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My summer project involved developing an e-commerce website using the Laravel framework for the backend, MySQL as the database, and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for the frontend. Additionally, I incorporated data scraping from other e-commerce websites using Selenium.

The main objective of my project was to create a fully functional e-commerce website that allowed users to browse and purchase products online. I utilized the Laravel framework, known for its elegant syntax and powerful features, as the foundation for developing the backend functionality. It provided a robust set of tools and libraries to handle tasks such as user authentication, database management, and routing.

To store and manage the website's data, I chose MySQL, a popular and reliable relational database management system. MySQL allowed me to organize and store product details, user information, orders, and other essential data efficiently.

For the frontend development, I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. HTML formed the structure of web pages, CSS added visual styling, and JavaScript added interactivity and dynamic functionality. Bootstrap, a widely used CSS framework, provided pre-designed components and responsive layouts, enabling me to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

In addition to the core development tasks, I implemented data scraping using Selenium. Selenium, a powerful web automation tool, allowed me to programmatically navigate and extract data from other e-commerce websites. I retrieved product information, pricing, images, and other relevant data from external sources, which enriched my own e-commerce website's catalog.