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Rips code blocks from markdown and makes them useful.

Go Report Card


Extract and run all markdown code blocks in your current directory:

mdrip print . | /bin/bash -e

This exits with the error code of the first failed command. It's unlikely that you'll want to run every block; use a label to be selective.

Convert your markdown into a web app that works with tmux:

mdrip serve --port 8080 .

While focused on a code block, hit the Enter key. The app posts the block's ID to the server, and the server sends the corresponding code block to tmux via its api.


Assuming Go installed just:

go install   # or @latest


For something to work with, download the busted Go tutorial (raw):

curl -O $repo/master/hack/

It has code blocks that seek to write, compile and run a Go program in your TMPDIR.

Extract blocks to stdout:

mdrip print

Extract a subset of blocks by using a label:

mdrip print --label goCommand

Test the code from the markdown in a subshell:

mdrip print | bash -e
echo $?

The above command should show an error, and exit with non-zero status, because that example tutorial has several baked-in errors.

Fix the problems:

sed -i 's|comment this|// comment this|'
sed -i 's|intended to fail|intended to succeed|'
sed -i 's|badCommandToTriggerTestFailure|echo Hello|'

Test the new file:

mdrip print | bash -e
echo $?

The return code should be zero.

Run a block in your current shell to, say, set current environment variables as specified in the markdown:

eval "$(mdrip print --label setEnv"
echo $greeting

The upshot is that adding a line like

mdrip print --label {someLabel} {filePath} | /bin/bash -e

to your CI/CD test framework covers the execution path determined by that label.

The {filepath} argument can be

  • a single local file,
  • a local directory,
  • a github URL in the style gh:{user}/{repoName},
  • or a particular file or a directory in the repo, e.g. gh:{user}/{repoName}/foo/bar.


One can label a code block by preceding it with a one-line HTML comment, e.g:

<!-- @sayHello @mississippi @tutorial01 -->
echo hello

Labels are just words that start with an @ in the comment.

The first label on a block is slightly special, in that it's reported as the block's name for various purposes. If no labels are present, a unique name is generated for these purposes.


mdrip is a handy way to demonstrate command line procedures.

Render a markdown web app like this:

mdrip serve --port 8080

Visit it at http://localhost:8080.

Hit the n key for navigation tools. Hit ? to see all key controls.

The handy aspect is provided by tmux. The server will automatically detect a running instance of tmux, and send code blocks to it when you hit Enter.

Fire up tmux, then try this README directly:

mdrip serve gh:monopole/mdrip/

To see what using a full tree of markdown looks like, generate some content with:

mdrip gentestdata /tmp/mdTestData 

then serve it:

mdrip serve /tmp/mdTestData


mdrip is an instance of literate programming in that code (shell commands in code blocks) is embedded in explanatory content (markdown).

One can use here documents to incorporate any programming language into tested markdown (as in the busted Go tutorial discussed above).

Place commands that the reader would want to execute directly (with no edits) in fenced code blocks.

In contrast, code-style text that is not intended for copy/paste execution, e.g. alternative commands with fake arguments or example output, should be in a fenced code block indented via a block quote. Block quotes are ignored by mdrip.

Don't put prompts in your code blocks. The following code snippet is easy to copy/paste:

echo hello
du -sk

But this is not:

$ echo hello
$ du -sk