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Prometheus exporter for ElasticSearch

Build Status


Pre-build binaries

You can find here:


docker pull montools/prom-elasticsearch-exporter
docker run --rm -p 9108:9108 montools/prom-elasticsearch-exporter:latest


1. Clone repo

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd prom-elasticsearch-exporter

2. Build binary

make build
./prom-elasticsearch-exporter --es.uri="http://localhost:9200/"

3. Build docker image

make docker
docker run -d -p 9108:9108 --name=prom-elasticsearch-exporter monitoring-tools/prom-elasticsearch-exporter:1.1.0 --es.uri="http://localhost:9200/"


prom-elasticsearch-exporter --help
Argument Description
web.listen-address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. Default - :9108
web.telemetry-path Path under which to expose metrics. Default - /metrics
es.uri ElasticSearch URI. You can provide multiple hosts: --es.uri=host1 --es.uri=host2. If you're using multiple hosts and --es.all=true, metrics will be fetched from first responded node`.
es.all If true - export stats for all nodes in the cluster. Default - false
es.timeout Timeout for trying to get stats from ElasticSearch. Default - 5s Path to PEM file that contains trusted CAs for the Elasticsearch connection.
es.client-private-key Path to PEM file that contains the private key for client auth when connecting to Elasticsearch.
es.client-cert Path to PEM file that contains the corresponding cert for the private key to connect to Elasticsearch.

Grafana dashboards

To use this dashboards you need to set up following Prometheus aggregation rules.



This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0


Contributions are very welcome. Please fork the project on GitHub and open pull requests for any proposed changes.