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HTML5 and CSS3 Bootcamp


Official Documentation

Learning and hands-on (HTML)

see in

  • Getting started with the web overview
    • Installing basic software:
      • Installing a text editor or IDE (Integrated development environment)
      • Try to have at least two installed browsers
      • Setup git
      • Clone this repository: git clone
      • Setup local web Server Familiarize starting and stop
        • with python python -m SimpleHTTPServer
        • with docker docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html -p 80:80 nginx
    • What will your website look like?
      • Download a firefox icon image
      • Learn about fonts
    • Dealing with files
      • Create folders structure into practice folder
      • Create index file with the firefox icon
    • HTML basics
      • Update index file with Headings, Paragraphs, Lists and Links
  • Introduction to HTML overview
    • Getting started with HTML
    • What's in the head? Metadata in HTML
      • Copy all files from resolved/ to practice/ (replace all files)
      • Change meta charset to ISO-8859-1 and see what happen
      • Change header and page titles to Meta examples
      • Add Metadata: author, description, keywords and open graph properties: image, description and title
      • Add favicon icon
      • Add css file and script file.
      • Add primary language
    • HTML text fundamentals
      • Add Headings and Paragraphs
      • Add Unordered list for "Ingredients"
      • Add Ordered list for "Instructions"
    • Creating hyperlinks
      • Add an unordered list in the indicated place on one page, containing the names of the pages to link to. A navigation menu is usually just a list of links, so this is semantically ok.
      • Turn each page name into a link to that page.
      • Copy the navigation menu across to each page.
      • On each page, remove just the link to that same page — it is confusing and pointless for a page to include a link to itself, and the lack of a link acts a good visual reminder of what page you are currently on.
      • Add a link with "mailto" at the end of the homepage document.
    • Advanced text formatting
    • Document and website structure
    • Debugging HTML
    • Assessment: Marking up a letter
    • Assessment: Structuring a page of content
  • Multimedia and embedding overview
    • Images in HTML
      • Use dinosaur image
      • Create new html document with img tag
      • Add width "1000" and height "300" attributes, see what happens
      • Remove src link and see what happens
      • Create a figure with caption
    • Video and audio content
      • Create new html document, put video tag with two sources for compatibility
      • Add poster boolean attribute and see the preview image
      • Add autoplay boolean attribute and see how the video is played automatically, but when is finish it stop.
      • Add loop boolean attribute and see how the video played repeatedly
      • Add controls boolean attribute and see how the video played repeatedly
      • Add auto tag for viper.mp3 and viper.ogg
    • From object to iframe — other embedding technologies
      • Create new html index document
      • Embed a Youtube video
      • Embed a Google Map
      • Embed a Web site
      • Embed a the Flash file whoosh.swf
      • Embed a the PDF file mypdf.pdf
      • Embed a the image file dinosaur.jpg
    • Adding vector graphics to the Web
    • Responsive images
    • Assessment: Mozilla splash page
  • HTML tables overview
    • HTML table basics
    • HTML Table advanced features and accessibility
    • Assessment: Structuring planet data
  • HTML forms overview
    • Your first HTML form
    • How to structure an HTML form
    • The native form widgets
    • Sending form data

Learning and hands-on (CSS)

  • CSS first steps overview

    • CSS basics
      • Create new index.html file with and follow de practice.
    • What is CSS?
    • Getting started with CSS
    • How CSS is structured
    • How CSS works
  • CSS building blocks overview

    • Cascade and inheritance
      • Active learning: playing with the cascade
    • CSS selectors
      • Try it out in "Attribute selector"
    • The box model
      • Playing with box models
    • Backgrounds and borders
      • Playing with backgrounds and borders
    • Handling different text directions
    • Overflowing content
    • Values and units
    • Sizing items in CSS
    • Images, media, and form elements
    • Styling tables
    • Debugging CSS
    • Organizing your CSS
  • Styling text overview

    • Fundamental text and font styling
    • Styling lists
    • Styling links
    • Web fonts
    • Assessment: Typesetting a community school homepage
  • CSS layout overview

    • Introduction
    • Normal Flow
    • Flexbox
    • Grids
    • Floats
    • Positioning
    • Multiple-column Layout
    • Responsive design
    • Beginner's guide to media queries
    • Legacy Layout Methods
    • Supporting Older Browsers
    • Fundamental Layout Comprehension


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  • HTML 76.5%
  • CSS 17.5%
  • JavaScript 6.0%