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Calculation and analysis of the stress field expected in an ice shell pressurized by a regional sea confined at a pole or a global internal ocean with thin ice region at one or both poles.


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Calculation and analysis of the stress field expected in an ice shell pressurized by a regional sea confined at a pole or a global internal ocean with thin ice region at one or both poles. See Johnston and Montési, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2017.

  • EnceladusBatch: run EnceladusBatch to automatically setup all models and analyse the stress at the surface of the model. This calls enceladusBuild
  • EnceladusBuild: run [out, Label] = EnceladusBuild(ThicknessShell,SeaThick,ModelType,nA) to generate a series of models with given shell thickness ThicknessShell, and south polar sea/indendation thickness Seathick for a parametric sweep of nA values of sea/indentation angle equally spaced from 0° to 90°. ModelType is a flag for the desired model configuration
    • ModelType=1: no slip at the base of the ice shell (fixed)
    • ModelType=2: free slip at the base of the ice shell (roller)
    • ModelType=3: floating ice shell with an indentation only at the South Pole (ocean)
    • ModelType=4: floating ice shell with indentations at both Pole (north)
  • makefigureEnceladus: Run makefigureEnceladus(model,Label) to visualize the stress field in the ice shell for a specific model; model is a comsol structure (figure 4 in Johnston and Montési 2017).
  • stressProfileEnceladus: run [Tectonics, MidFail]=stressProfileEnceladus(model,Yshear,Ycrack,Label) to extract the stress profile at the surface and generate most figures in the paper. model is a comsol structure, Yshear and Ycrack the von Mises strenght and tensile strength.
  • classifyTectonics: run [Tectonics,Asouth,Anorth,MidFail]=classifyTectonics(Crack, Fmode, Regime, Alind) to analyse the surface stress profile and classify the tectonic regime according the codes defined in Johnston and Montési (2017), figure 7.
  • basalStressEnceladus: run this script to extract the profile of stress at the base of the ice shell and report the stress at a short distance of the sea edge as a function of sea angle.
  • NorthRelate; run this script to calculate the north polar indentation angle as a function of the south polar indentation angle, ice shell thickness, and south polar indentatino thickness. Does not use COMSOL Multiphysics.


Calculation and analysis of the stress field expected in an ice shell pressurized by a regional sea confined at a pole or a global internal ocean with thin ice region at one or both poles.







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