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MDL-12523 accesslib: get_user_by_capability() - Handle the complex case
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With this commit, we can handle the complex cases with

 - correct pagination, but not very efficient over large datasets

 - mostly-correct application of the override rules

The structure of the code is fairly complex in that we want to do
it without holding all the recs in memory, so we use a small state
machine. We have to handle the complex override rules over 1 or 2
permissions (when $doanything is set) so it all ends up quite complex.

There is one known issue with this code, in cases where the default
role ends up as the decider between 2 conflicting RAs, we fail to
apply it. This will need a bit of reorg of how the loop works.

  • Loading branch information
martinlanghoff committed Jan 6, 2008
1 parent b8dc2b7 commit ba702c6
Showing 1 changed file with 206 additions and 89 deletions.
295 changes: 206 additions & 89 deletions lib/accesslib.php
Expand Up @@ -4160,11 +4160,15 @@ function get_default_course_role($course) {

* who has this capability in this context
* does not handling user level resolving!!!
* (!)pleaes note if $fields is empty this function attempts to get u.*
* which can get rather large.
* i.e 1 person has 2 roles 1 allow, 1 prevent, this will not work properly
* Who has this capability in this context?
* This can be a very expensive call - use sparingly and keep
* the results if you are going to need them again soon.
* Note if $fields is empty this function attempts to get u.*
* which can get rather large - and has a serious perf impact
* on some DBs.
* @param $context - object
* @param $capability - string capability
* @param $fields - fields to be pulled
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4233,6 +4237,14 @@ function get_users_by_capability($context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='',
return false;

// is the default role interesting? does it have
// a relevant rolecap? (we use this a lot later)
if (in_array((int)$CFG->defaultuserroleid, $roleids, true)) {
$defaultroleinteresting = true;
} else {
$defaultroleinteresting = false;

// Prepare query clauses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4316,7 +4328,7 @@ function get_users_by_capability($context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='',

// all site users have it, anyway
if (in_array((int)$CFG->defaultuserroleid, $roleids, true)) {
if ($defaultroleinteresting) {
$sql = "SELECT $fields
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4346,43 +4358,47 @@ function get_users_by_capability($context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='',

// If there are any negative rolecaps, we need to
// work through a subselect - which is a lot more complex,
// and we cannot do the job in pure SQL (not without SQL stored
// procedures anyway). We will have to select with multiple-rows
// and apply $limitfrom/$limitnum on the PHP side.
// work through a subselect that will bring several rows
// per user (one per RA).
// Since we cannot do the job in pure SQL (not without SQL stored
// procedures anyway), we end up tied to processing the data in PHP
// all the way down to pagination.
// Did I say yuck?
// In some cases, this will mean bringing across a ton of data --
// when paginating, we have to walk the permisisons of all the rows
// in the _previous_ pages to get the pagination correct in the case
// of users that end up not having the permission - this removed.

// Prepare the role permissions datastructure for fast lookups
$roleperms = array(); // each role cap and depth
foreach ($capdefs AS $rcid=>$rc) {

$rid = (int)$rc->roleid;
$perm = (int)$rc->permission;
$depth = (int)$rc->ctxdepth;
if (!isset($roleperms[$rid])) {
$roleperms[$rid] = (object)array('perm' => $perm,
'depth' => $depth);
$rid = (int)$rc->roleid;
$perm = (int)$rc->permission;
$rcdepth = (int)$rc->ctxdepth;
if (!isset($roleperms[$rc->capability][$rid])) {
$roleperms[$rc->capability][$rid] = (object)array('perm' => $perm,
'rcdepth' => $rcdepth);
} else {
if ($roleperms[$rid]->perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {
if ($roleperms[$rc->capability][$rid]->perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {
// override - as we are going
// from general to local perms
// (as per the ORDER BY...depth ASC above)
// and local perms win...
$roleperms[$rid] = (object)array('perm' => $perm,
'depth' => $depth);
$roleperms[$rc->capability][$rid] = (object)array('perm' => $perm,
'rcdepth' => $rcdepth);


if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM
|| $isfrontpage
|| in_array((int)$CFG->defaultuserroleid, $roleids, true)) {
|| $defaultroleinteresting) {

// Handle system / sitecourse / defaultcap-with-neg-overrides
// Handle system / sitecourse / defaultrole-with-perhaps-neg-overrides
// with a SELECT FROM user LEFT OUTER JOIN against ra -
// This is expensive on the SQL and PHP sides -
// moves a ton of data across the wire.
Expand All @@ -4391,15 +4407,15 @@ function get_users_by_capability($context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='',
$ss = "SELECT as userid, ra.roleid,
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
LEFT OUTER {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra
ON (ra.userid =
AND ra.contextid IN ($ctxids)
AND ra.roleid IN (".implode(',',$roleids) .")
AND ra.roleid IN (".implode(',',$roleids) ."))
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
WHERE u.deleted=0";
} else {
// "Normal" case - the rolecaps we are after will
// "Normal complex case" - the rolecaps we are after will
// be defined in a role assignment somewhere.
$ss = "SELECT ra.userid as userid, ra.roleid,
Expand All @@ -4420,100 +4436,201 @@ function get_users_by_capability($context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='',
$where .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', array_values($wherecond));

// Each user's entries should come clustered together
// Each user's entries MUST come clustered together
// and RAs ordered in depth DESC - the role/cap resolution
// code depends on this.
$sort .= ' , ra.userid ASC, ra.depth DESC';
$sortby .= ' , ra.userid ASC, ra.depth DESC ';

$rs = get_recordset_sql($select.$from.$where.$sortby);

// Process the user accounts, folding repeats together...
$users = array();
$lastuserid = 0;
// Process the user accounts+RAs, folding repeats together...
// The processing for this recordset is tricky - to fold
// the role/perms of users with multiple role-assignments
// correctly while still processing one-row-at-a-time
// we need to add a few additional 'private' fields to
// the results array - so we can treat the rows as a
// state machine to track the cap/perms and at what RA-depth
// and RC-depth they were defined.
$results = array();

// pagination controls
$c = 0;
$limitfrom = (int)$limitfrom;
$limitnum = (int)$limitnum;

// What caps we are tracking
$caps = array($capability);
if ($doanything) {
$caps[] = 'moodle/site:candoanything';

// Mini-state machine, using $lastuserid and $hascap
// $hascap[ 'moodle/foo:bar' ]->perm = CAP_SOMETHING (numeric constant)
// $hascap[ 'moodle/foo:bar' ]->radepth = depth of the role assignment that set it
// $hascap[ 'moodle/foo:bar' ]->rcdepth = depth of the rolecap that set it
// -- when resolving conflicts, we need to look into radepth first, if unresolved
$lastuserid = 0;
foreach ($caps as $cap) {
$hascap[$cap]->perm = 0; // the main cap we are lookin
$hascap[$cap]->radepth = 0;
$hascap[$cap]->rcdepth = 0;

while ($user = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {

// Pagination controls
//error_log(" Record: " . print_r($user,1));

// Pagination controls
// Note that we might end up removing a user
// that ends up _not_ having the rights,
// therefore rolling back $c
if ($lastuserid != $user->id) {
$lastuserid = $user->id;
$newuser = true;

// Did the last user end up with a positive permission?
if ($lastuserid !=0) {
if ($hascap[$capability]->perm > 0
|| ($doanything && isset($hascap['moodle/site:candoanything'])
&& $hascap['moodle/site:candoanything']->perm > 0)) {
} else {
// remove the user from the result set,
// only if we are 'in the page'
if ($limitfrom === 0 || $c >= $limitfrom) {

// Did we hit pagination limit?
if ($limitnum !==0 && $c > ($limitfrom+$limitnum)) { // we are done!
} else {
$newuser = false;
if ($limitfrom !==0 && $c <= $limitfrom) {

// provide a default enrolment where needed
if (empty($user->roleid)) {
$user->roleid = (int)$CFG->defaultuserroleid;
$user->depth = 1;

// Add the users - adding the perms that win
if ($newuser) {
$users[$user->id] = $user; // trivial
} else {
// New user setup, and state machine init
$newuser = true;
$lastuserid = $user->id;

$inplace = $users[$user->id];

// Resolve who wins, in order of precendence
// - Prohibits always wins
// - Locality of RA
// - Locality of RC
//// Prohibits...
if ($roleperms[$user->roleid]->perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {
$users[$user->id] = $user;
$hascap = array();
foreach ($caps as $cap) {
// Do not set, unless it's interesting
// (we evaluate for isset() later)
if ($defaultroleinteresting) {
if (isset($roleperms[$cap][$CFG->defaultuserroleid])) {
$defroleperms = $roleperms[$cap][$CFG->defaultuserroleid];
$hascap[$cap] = new StdClass;
$hascap[$cap]->perm = $defroleperms->perm;
$hascap[$cap]->rcdepth = $defroleperms->rcdepth;
$hascap[$cap]->radepth = 1; // site-level
if ($roleperms[$inplace->roleid]->perm == CAP_PROHIBIT) {

// if we are 'in the page', also add the rec
// to the results...
if ($limitfrom === 0 || $c >= $limitfrom) {
$results[$user->id] = $user; // trivial
} else {
$newuser = false;

// Locality of RA -- we order by depth DESC
// so what's in $users already should win, unless its perm is 0
// Compute which permission/roleassignment/rolecap
// wins for each capability we are walking
if (!$newuser || $defaultroleinteresting) {
foreach ($caps as $cap) {
if (!isset($roleperms[$cap][$user->roleid])) {
// nothing set for this cap - skip
// We explicitly clone here as we
// add more properties to it
// that must stay separate from the
// original roleperm data structure
$rp = clone($roleperms[$cap][$user->roleid]);
$rp->radepth = $user->depth;

// Trivial case, we are the first to set
if ($hascap[$cap]->radepth === 0) {
$hascap[$cap] = $rp;

// Higher RA loses to local RA...
if ($user->depth < $inplace->depth) {
if (!empty($users[$user->id]->mergedperm)) {
// Wider RA loses to local RA...
// Resolve who prevails, in order of precendence
// - Prohibits always wins
// - Locality of RA
// - Locality of RC
//// Prohibits...
if ($rp->perm === CAP_PROHIBIT) {
$hascap[$cap] = $rp;
} else {
// "Resolve conflict" case, more local RAs had cancelled eachother
$users[$user->id] = $user;
if ($hascap[$cap]->perm === CAP_PROHIBIT) {

// Locality of RA - the look is ordered by depth DESC
// so from local to general -
// Higher RA loses to local RA... unless perm===0
/// Thanks to the order of the records, $rp->radepth <= $hascap[$cap]->radepth
/// _except_ for the default enrolment -- when it's interesting
if ($rp->radepth > $hascap[$cap]->radepth) {
// override the default enrolment -
// this is BUGGY because the default enrolment
// cannot "resolve" a pair of conflicted lower-level RAs
// TODO: Move the default enrolment to the tail of processing
$hascap[$cap] = $rp;
if ($rp->radepth < $hascap[$cap]->radepth) {
if ($hascap[$cap]->perm!==0) {
// Wider RA loses to local RAs...
} else {
// "Higher RA resolves conflict" case,
// local RAs had cancelled eachother
$hascap[$cap] = $rp;
// Same ralevel - locality of RC wins
if ($rp->rcdepth > $hascap[$cap]->rcdepth) {
$hascap[$cap] = $rp;
if ($rp->rcdepth > $hascap[$cap]->rcdepth) {
// We match depth - add them
$hascap[$cap]->perm += $rp->perm;
// Same-level RA - Locality of RC wins
if ($roleperms[$user->roleid]->depth > $roleperms[$inplace->roleid]->depth) {
$users[$user->id] = $user;
if ($roleperms[$user->roleid]->depth < $roleperms[$inplace->roleid]->depth) {
// We match depth - add them
if (isset($inplace->mergedperm)) {
$users[ $user->id ]->mergedperm = ($inplace->mergedperm
+ $roleperms[$user->roleid]->perm);
} else {
$users[ $user->id ]->mergedperm = ($roleperms[$inplace->roleid]->perms
+ $roleperms[$user->roleid]->perm);
// Prune last entry if necessary
if (!($hascap[$capability]->perm > 0
|| ($doanything && isset($hascap['moodle/site:candoanything'])
&& $hascap['moodle/site:candoanything']->perm > 0))) {
// remove the user from the result set,
// only if we are 'in the page'
if (isset($results[$lastuserid])) {

return $users;

return $results;

Expand Down

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