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Semaphore changes
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alexandru committed Oct 29, 2018
1 parent 4f1862c commit cc25b21
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,254 additions and 678 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion monix-catnap/shared/src/main/scala/monix/catnap/MVar.scala
Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ object MVar {

private trait Impl[F[_], A] { self: GenericVar[A, F[Unit]] =>
def F: Sync[F]

Expand Down
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions monix-catnap/shared/src/main/scala/monix/catnap/Semaphore.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 by The Monix Project Developers.
* See the project homepage at:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package monix.catnap

import cats.effect.{Async, Concurrent, ContextShift}
import monix.catnap.internals.AsyncUtils
import monix.execution.annotations.{UnsafeBecauseImpure, UnsafeProtocol}
import monix.execution.atomic.PaddingStrategy
import monix.execution.atomic.PaddingStrategy.NoPadding
import monix.execution.internal.GenericSemaphore
import monix.execution.internal.GenericSemaphore.Listener

/** The `Semaphore` is an asynchronous semaphore implementation that
* limits the parallelism on task execution.
* The following example instantiates a semaphore with a
* maximum parallelism of 10:
* {{{
* import cats.implicits._
* import cats.effect.IO
* // Needed for ContextShift[IO]
* import monix.execution.Scheduler
* implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(
* // Dummies for didactic purposes
* case class HttpRequest()
* case class HttpResponse()
* def makeRequest(r: HttpRequest): IO[HttpResponse] = IO(???)
* for {
* semaphore <- Semaphore[IO](provisioned = 10)
* tasks = for (_ <- 0 until 1000) yield {
* semaphore.withPermit(makeRequest(???))
* }
* // Execute in parallel; note that due to the `semaphore`
* // no more than 10 tasks will be allowed to execute in parallel
* _ <- tasks.toList.parSequence
* } yield ()
* }}}
final class Semaphore[F[_]] private (provisioned: Long, ps: PaddingStrategy)
(implicit F: Concurrent[F] OrElse Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F])
extends cats.effect.concurrent.Semaphore[F] {

private[this] implicit val F0 = F.unify

/** Returns the number of permits currently available. Always non-negative.
* The protocol is unsafe, the semaphore is used in concurrent settings
* and thus the value returned isn't stable or reliable. Use with care.
def available: F[Long] = underlying.available

/** Obtains a snapshot of the current count. Can be negative.
* Like [[available]] when permits are available but returns the
* number of permits callers are waiting for when there are no permits
* available.
def count: F[Long] = underlying.count

/** Acquires `n` permits.
* The returned effect semantically blocks until all requested permits are
* available. Note that acquires are satisfied in strict FIFO order, so given
* a `Semaphore[F]` with 2 permits available, an `acquireN(3)` will
* always be satisfied before a later call to `acquireN(1)`.
* @see [[withPermit]], the preferred way to acquire and release
* @see [[acquire]] for a version acquires a single permit
* @param n number of permits to acquire; must be >= 0
def acquireN(n: Long): F[Unit] =

/** Acquires a single permit. Alias for `[[acquireN]](1)`.
* @see [[withPermit]], the preferred way to acquire and release
* @see [[acquireN]] for a version that can acquire multiple permits
override def acquire: F[Unit] = acquireN(1)

/** Alias for `[[tryAcquireN]](1)`.
* The protocol is unsafe, because with the "try*" methods the user needs a
* firm grasp of what race conditions are and how they manifest and usage of
* such methods can lead to very fragile logic.
* @see [[tryAcquireN]] for the version that can acquire multiple permits
* @see [[acquire]] for the version that can wait for acquisition
* @see [[withPermit]] the preferred way to acquire and release
def tryAcquireN(n: Long): F[Boolean] =

/** Alias for `[[tryAcquireN]](1)`.
* The protocol is unsafe, because with the "try*" methods the user needs a
* firm grasp of what race conditions are and how they manifest and usage of
* such methods can lead to very fragile logic.
* @see [[tryAcquireN]] for the version that can acquire multiple permits
* @see [[acquire]] for the version that can wait for acquisition
* @see [[withPermit]] the preferred way to acquire and release
override def tryAcquire: F[Boolean] = tryAcquireN(1)

/** Releases `n` permits, potentially unblocking up to `n`
* outstanding acquires.
* @see [[withPermit]], the preferred way to acquire and release
* @param n number of permits to release - must be >= 0
def releaseN(n: Long): F[Unit] =

/** Releases a permit, returning it to the pool.
* If there are consumers waiting on permits being available,
* then the first in the queue will be selected and given
* a permit immediately.
* @see [[withPermit]], the preferred way to acquire and release
override def release: F[Unit] = releaseN(1)

/** Returns a new task, ensuring that the given source
* acquires an available permit from the semaphore before
* it is executed.
* The returned task also takes care of resource handling,
* releasing its permit after being complete.
* @param fa is an effect to execute once the permit has been
* acquired; regardless of its result, the permit is
* released to the pool afterwards
def withPermit[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] =

/** Returns a new task, ensuring that the given source
* acquires `n` available permits from the semaphore before
* it is executed.
* The returned task also takes care of resource handling,
* releasing its permits after being complete.
* @param n is the number of permits required for the given
* function to be executed
* @param fa is an effect to execute once the permits have been
* acquired; regardless of its result, the permits are
* released to the pool afterwards
def withPermitN[A](n: Long)(fa: F[A]): F[A] =
F0.bracket(acquireN(n))(_ => fa)(_ => releaseN(n))

/** Returns a task that will be complete when the specified
* number of permits are available.
* The protocol is unsafe because by the time the returned
* task completes, some other process might have already
* acquired the available permits and thus usage of `awaitAvailable`
* can lead to fragile concurrent logic. Use with care.
* Can be useful for termination logic, for example to execute
* a piece of logic once all available permits have been released.
* @param n is the number of permits waited on
def awaitAvailable(n: Long): F[Unit] =

private[this] val underlying =
new Semaphore.Impl[F](provisioned, ps)

object Semaphore {
* Builds a [[Semaphore]] instance.
* @param provisioned is the number of permits initially available
* @param ps is an optional padding strategy for avoiding the
* "false sharing problem", a common JVM effect when multiple threads
* read and write in shared variables
* @param F is the type class instance required to make `Semaphore` work,
* can be either `Concurrent` or `Async` for extra flexibility
* @param cs is a `ContextShift` instance required in order to introduce
* async boundaries after successful `acquire` operations, for safety
def apply[F[_]](provisioned: Long, ps: PaddingStrategy = NoPadding)
(implicit F: Concurrent[F] OrElse Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): F[Semaphore[F]] = {

F.unify.delay(new Semaphore[F](provisioned, ps))

/** Builds a [[Semaphore]] instance.
* '''Unsafe warning:''' this violates referential transparency.
* Use with care, prefer the pure [[Semaphore.apply]].
* @param provisioned is the number of permits initially available
* @param ps is an optional padding strategy for avoiding the
* "false sharing problem", a common JVM effect when multiple threads
* read and write in shared variables
* @param F is the type class instance required to make `Semaphore` work,
* can be either `Concurrent` or `Async` for extra flexibility
* @param cs is a `ContextShift` instance required in order to introduce
* async boundaries after successful `acquire` operations, for safety
def unsafe[F[_]](provisioned: Long, ps: PaddingStrategy = NoPadding)
(implicit F: Concurrent[F] OrElse Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Semaphore[F] =
new Semaphore[F](provisioned, ps)

implicit final class DeprecatedExtensions[F[_]](val source: Semaphore[F])
extends AnyVal {

* DEPRECATED — renamed to [[Semaphore.withPermit withPermit]].
* Please switch to `withPermit`, as deprecated symbols will be
* dropped in the future.
@deprecated("Renamed to: withPermit", "3.0.0")
def greenLight[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] = source.withPermit(fa)

private final class Impl[F[_]](provisioned: Long, ps: PaddingStrategy)
(implicit F: Concurrent[F] OrElse Async[F], F0: Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F])
extends GenericSemaphore[F[Unit]](provisioned, ps) {

val available: F[Long] = F0.delay(unsafeAvailable())
val count: F[Long] = F0.delay(unsafeCount())

def acquireN(n: Long): F[Unit] =
F0.suspend {
if (unsafeTryAcquireN(n))
F0.flatMap(make[Unit](unsafeAcquireN(n, _)))(bindFork)

def tryAcquireN(n: Long): F[Boolean] =

def releaseN(n: Long): F[Unit] =

def awaitAvailable(n: Long): F[Unit] =
F0.flatMap(make[Unit](unsafeAwaitAvailable(n, _)))(bindFork)

protected def emptyCancelable: F[Unit] =
protected def makeCancelable(f: (Listener[Unit]) => Unit, p: Listener[Unit]): F[Unit] =

private def make[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => F[Unit]): F[A] =
F => F.cancelable(k),
F => AsyncUtils.cancelable(k)(F)

private[this] val bindFork: (Unit => F[Unit]) =
_ => cs.shift

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