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149 lines (116 loc) · 7.33 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (116 loc) · 7.33 KB

UPGRADE FROM v2.0.x TO v2.1.x

  • Remove MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\QueryFilter\ProductSearchRegistry service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • Remove service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • Remove MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\QueryFilter\ProductTaxonRegistry service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • Remove MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\PostFilter\ProductTaxonRegistry service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • Remove MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\Sorting\ProductSorterRegistry service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • Remove \MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\FunctionScore\ProductFunctionScoreRegistry service to use an iterator of services tagged
  • The MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Mapping\YamlWithLocaleProvider is no longer a decorator. Some constructor parameters are removed : $decorated, $configurationDirectory and $attributeRepository, and we add $fileLocator and $configurationDirectories.
  • New setting monsieurbiz_sylius_search.elastically_configuration_paths to define paths of elasticsearch mapping files. By default it's ['@MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Resources/config/elasticsearch'].
  • New method deleteByDocumentIds in the MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Index\IndexerInterface interface
  • Deprecated the method deleteByDocuments in the MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Index\IndexerInterface interface. Use deleteByDocumentIds instead.
  • ChannelFilter and EnabledFilter in MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\QueryFilter\Product were moved to MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Search\Request\QueryFilter
  • A fallback on the Sylius' taxon display is now used to keep your pages even if you Elasticsearch instance is down. If you want to disable it, check the FakeElasticsearchChecker


  1. We've changed the .env variable to add a messenger transport DSN to manage reindex queue.

You can use a cron to consume it every minutes :

bin/console messenger:consume async_search --time-limit=60 --memory-limit=256M --env=prod

Or use a supervisor or systemd to manage it.

  1. Add AutomapperBundle to your bundles.php file:
+   Jane\Bundle\AutoMapperBundle\JaneAutoMapperBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Change the monsieurbiz_search_plugin.yaml config file to remove these part:
    - { resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
-    files:
-        search: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/monsieurbiz/sylius-search-plugin/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/queries/search.yaml'
-        instant: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/monsieurbiz/sylius-search-plugin/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/queries/instant.yaml'
-        taxon: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/monsieurbiz/sylius-search-plugin/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/queries/taxon.yaml'
-    documentable_classes : []
-    grid:
-        limits:
-            taxon: [9, 18, 27]
-            search: [9, 18, 27]
-        default_limit:
-            taxon: 9
-            search: 9
-            instant: 10
-        sorting:
-            taxon: ['name', 'price', 'created_at']
-            search: ['name', 'price', 'created_at']
-        filters:
-            apply_manually: false # Will refresh the filters depending on applied filters after you apply it manually
-            use_main_taxon: true # Use main taxon for the taxon filter, else use the taxons
-# Remove header form
-    monsieurbiz_sylius_search.block_event_listener.layout.header:
-        class: Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Block\BlockEventListener
-        tags: []
  1. Make your ProductAttribute entity implements the SearchableInterface and use the SearchableTrait
  * @ORM\Entity
  * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product_attribute")
-class ProductAttribute extends BaseProductAttribute implements FilterableInterface
+class ProductAttribute extends BaseProductAttribute implements SearchableInterface
-    use FilterableTrait;
+    use SearchableTrait;
     protected function createTranslation(): AttributeTranslationInterface
  1. Make your ProductOption entity implements the SearchableInterface and use the SearchableTrait
  * @ORM\Entity
  * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product_option")
-class ProductOption extends BaseProductOption implements FilterableInterface
+class ProductOption extends BaseProductOption implements SearchableInterface
-    use FilterableTrait;
+    use SearchableTrait;
     protected function createTranslation(): ProductOptionTranslationInterface
  1. You need to run a diff of your doctrine's migrations: console doctrine:migrations:diff. Don't forget to run it! (console doctrine:migrations:migrate)

  2. The Product entity doesn't need to implement the DocumentableInterface anymore. You can remove it.

  3. The way to add some additionnal data changed.

Before we should have this in your Product entity for example :

     use DocumentableProductTrait {
        convertToDocument as parentConvertToDocument;

    public function convertToDocument(string $locale): Result
        $document = $this->parentConvertToDocument($locale);

        if ($this->getCustomValue()) {
            $document->addAttribute('custom_value', 'Custom Value', [$this->getCustomValue()], $locale, 1);

        return $document;

Now please refer to the Add custom value documentation.

  1. The templates inside the folder @MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Common does not exist anymore.

The template architecture is

  • @MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Search for the search page
  • @MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Instant for the instant search
  • @MonsieurBizSyliusSearchPlugin/Taxon for the taxon page
  1. Analyzers are manage by locale, example with src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/analyzers_fr.yaml

You can also have the full locale code if you need src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/analyzers_fr_FR.yaml

  1. Mapping is now global so the files src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/mappings/documents-<locale_code>_mapping.yaml were removed.

  2. Queries are managed differently so the files in src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/queries were removed.

If you changed this part, have a look of the documention to know how to customize your indexed content and your results.