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Releases: moo-man/WFRP4e-FoundryVTT

Hotfix 5.4.1

31 Jul 19:44
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Just some minor fixes for a final V9 version

  • Fix Ranged traits throwing an error regarding ammo
  • Fix Blinded effect having the wrong description (thanks @Txus5012)
  • Prevent throwing weapons from using throwing ammo, as this is not the intention of the ammo group and causes an infinite loop
  • Fix NPC career advancement causing Player clients to throw errors

Release 5.4.0

20 Jul 15:19
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This release has quite a number of features, one of the biggest updates in a while! It will probably be the last feature update for V9, onto V10!


  • Added a rudimentary implementation of Group Advantage option. You may see this feature expanded when Up In Arms is in development.

  • Roll Dialogs (except spells) can now select a specific hit location to attack, allowing for "Called Shots".

  • The GM can now freely reroll tests from any actor

  • Added the ability for Item Dialogs to modify the items selected (See the Old World Bundle update)

  • Added Unofficial Grimoire optional rules in the Homebrew rule list (thanks @silentmark)

  • Added many localization fixes and cleanup (Thanks @Yasnen!)

  • Hide Channeling CN progress from NPC chat cards

  • Applying Fear now immediately prompts a Cool test

  • Impenetrable is no longer displayed if there was no critical (Thanks @Yasnen!)

  • Damaging/Repairing armour now applies in descending order (Thanks @Yasnen!)

  • The Status chat card displayed on turn start no longer shows disabled effects (Thanks @Yasnen!)

  • Accounted for the durable quality for weapons (armour needs a refactor to support this, will be included in V10)

  • All "applied" effects now show up in the applied effects section of the actor sheet, instead of only item-less effects

  • Added GM Notes to the vehicle description tab

  • Added the money conversion arrows to vehicle sheets

  • Added a catch-all "Special" availability

  • Simple Calendar UI compatibility added (Thanks @ZwS!)

  • Characteristic totals can no longer go below 0

  • Added functionality for ZZAP! and Warpstone qualities

  • Added "Throwing" as a new ammunition group, where throwing weapons can be used as ammo.

  • Traits in the creature overview that have an invoked/applied effect now show an crosshair icon next to them

  • Added compatibility with the Introduce Me module (Thanks @Txus5012!)

  • When deleting traits with the Del key, selected tokens will no longer be deleted as well.

  • Closing the memorization cost dialog now prevents the spell from being memorized.


  • Fixed an error message being thrown whenever a player defends in an Opposed Test
  • Fixed the Bulky flaw not applying (Thanks @Txus5012)
  • Fixed some Invoke effects not having an item reference
  • Trait Tests now account for Impenetrable quality (Thanks @Yasnen!)
  • The Apply Damage chat card option no longer shows up for every chat card, only the appropriate ones.
  • Fixed Applying Damage from normal dice rolls (again)
  • Fix Effect Source names not always displaying
  • Fix issues with Vehicle over-encumbrance calculations
  • The font color for ordered list inside character text editors has been fixed.
  • Prevent Prayer AoEs being upcasted

Official Modules

The Horned Rat is now available! The penultimate volume of the five-part series of the Enemy Within campaign. The Characters cannot afford to relax their guard and celebrate their victories, as a new threat emerges from beneath their feet.


Core - 2.4.4

  • The Venom trait no longer adds Poisoned if the attack did 0 wounds
  • The Robust talent no longer reduces Trait attacks to 0 wounds (minimum is 1)
  • The Lance weapon is no longer two-handed
  • Changed the Menacing talent code to automatically apply if using Intimidate
  • Added an Effect for Ranald's Delight
  • Added an effect for Stream of Corruption
  • Added a price for the Knife weapon
  • Fixed Troupe Leader missing the Drive skill in the career description

Starter Set - 2.3.4

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Rough Nights & Hard Days - 2.4.2

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied
  • Fix Bruno's door in the Three Feathers map

Enemy in Shadows - 2.3.4

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied
  • Fix an issue with Dhar overcasting

Death on the Reik - 2.3.4

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Ubersreik Adventures I - 2.3.2

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Middenheim - 2.4.2

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Altdorf - 2.0.2

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Power Behind the Throne - 2.2.3

  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied
  • Added the Middenheim map assets so users without the Middenheim module can create a scene to use for their game.

Old World Bundle - 2.0.1

  • Template Traits (specifically Warlord and Chief) that give skills such as Melee (any two) +20 are now provided through another dialog choice.
  • Fixes to Talent/Traits in Core applied

Release 5.3.0

24 May 15:20
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Hello everyone, sorry about the relatively low feature-time ratio of this release, been very busy with the recent modules. I'm going to try and take a step back from focusing on them, instead of doing modules for all 3 systems, I'll be going back to doing just WFRP modules (mainly to finish TEW) for the time being, as well as system features and improvements (for all systems)


  • Added the ability to define custom qualities/flaws per weapon. If you happen to define certain qualities and flaws, specific things might happen, just saying.

  • Bulky Flaw now adds encumbrance (thanks @fmunoz-geo!)

  • Passive/Temporary effects with the invoke trigger now have a button to invoke them in the Effects tab


  • Fix an issue with getting an income of half a gold wiping the player's money
  • Fix rest and recover (Thanks @Txus5012!)
  • Fix Food 2 Icon not showing up (thanks @Kayne!)
  • Fixed some errors being thrown during encounters (thanks @kbluck!)
  • Fix issue an issue prevent custom career tables from working with character generation
  • Applying damage from normal rolls should now work
  • Lightweight quality no longer can result in negative encumbrance (thanks @fmunoz-geo)
  • Fix an Issue with Haggling not working if the price of an item isn't entirely filled out.

Official Modules

Old World Bundle is now available! Steeped in subterfuge, machinations and kingdom building, stepping into the Old World is no task for the fainthearted - the Old World Bundle contains eight titles previously released as short PDF only options that will help expand your WFRP adventures

Core - 2.4.3

  • Fix Bear's weapon damage
  • Add missing Dirty Fighting text
  • Add missing Writing Kit text
  • Fix Career Description of Entertainer not having Animal Care (T3 - Troubadour)
  • Added Sharpshooter effect (thanks @Txus5012!)
  • Added Sure Shot effect (thanks @Txus5012!)

Starter Set - 2.3.3

  • Fix Salundra's token name spelling

Enemy in Shadows - 2.3.3

  • Fix Tzeench's physical mutation table which had two mutations in the same table result
  • Fix Pink Horror link in the Pink Fire of Tzeentch spell

Death on the Reik - 2.3.3

  • Minor journal edits in the Trading Rules section

Release 5.2.0

23 Mar 16:11
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Regarding Up In Arms

I know this highly anticipated release's Foundry implementation is sought after, the official release for this module is still a ways away (however production of these modules may ramp up soon). In the meantime, some elements of the new rules may appear as options in the system sooner rather than later. I haven't decided on the details yet, check back in the next release.


  • Add the ability to specify a Casting skill for individual Spells, which overrides Language (Magick) when using the spell
  • Added the ability for trappings to have Qualities and Flaws

Bug Fixes

  • Fix normal dice rolls not being formatted properly
  • Fix Winner/Loser color coding in opposed tests not working
  • Fix the Edit World menu (again)
  • Fix System effects not showing upon the token
  • Fix Fast SL not working with various test features like +1 SL
  • Fix rerolling/adding SL to corruption rolls not taking into account previous result when adding corruption
  • Fix the label for Dead

Official Modules

Ubersreik Adventures II is now available! Ubersreik Adventures II contains five all new adventures, along with a chapter expanding on events in the City of Ubersreik, the setting established in the WFRP Starter Set. It explores the fate of the city, as it teters between direct Imperial control, the influence of the Jungfrueds, and perhaps a glimpse of a more independent future. This section introduces new characters, locations and plots, and provides suggestions and advice on incorporating developments your characters may have experienced (or caused!) during the events of The Enemy Within campaign.

Core - 2.4.2

  • Added some formatting and enrichment to the Condition descriptions
  • Added an effect to Infighter to gain +10 to hit when the Infighting effect is active

Starter Set - 2.3.2

  • Improved and added some linkage with UA2

Enemy in Shadows - 2.3.2

  • Fixed various issues with the pregen character sheets
  • Improved and Added links (Thanks Fneuch for the suggestions)

Death on the Reik - 2.3.2

  • Fixed trade tables not working with translation

Power Behind the Throne - 2.2.2

  • Fixed a minor issue with the Push spell owned by Wasmeier

Hotfix 5.1.1

25 Feb 23:12
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  • The direction of scrolling text now reflects the context (down for damage, up for health, thanks @Txus5012 !)
  • Added various localizations (Thanks @Txus5012 !)
  • Added the item sort button the the creature sheet's Notes tab


  • Fix an opposed test issue in combination with weapon length throwing a permissions error
  • Fix various prefill dialog triggers not working (e.g. attacking a mounted target, melee defending against a larger creature)
  • Restore small caps styling for h3 in journal entry
  • Fix an issue where linked mounts were erroneously being flagged as unlinked and throwing errors
  • Fix manual chat cards (again)
  • Fix some issues with channelling interacting with test editing
  • Clicking on a token in the opposed message now renders the sheet once again
  • Fix Miracle XP calculations
  • Fear once again automatically removed when the associated extended test is complete
  • Fix an error being thrown when trying to roll a test when the canvas does not have a scene
  • Fix an issue where sounds were not playing properly on attack rolls
  • Fix Combat Carousel UI

Official Modules

Core - 2.4.1

  • Fix Wounded effect
  • Fix Uneven Horns effect

Starter Set - 2.3.1

  • Fix Sneaky Stabbin' effect

Death on the Reik - 2.3.1

  • Fix Weather Table link in Weather Conditions Journal


11 Feb 15:09
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The main "feature" of this release was refactoring the structure of and management of opposed rolls. The end result is not much different, but hopefully all issues of rerolls not working automatically with opposed tests have been resolved, and if any new issues pop up, it should be much easier to debug them. However, I've managed to fit in some nice other minor features.


  • Opposed Roll Refactoring
  • Gaining Prayers / Memorizing Spells now automatically calculate the associated Exp cost and provides a dialog to confirm
  • Add a button to various item lists on actors that sorts the items alphabetically
  • Changed text sizes to be dynamic allowing configuration via Foundry's font size option
  • Added the /prop command which allows you to quickly lookup item properties (i.e. qualities and flaws). This works the same as /cond where it matches the closest
  • You can now click on a table's icon in the sidebar to roll it directly.
  • Rolling a table that produces an item (e.g. critical tables) now post the item to chat instead of just providing a link to the item.
  • The WFRP cursor has now been reapplied with an open source alternative (Thanks @hobeika!)
  • Overcasts are now always shown, which allows AoE templates to always be applied.
  • Added a property to WFRP effects that allow Trapping type items to be consumed when the effect is used (this replaces code within effects that reduce item quantity: that being most potions)


  • Fix issue with some tables not properly rolling resulting in constant outcomes
  • Fix Infighting system effect throwing an error
  • Fix an issue where a translation being applied would prevent Armour traits from being damaged
  • Fix an issue where a translation being present would prevent Language (Magick) from being usable when casting
  • Multiple items that give conditions (criticals/injuries) now stack the conditions appropriately.
  • Fix inability to edit table keys
  • Added compatibility with GM Screen module
  • Added compatability with the Sidebar Macro & Combat Carousel module (Thanks @Sasmira!)
  • Fix select element background clashing with text color
  • Increased visibility of the hidden status of elements in the file browser
  • Fix sidebar hiding FPS counter
  • Fixed the homebrew rule that is supposed to prevent advantage from being usable with casting
  • Fix various Exposure system effects
  • Fix Journal Header "Zoom to Pin" button not working
  • Re-applied CSS for journal entry images that was somehow removed.
  • Fix changing WFRP effect data causing unsaved data to be lost in the rest of the effect sheet
  • Fix placeholder text color in item sheets being hard to see
  • The Morrslieb filter now once again works with FXMaster

Official Modules

Aldorf: Crown of the Empire is now available! A fascinating and entertaining guide to the capital, the nexus of government, religion, magic and military power in the Empire. Each district is carefully detailed with a wide variety of locations, plot hooks, and NPCs. Whether Players wish to explore the Street of a Hundred Taverns, involve themselves in intrigues at the Imperial Palace, seek to topple the established order alongside Altdorf’s revolutionary factions, or dominate the city’s underworld as part of the warring dockland gangs, this module has all you need.


  • Changed compendium definitions using a deprecated property
  • All Consume Alcohol skill descriptions have had the table removed and replaced with a link to the roll table.

Core - 2.4.0

  • Fix issue with the core module causing playlist controls to disappear
  • Fix an issue with the Entertainer career journal entry
  • Fix Fate's Fickle Fingers AoE value
  • Fix Winter's Bite Duration and Target
  • Added the Stinking Drunk table (Thanks @bluetardis!)
  • Fix Lore of Metal displaying a static metal armour value.
  • Fix Bloodletter wounds value

Starter Set - 2.3.0

  • See All

RNHD - 2.4.0

  • See All

Enemy in Shadows - 2.3.0

  • Fix Steinhager offices player map showing an area that should be secret
  • Fix Max Ernst being Wounded

Death on the Reik - 2.3.0

  • Fix duplicate location text in area 26/25
  • Fix Barrakul weapon effects

Ubersreik Adventures 1 - 2.3.0

  • See All

Middenheim - 2.4.0

  • See All

Archives 1 - 2.4.0

  • See All

Power Behind the Throne - 2.2.0

  • See All

Hotfix 5.0.5

05 Jan 22:19
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  • Fixed an error with pay/credit commands when DsN is enabled
  • Fixed issue where canceling an opposed test deletes actor flags
  • Fixed an error where players couldn't "Choose Career" in character creation
  • Fix rolling for Injury duration
  • Fix weapon band issues


Core - 2.3.3

  • Added Flagellant T2 income skill (again)
  • Fix Mangled Jaw not applying
  • Fixed Swirling Winds table

RNHD - 2.3.2

  • Fixed Taggee's stats

Hotfix 5.0.4

31 Dec 20:21
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  • Added scrolling text integration on wounds/advantage changes
  • Fix issues with reloading weapons
  • Fix changing passenger quantity breaking Vehicle sheets
  • Fix double rolls when attacking
  • Fixed issues with built in roll table
  • Removed WFRP4e Tables from sidebar popout

Arcane Marks & Careers

Arcane Marks & Careers has been updated as well

  • Converted WFRP4e tables to Foundry Roll Tables
  • Fix Magister Alchemist being listed twice (and with the wrong data)
  • Fix Arcane Mark roll to work with V9

Hotfix 5.0.3

24 Dec 21:29
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Oh Sigmar bless these V9-ravaged bugfixes

  • Fix issue where targeted opposed rolls do not register the target as being attacked
  • Fix issue with the NPC/Creature randomization buttons
  • Fix income rolls not working
  • Fix Item sheets not opening from the browser
  • Fix various issues with name generation
  • Fix the Manual Rolls system option
  • Various localization fixes (Thanks @Txus5012 )



  • Various effects that involve rolling dice have been modified so that they work with V9

Core - 2.3.2

  • See All

Starter Set - 2.2.1

  • See All

RNHD - 2.3.1

  • See All
  • Fix gnome name generation

Enemy in Shadows - 2.2.1

  • See All

Ubersreik Adventures 1 - 2.2.1

  • See All

Death on the Reik - 2.2.1

  • See All
  • Fix Trade function not working

Middenheim - 2.3.1

  • See All
  • Fix Trade function not working

Power Behind the Throne - 2.1.1

  • See All
  • Fix Trade function not working

Hotfix 5.0.2

22 Dec 17:05
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This hotfix fixes content links not working