls (#344)
801117e CLOUDP-68504: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) create (#351)
311446a CLOUDP-68505: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) describe (#348)
ed4e168 CLOUDP-68506: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) delete (#349)
c983782 CLOUDP-68507: mongocli atlas privateEndpoint(s) interface(s) create (#354)
ff2f3d9 CLOUDP-68508: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) interface(s) describe (#356)
bf0bdee CLOUDP-68509: mongocli atlas privateendpoint(s) interface(s) delete (#353)
6c0e39f CLOUDP-68510: allow for users to define their go template (#323)
cbed55f CLOUDP-68632: mark roles and description as mandatory (#330)
cab240a CLOUDP-68633: Update GOLANGCI_VERSION (#332)
4a6be04 CLOUDP-68635: Add mongocli to redhat6 yum repo (#333)
0cbfdba CLOUDP-68636: Add e2e test for org API keys (#335)
59ff3b2 CLOUDP-68637: implement e2e tests for apikeys/whitelist (#342)
d50c087 CLOUDP-68758: Include API keys in creation message (#341)
15b690c CLOUDP-68878: split the description package (#343)
9e91ca2 CLOUDP-69013: Automatically generate command aliases (#347)
9808850 CLOUDP-69085: Add ldapType flag to user creation (#350)
afe5ae8 CLOUDP-69105: mongocli atlas privateEndpoints watch (#352)
2264e1e CLOUDP-69272: [mongocli] e2e test clean up
9c893cb CLOUDP-69273: [mongocli] Update release instructions (#357)
5edb095 build(deps): bump from 2.0.8 to 2.1.0 (#346)
1abf48b build(deps): bump from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (#355)
ff358a4 build(deps): bump from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 (#326)
c332ecb build(deps): bump from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 (#328)
2d84043 build(deps): bump from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 (#345)
4180a3f build(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (#327)
824b906 build(deps): go mod tidy (#329)
e1c1c3f chore: add dependabot reviewers
d883065 chore: update issue config to point to mcli forum
fa19e33 doc: update
744dfab fix: fix e2e test
f7bc479 fix: fix e2e tests
c5157be fix: missing out flags
3c3da9b task: add an github issue template config


30 Jul 16:03
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New Features

  • Adds support for Atlas Search
  • Adds support for X.509 Configurations in Atlas
  • Adds support for X.509 database users in Atlas
  • Adds support for AWS IAM database users in Atlas


  • Fixes Custom CA for Ops Manager
  • Improves Automation Config options
  • When creating a project for Ops Manager returns the agent API key


706a61d CLOUDP-59489: generate scram sha credentials using the go client (#312)
c318499 CLOUDP-62262: Create a simplified view of atlas cluster (#281)
82c50c9 CLOUDP-62263:Add a simplified view for clusters operations in Ops manager (#287)
d6f5ea9 CLOUDP-67147: mongocli atlas cluster(s) search index(es) list|ls (#254)
f40dbb5 CLOUDP-67148: mongocli atlas cluster(s) search index(es) describe (#264)
009e16e CLOUDP-67149: mongocli atlas cluster(s) search index(es) create (#260)
ccb8035 CLOUDP-67150: mongocli atlas cluster(s) search index(es) update (#272)
4cd2116 CLOUDP-67151: mongocli atlas cluster(s) search index(es) delete (#263)
5371aaf CLOUDP-67270: Use a Digest Access Auth mechanism with support for SHA-256 (#258)
fd9b1d3 CLOUDP-67367: mongocli om clusters delete (#259)
00072af CLOUDP-67424: implement atlas security customerCerts describe (#265)
c1bcc6c CLOUDP-67425: atlas customercerts create (#270)
2161c8c CLOUDP-67426: atlas certs disable (#271)
0e47b1a CLOUDP-67537: add x509 type to dbusers create (#280)
6a4366d CLOUDP-67623: Update golangci-lint (#268)
f4004b5 CLOUDP-67625: Update the (#269)
a8d9a5d CLOUDP-67654 dbusers iam auth (#282)
77cf91a CLOUDP-67656: describe DBuser (#284)
7ac5427 CLOUDP-67657: atlas certs list (#273)
21dfa79 CLOUDP-67658: dbusers certs create (#276)
be87082 CLOUDP-67735: Handle ca certificate for digest transport (#274)
aa78cb1 CLOUDP-67741: Add a global --output flag (#275)
f1657d8 CLOUDP-67829: Interface cleanup (#277)
6a43526 CLOUDP-67836: Add a function to handle output formats (#279)
b57e0ac CLOUDP-67923: Add --deleteAfter to dbusers create (#285)
fabd4f8 CLOUDP-67942: simplified view for agent upgrade (#288)
522370b CLOUDP-67943: update cli/alerts output to use the new simplified format (#290)
6afa46c CLOUDP-67957: update internal/cli/events to use new output (#291)
b912702 CLOUDP-67958: output format for organizations (#289)
67f612e CLOUDP-67959: project simplified output (#295)
63af25f CLOUDP-67960: update internal/cli/atlas/backup to use the new output and fix point in time backup (#292)
671c490 CLOUDP-67961: update internal/cli/atlas/datalake to use the new output format (#294)
252c050 CLOUDP-67962: add simplified output for DBUsers (#299)
d2296aa CLOUDP-67963: update internal/cli/atlas/onlinearchive to use the new output (#300)
dee841d CLOUDP-67964: update internal/cli/atlas/search to use the new output (#298)
c6e1703 CLOUDP-68114: Add CAS field for security certs (#304)
c0a96ec CLOUDP-68115: add whitelist simplified format (#301)
35be59b CLOUDP-68116: add simplified process list output (#305)
a8c5d71 CLOUDP-68210: Take cluster e2e tests out of the PR suite (#293)
dae1865 CLOUDP-68237: Fix test repo publishing (#296)
dce891d CLOUDP-68246: fix search index creation with static fields (#297)
ab69511 CLOUDP-68271: simplified output for backups (#313)
08166d0 CLOUDP-68272: update internal/cli/opsmanager/logs to use the simplified format (#310)
94c84ba CLOUDP-68273: update internal/cli/opsmanager/servers to use the simplified output (#306)
015e896 CLOUDP-68278: don't make generic cloud manager tests depend on spawn host (#302)
9c5c732 CLOUDP-68318: update cli/opsmanager/processes describe and list to use the simplified output (#309)
db71537 CLOUDP-68324: Update owner creation to use the simplified format (#307)
9ec0ac6 CLOUDP-68335: Include Agent API key on project create response (#308)
4f90371 CLOUDP-68337: internal/cli/atlas/metrics and internal/cli/opsmanager/metrics to use the simplified output (#314)
696242c Update issue templates (#262)
7f58bc7 build(deps): bump from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 (#267)
ce0b643 build(deps): bump from 1.2.2 to 1.3.2 (#266)
ddc9b53 build(deps): bump (#303)
1e75452 build(deps): bump from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 (#286)
1b10f34 fix: add missing defer ctrl.Finish()
877be6c task: Move dependabot to the .github folder
246e52b task: encapsulate commands in packages (#283)
2cdcfda task: update e2e error message
e22c3bb task: update ops manager go client to v0.7.1 (#278)


16 Jul 17:42
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Add support to Atlas Data Lake and Atlas Search


66e84a0 CLOUDP-66609: add Data Lake ls command (#236)
9a14e5e CLOUDP-66610: datalake describe (#237)
a0bbc58 CLOUDP-66611: create datalake (#238)
2f0a49e CLOUDP-66612: mongocli datalake update (#240)
14569a8 CLOUDP-66613: mongocli datalake delete (#239)
0fa9d4c CLOUDP-66831: mongocli atlas cluster(s) onlineArchive list (#234)
9284755 CLOUDP-66847: mongocli atlas clusters onlinearchive describe (#235)
a9b1073 CLOUDP-66897: mongocli atlas cluster(s) onlineArchive(s) create (#248)
3fed462 CLOUDP-66899: mongocli atlas cluster(s) onlineArchive(s) start (#249)
f9ff469 CLOUDP-66900: mongocli atlas cluster(s) onlineArchive(s) delete (#247)
e1d7582 CLOUDP-67005: mongocli atlas cluster(s) onlineArchive(s) update (#250)
894a385 CLOUDP-67066: Fix finding existing config when renaming (#253)
16d9147 CLOUDP-67191: Don't use go clients user agent (#255)


09 Jul 11:08
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659903b Add org describe command (#211)
1be9187 CLOUDP-64975: Add a message with link to get keys at the top of the config command (#221)
2f18386 CLOUDP-64978: List projects by name on config (#223)
32ac5b2 CLOUDP-65292: Enable deleteAfter as an option when create IP whitelist entry (#210)
238a113 CLOUDP-65298: Describe projects (#212)
8890783 CLOUDP-65299: Add pagination to listing organizations (#222)
7807fc4 CLOUDP-65612: Fix broken examples in cli cluster create
c41f474 CLOUDP-65615: Create sharded cluster with CLI (#214)
8aed559 CLOUDP-65729: Add sharded cluster support to Ops Manager (#217)
c0be942 CLOUDP-65746: Set the default service for atlas/om/cm commands (#216)
88ee4a6 CLOUDP-65920: mongocli config list|ls (#218)
4943d4a CLOUDP-65942: Add auto complete to brew installer (#220)
5d30aff CLOUDP-66130: add config describe command (#224)
ccfedd6 CLOUDP-66131: add config rename command (#225)
fa9de63 CLOUDP-66132: use any available profile (#227)
a19f7c7 CLOUDP-66292: mongocli config delete (#226)
e9b2e2b feat add atlas support for organizations
227b762 feat: add skip verify
0b16c57 feat: allow ops manager to set ca certificate (#213)


08 Jun 13:38
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This is the first stable release of mongocli


335e040 task: logs improvements


04 Jun 17:03
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v1.0.0-rc3 Pre-release


114b579 CLOUDP-64616: Replace deprecated cloud backup with new cloud backup (#205)
2fe3d24 feat: add GOPATH to the install make target (#204)
f2d42d2 fix: properly highlight required args with diamond annotation
ab86577 task: Deprecate continuous backup for atlas
99c3912 task: add config confirmation message
7bdb182 task: add rm as an alias for delete organization and projects


28 May 15:01
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v1.0.0-rc2 Pre-release


07e3763 Add junit reports to e2e (#183)
9628218 CLOUDP-62054: replace mock generation in make with go generate (#187)
eb6a674 CLOUDP-62837: Output test results in junit format for evergreen (#182)
082122a CLOUDP-63103: Implementing e2e test for atlas metric processes (#181)
8481b43 CLOUDP-64099: Implementing e2e test for metrics databases - atlas (#184)
f91a505 CLOUDP-64100: Implementing e2e test for metrics disk - atlas (#185)
5d48ea2 CLOUDP-64113: implementing e2e test for alerts ack and unack atlas (#186)
6c28cc2 CLOUDP-64114: implementing e2e test for alerts ack and unack - cloud manager (#188)
4ed3c5b Move evergreen
c48efed Move some make commands to scripts (#190)
569b229 Small evergreen clean up
1dbf241 Update
9300ace taks: improve error format for "unsupported service"
13c48d1 taks: keep bin and dist
53dd54c taks: move public cmd files to the mongocli package
405da66 task: Extract some evg shells to proper files (#189)
002aba2 task: Update msi packaging (#191)
04a8019 task: attach coverage to test report
07321a0 task: dependencies update
8c53e88 task: enable publishing hombrew for RCs


21 May 17:01
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v1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release


27aa2a1 CLOUDP-56392: Sign binary for macOS (#168)
554ad49 CLOUDP-59259: Add link to users voice page on the README (#170)
a6963b3 CLOUDP-62031: Adjust mongocli with new Atlas Backup terminology (#165)
8ad942e CLOUDP-62037: Add Labels when Creating/Updating cluster with mongocli Atlas (#171)
67dd9b0 CLOUDP-62261: Implementing mongocli om/atlas alerts unack (#163)
0ef741b CLOUDP-62264: Allow to inject the config to the store (#164)
d0103e0 CLOUDP-62267: Hide background flag for index creation (#166)
a5e4ba5 CLOUDP-62567: Enable security fails if only scramsha-256 is given (#169)
a26316d CLOUDP-62719: Start publishing to the testing repo our rc versions (#172)


08 May 10:30
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v1.0.0-rc0 Pre-release


b1fb056 CLOUDP-57324: Keep polling the automation status and show when changes are done (#153)
79cbe61 CLOUDP-57865: Download tar.gz / .zip diagnose archive (#152)
fa3c522 CLOUDP-61850: Fix listing project events type filter (#146)
56b24ee CLOUDP-62030: Add pagination to listing projects and orgs (#155)
1b6c6d0 CLOUDP-62032: mongocli change instanceSize to clusterTier to match Atlas terminology (#158)
edf3235 CLOUDP-62053: It is not possible to unack an alert (#160)
75f1add CLOUDP-62056: Change measurements to metrics (#156)
836553b Validate the given project ID is valid (#149)


30 Apr 13:08
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v0.5.1 Pre-release


35d8f01 Update .goreleaser.yml (#144)