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MDL-76134 core: User story behat test
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Chocolate-lightning committed Jan 9, 2023
1 parent b8b905c commit 9af57b7
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 0 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions lib/tests/behat/filter_component.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
@core @javascript
Feature: Within the grader report, test that we can open our generic filter dropdown component
In order to filter down the users on the page
As a teacher
I need to be able to see the filter and select a combination of parameters

Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | | t1 |
| student1 | Student | 1 | | s1 |
| student2 | Dummy | User | | s2 |
| student3 | User | Example | | s3 |
| student4 | User | Test | | s4 |
| student5 | Turtle | Manatee | | s5 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
| student3 | C1 | student |
| student4 | C1 | student |
| student5 | C1 | student |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name |
| assign | C1 | a1 | Test assignment one |
And I am on the "Course 1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
And I change window size to "large"
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook

Scenario: A teacher can open the filer component
Given I should see "Name" "button"
When I press "Name"
# Meeting outcome: We will use a placeholder pulse pattern.
# And I wait until "pulsing placholder" "css_element" exists
# And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
# Meeting outcome: "All" option will still exist for the time being, with the followup of toggling active nodes to disable filter
# Meeting outcome: Deferred for later in the release after A+B testing done in-house.
And I should see "A loading spinner"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
Then I should see "27" occurrences of "Filter option" in the "First name" "Tool bar"
And I should see "27" occurrences of "Filter option" in the "Last name" "Tool bar"
# Meeting outcome: Upon selection, the table should update like the participants filter
# Given the above meeting outcome, This button will likely not need to exist
And I should see "Close" "button"
And I should see "Apply filter" "button"

# We need to decide if we want the page to reload or if the page content reloads like in the Course participants filters
Scenario: A teacher can filter the grader report to limit users reported
Given I press "Name"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
When I select "D" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I press "Apply filter"
# Assuming we close the dropdown once filter is applied
And I wait until "Apply filter" "Button" does not exist
# We should only have one user that matches the "D" first name
Then the following should exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| Dummy User |
# All other users should not be shown to the user based on filtering
And the following should not exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| Teacher 1 |
| Student 1 |
| User Example |
| User Test |
| Turtle Manatee |

# Test filtering on last name
# Meeting outcome: Indication will be: First(T)
# Meeting outcome: If all is selected, we will not show it i.e. First (D) and NOT First (D) Last (All)
And I press "First (D)"
And I select "All" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I select "M" in the "Last name" "Toolbar"
And I press "Apply filter"
# Assuming we close the dropdown once filter is applied
And I wait until "Apply filter" "Button" does not exist
And I should see "First (U) Last(T)" "button"
# We should only have one user that matches the "T" first name
And the following should exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| Turtle Manatee |
# All other users should not be shown to the user based on filtering
And the following should not exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| Teacher 1 |
| Student 1 |
| User Example |
| User Test |
| Dummy User |

# Test filtering on first && last name
And I press "Name"
And I select "U" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I select "T" in the "Last name" "Toolbar"
And I press "Apply filter"
# Assuming we close the dropdown once filter is applied
And I wait until "Apply filter" "Button" does not exist
# We should only have one user that matches the "T" first name
And the following should exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| User Test |
# All other users should not be shown to the user based on filtering
And the following should not exist in the "user-grades" table:
| -1- |
| Teacher 1 |
| Student 1 |
| User Example |
| Dummy User |
| Turtle Manatee |

Scenario: A teacher can quickly tell that a filter is applied to the current table
Given I press "Name"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
When I select "T" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I press "Apply filter"
# Assuming we close the dropdown once filter is applied
And I wait until "Apply filter" "Button" does not exist
# Check if the name button indicates if a filter is active
Then I should see "First (T)"
# Meeting outcome: No decision yet if we alter the colors / active state / focus state
And I should see that "Name (T)" "button" is highlighted

# Check if removing the filter, removes the highlight and user notice of applied filters
And I press "First (T)"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
And I select "All" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I press "Apply filter"
# Assuming we close the dropdown once filter is applied
And I wait until "Apply filter" "Button" does not exist
# Check if the name button indicates if a filter is active
And I should see "Name"
# Meeting outcome: We do not show First(All) Last(All)
And I should not see "First (T)"
And I should not see that "Name" "button" is highlighted

Scenario: A teacher can close the filter either by clicking close or clicking off the dropdown
# Meeting outcome: We would like this report to act like the participants filter page with the dynamic table
# Meeting outcome: Should we save state of user input when clicking off or click close?: - Maybe not needed? based on if we were to filter instantly on the user selection like we do in the participants page.
Given I press "Name"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
When I press "Close"
Then I should not see "Apply filter"

# Click off the drop down
And I press "Name"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
And I click on "First name" "link" in the "gradereport-grader-table" "table"
And I should not see "Apply filter"

# This can be expanded for left/right/up/down/home & end keys
Scenario: A teacher can set focus and navigate the filter with the keyboard
Given I press "Name"
And I wait until "Apply filter" "button" exists
And the focused element is "All" "button" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
When I press the right key
Then the focused element is "A" "button" in the "First name" "Toolbar"
And I press the tab key
And the focused element is "All" "button" in the "Last name" "Toolbar"

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