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MrsHerobrine edited this page Aug 8, 2021 · 6 revisions

welcome to the configuration page. here, all the config options (and more!) will be explained.

when you first start your server after adding the plugin, it'll tell you to configure the plugin.

Section: discord

  • bot-token - this is where you put the token for the Discord connection. if you don't have a token, the plugin will not work! don't know how to get a discord bot token? follow the tutorial on the other page.

Note: if you use DiscordSRV already, you can use the same token.

  • logging-channel - the channel where player reports are logged. you can set this manually by getting the channel id, or running <prefix>log channel <channel> when the server is online.

  • modmail-channel - the channel where modmails are sent to. you can also set this manually by getting the channel id, or running <prefix>modmail channel <channel> when the server is online.

  • bot-prefix - the prefix the bot uses before commands. by default, this is !.

Section: command-cooldowns

  • report-cooldown - cooldown of the /report command. default is 30 seconds.

  • modmail-cooldown - cooldown of the /modmail command. default is also 30 seconds.

Please set these to a high enough value to prevent people from spamming your channels!

Section: report-reasons

this section just adds the categories for which people can get reported. put the worst offences down on the list, as they're weighed in more. add as many as you want, but do keep in mind that the more you add, the more unreliable your Distrust will become.

Permission nodes

if you want to block certain players from accessing /report and /modmail, the respective permissions nodes are and monkemodmail.modmail

Discord permissions

To edit the settings of the bot, you need at least the "Manage Messages" permission.

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