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4628 lines (3429 loc) · 126 KB

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4628 lines (3429 loc) · 126 KB


All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
createComment POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments Create a comment
createExtensionLabel POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label Create a Label
createExtensionPriority POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority Create a Priority
createExtensionStage POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage Create a Stage
createExtensionStatus POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status Create a TopicStatus
createExtensionType POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type Create a TopicType
createFullTopic POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic Create a Topic with viewpoints and comments
createTopic POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics Create a topic
createViewpoint POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints Create a Viewpoint
deleteComment DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} Delete a comment
deleteExtensionLabel DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label/{id} Delete a Label
deleteExtensionPriority DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority/{id} Delete a Priority
deleteExtensionStage DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage/{id} Delete a Stage
deleteExtensionStatus DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status/{id} Delete a TopicStatus
deleteExtensionType DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type/{id} Delete a TopicType
deleteTopic DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} Delete a topic
deleteViewpoint DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} Delete a Viewpoint
downloadBcfExport GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export Export project's topics in bcf-xml format
fullUpdateBcfProject PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} Update all fields of a BCF project
fullUpdateComment PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} Update all fields of a comment
fullUpdateFullTopic PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} Update all fields of a topic
fullUpdateTopic PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} Update all fields of a topic
fullUpdateViewpoint PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} Update all fields of a Viewpoint
getBcfProject GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} Retrieve a BCF project
getBcfProjects GET /bcf/2.1/projects Retrieve all BCF projects
getColorings GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/coloring Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint
getComment GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} Retrieve a comment
getComments GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments Retrieve all comments
getDetailedExtensions GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/detailed-extensions Retrieve project detailed extensions
getExtensions GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/extensions Retrieve project extensions
getFullTopic GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} Retrieve a full topic
getFullTopics GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic Retrieve all full topics
getSelections GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/selection Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint
getSnapshot GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot
getTopic GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} Retrieve a topic
getTopicViewpoints GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/topic-viewpoints Retrieve all viewpoints attached to the topic
getTopics GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics Retrieve all topics
getUser GET /bcf/2.1/current-user Get current user info
getViewpoint GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} Retrieve a Viewpoint
getViewpoints GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic
getVisibilities GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/visibility Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint
importBcf POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/import Import bcf-xml format into this project
updateBcfProject PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} Update some fields of a BCF project
updateComment PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} Update some fields of a comment
updateExtensionLabel PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label/{id} Update a Label
updateExtensionPriority PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority/{id} Update a Priority
updateExtensionStage PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage/{id} Update a Stage
updateExtensionStatus PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status/{id} Update a TopicStatus
updateExtensionType PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type/{id} Update a TopicType
updateFullTopic PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} Update some fields of a topic
updateTopic PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} Update some fields of a topic
updateViewpoint PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} Update some fields of a Viewpoint

Service Declaration

# config/services.yaml
    # ...
            - { name: "open_api_server.api", api: "bcf" }
    # ...


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Comment createComment($projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $commentRequest)

Create a comment

Create a comment Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createComment
    public function createComment(int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?CommentRequest $commentRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string
commentRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\CommentRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Label createExtensionLabel($projectsPk, $labelRequest)

Create a Label

This is not a standard route. Create a Label available for the project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createExtensionLabel
    public function createExtensionLabel(int $projectsPk, LabelRequest $labelRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
labelRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\LabelRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Priority createExtensionPriority($projectsPk, $priorityRequest)

Create a Priority

This is not a standard route. Create a Priority available for the project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createExtensionPriority
    public function createExtensionPriority(int $projectsPk, PriorityRequest $priorityRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
priorityRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PriorityRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Stage createExtensionStage($projectsPk, $stageRequest)

Create a Stage

This is not a standard route. Create a Stage available for the project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createExtensionStage
    public function createExtensionStage(int $projectsPk, StageRequest $stageRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
stageRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\StageRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicStatus createExtensionStatus($projectsPk, $topicStatusRequest)

Create a TopicStatus

This is not a standard route. Create a TopicStatus available for the project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createExtensionStatus
    public function createExtensionStatus(int $projectsPk, TopicStatusRequest $topicStatusRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicStatusRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicStatusRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicType createExtensionType($projectsPk, $topicTypeRequest)

Create a TopicType

This is not a standard route. Create a TopicType available for the project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createExtensionType
    public function createExtensionType(int $projectsPk, TopicTypeRequest $topicTypeRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicTypeRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicTypeRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopic createFullTopic($projectsPk, $fullTopicRequest, $imgFormat)

Create a Topic with viewpoints and comments

This is not a standard route. You can send a topic, viewpoints and comments in a single call Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createFullTopic
    public function createFullTopic(int $projectsPk, FullTopicRequest $fullTopicRequest, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
fullTopicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopicRequest
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Topic createTopic($projectsPk, $topicRequest)

Create a topic

Create a topic Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createTopic
    public function createTopic(int $projectsPk, TopicRequest $topicRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint createViewpoint($projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat, $viewpointRequest)

Create a Viewpoint

Create a Viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#createViewpoint
    public function createViewpoint(int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, ?ViewpointRequest $viewpointRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]
viewpointRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\ViewpointRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteComment($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Delete a comment

Delete a comment Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteComment
    public function deleteComment(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteExtensionLabel($id, $projectsPk)

Delete a Label

This is not a standard route. Delete a Label. Topics using this label won't be deleted Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteExtensionLabel
    public function deleteExtensionLabel(int $id, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this label.
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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deleteExtensionPriority($id, $projectsPk)

Delete a Priority

This is not a standard route. Delete a Priority. Topics using this priority won't be deleted Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteExtensionPriority
    public function deleteExtensionPriority(int $id, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this priority.
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteExtensionStage($id, $projectsPk)

Delete a Stage

This is not a standard route. Delete a Stage. Topics using this stage won't be deleted Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteExtensionStage
    public function deleteExtensionStage(int $id, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this stage.
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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deleteExtensionStatus($id, $projectsPk)

Delete a TopicStatus

This is not a standard route. Delete a TopicStatus. Topics using this status won't be deleted Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteExtensionStatus
    public function deleteExtensionStatus(int $id, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this topic status.
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteExtensionType($id, $projectsPk)

Delete a TopicType

This is not a standard route. Delete a TopicType. Topics using this type won't be deleted Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteExtensionType
    public function deleteExtensionType(int $id, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this topic type.
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteTopic($guid, $projectsPk)

Delete a topic

Delete a topic Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteTopic
    public function deleteTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


deleteViewpoint($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat)

Delete a Viewpoint

This is not a standard route. Delete a Viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#deleteViewpoint
    public function deleteViewpoint(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


UploadedFile downloadBcfExport($id, $format, $topics)

Export project's topics in bcf-xml format

This is not a standard route. Export project's topics in bcf-xml format Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#downloadBcfExport
    public function downloadBcfExport(int $id, ?string $format, ?string $topics, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.
format string topic format to export, comma separated. Default = standard [optional]
topics string topic guids to export, comma separated. Default = all [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\BcfProject fullUpdateBcfProject($id, $bcfProjectRequest)

Update all fields of a BCF project

Update all fields of a BCF project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#fullUpdateBcfProject
    public function fullUpdateBcfProject(int $id, BcfProjectRequest $bcfProjectRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.
bcfProjectRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\BcfProjectRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Comment fullUpdateComment($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $commentRequest)

Update all fields of a comment

Update all fields of a comment Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#fullUpdateComment
    public function fullUpdateComment(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?CommentRequest $commentRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string
commentRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\CommentRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopic fullUpdateFullTopic($guid, $projectsPk, $fullTopicRequest, $imgFormat)

Update all fields of a topic

This is not a standard route. You can update topic, viewpoints and comment is a signle call Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#fullUpdateFullTopic
    public function fullUpdateFullTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, FullTopicRequest $fullTopicRequest, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
fullTopicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopicRequest
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Topic fullUpdateTopic($guid, $projectsPk, $topicRequest)

Update all fields of a topic

Update all fields of a topic Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#fullUpdateTopic
    public function fullUpdateTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, TopicRequest $topicRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicRequest

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint fullUpdateViewpoint($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat, $viewpointRequest)

Update all fields of a Viewpoint

This is not a standard route. Update all fields of a Viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#fullUpdateViewpoint
    public function fullUpdateViewpoint(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, ?ViewpointRequest $viewpointRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]
viewpointRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\ViewpointRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\BcfProject getBcfProject($id)

Retrieve a BCF project

Retrieve a BCF project Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getBcfProject
    public function getBcfProject(int $id, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\BcfProject getBcfProjects()

Retrieve all BCF projects

Retrieve all BCF projects Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getBcfProjects
    public function getBcfProjects(int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Coloring getColorings($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint

Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getColorings
    public function getColorings(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Comment getComment($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve a comment

Retrieve a comment Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getComment
    public function getComment(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Comment getComments($projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve all comments

Retrieve all comments Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getComments
    public function getComments(int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\DetailedExtensions getDetailedExtensions($id)

Retrieve project detailed extensions

This is not a standard route. Retrieve project detailed extensions Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getDetailedExtensions
    public function getDetailedExtensions(int $id, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Extensions getExtensions($id)

Retrieve project extensions

Retrieve project extensions Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getExtensions
    public function getExtensions(int $id, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopic getFullTopic($guid, $projectsPk, $imgFormat)

Retrieve a full topic

This is not a standard route. It responds with a topic, its viewpoints and its comments Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getFullTopic
    public function getFullTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopic getFullTopics($projectsPk, $format, $ifcs, $imgFormat, $models)

Retrieve all full topics

This is not a standard route. It responds with all topics, their viewpoints and their comments Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getFullTopics
    public function getFullTopics(int $projectsPk, ?string $format, ?array $ifcs, ?string $imgFormat, ?array $models, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
format string [optional]
ifcs int [optional]
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]
models int [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Component getSelections($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint

Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getSelections
    public function getSelections(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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UploadedFile getSnapshot($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot

Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getSnapshot
    public function getSnapshot(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Topic getTopic($guid, $projectsPk)

Retrieve a topic

Retrieve a topic Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getTopic
    public function getTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint getTopicViewpoints($projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat)

Retrieve all viewpoints attached to the topic

This is not a standard route. It returns all viewpoints of the topic that are not attached to a comment. Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getTopicViewpoints
    public function getTopicViewpoints(int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


OpenAPI\Server\Model\Topic getTopics($projectsPk, $format, $ifcs, $models)

Retrieve all topics

Retrieve all topics Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getTopics
    public function getTopics(int $projectsPk, ?string $format, ?array $ifcs, ?array $models, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
format string [optional]
ifcs int [optional]
models int [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\SelfBcfUser getUser()

Get current user info

Get current user info. If request comes from an App, the response is always:{ "id": None, "name": None, "is_client": True,} Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getUser
    public function getUser(int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint getViewpoint($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat)

Retrieve a Viewpoint

Retrieve a Viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getViewpoint
    public function getViewpoint(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint getViewpoints($projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat)

Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic

Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getViewpoints
    public function getViewpoints(int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Visibility getVisibilities($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid)

Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint

Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:read

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#getVisibilities
    public function getVisibilities(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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importBcf($id, $name)

Import bcf-xml format into this project

This is not a standard route. Import bcf-xml format into this project. If there are guid conflict, an error will be raised. If there are index conflicts, indexes of the imported file will be overriden with a new index. Author and assigned_to fields will be linked to existing users in the project. If no matching user are found, fields will be emptied. Only BCF 2.1 is supported Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#importBcf
    public function importBcf(int $id, string $name, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): void
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.
name string Name of the project

Return type

void (empty response body)


ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Accept: Not defined

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\BcfProject updateBcfProject($id, $patchedBcfProjectRequest)

Update some fields of a BCF project

Update some fields of a BCF project Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateBcfProject
    public function updateBcfProject(int $id, ?PatchedBcfProjectRequest $patchedBcfProjectRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this project.
patchedBcfProjectRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedBcfProjectRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Comment updateComment($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $patchedCommentRequest)

Update some fields of a comment

Update some fields of a comment Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateComment
    public function updateComment(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?PatchedCommentRequest $patchedCommentRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int A unique integer value identifying this project.
topicsGuid string
patchedCommentRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedCommentRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Label updateExtensionLabel($id, $projectsPk, $patchedLabelRequest)

Update a Label

This is not a standard route. Update a Label. All topics using this label will be updated Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateExtensionLabel
    public function updateExtensionLabel(int $id, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedLabelRequest $patchedLabelRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this label.
projectsPk int
patchedLabelRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedLabelRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Priority updateExtensionPriority($id, $projectsPk, $patchedPriorityRequest)

Update a Priority

This is not a standard route. Update a Priority. All topics using this priority will be updated Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateExtensionPriority
    public function updateExtensionPriority(int $id, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedPriorityRequest $patchedPriorityRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this priority.
projectsPk int
patchedPriorityRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedPriorityRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Stage updateExtensionStage($id, $projectsPk, $patchedStageRequest)

Update a Stage

This is not a standard route. Update a Stage. All topics using this stage will be updated Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateExtensionStage
    public function updateExtensionStage(int $id, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedStageRequest $patchedStageRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this stage.
projectsPk int
patchedStageRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedStageRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicStatus updateExtensionStatus($id, $projectsPk, $patchedTopicStatusRequest)

Update a TopicStatus

This is not a standard route. Update a TopicStatus. All topics using this status will be updated Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateExtensionStatus
    public function updateExtensionStatus(int $id, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedTopicStatusRequest $patchedTopicStatusRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this topic status.
projectsPk int
patchedTopicStatusRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedTopicStatusRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\TopicType updateExtensionType($id, $projectsPk, $patchedTopicTypeRequest)

Update a TopicType

This is not a standard route. Update a TopicType. All topics using this type will be updated Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateExtensionType
    public function updateExtensionType(int $id, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedTopicTypeRequest $patchedTopicTypeRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
id int A unique integer value identifying this topic type.
projectsPk int
patchedTopicTypeRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedTopicTypeRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\FullTopic updateFullTopic($guid, $projectsPk, $imgFormat, $patchedFullTopicRequest)

Update some fields of a topic

This is not a standard route. You can update topic, viewpoints and comment is a signle call Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateFullTopic
    public function updateFullTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, ?string $imgFormat, ?PatchedFullTopicRequest $patchedFullTopicRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]
patchedFullTopicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedFullTopicRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Topic updateTopic($guid, $projectsPk, $patchedTopicRequest)

Update some fields of a topic

Update some fields of a topic Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateTopic
    public function updateTopic(string $guid, int $projectsPk, ?PatchedTopicRequest $patchedTopicRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
patchedTopicRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedTopicRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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OpenAPI\Server\Model\Viewpoint updateViewpoint($guid, $projectsPk, $topicsGuid, $imgFormat, $patchedViewpointRequest)

Update some fields of a Viewpoint

This is not a standard route. Update some fields of a Viewpoint Required scopes: bcf:write

Example Implementation

// src/Acme/MyBundle/Api/BcfApiInterface.php

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Api;

use OpenAPI\Server\Api\BcfApiInterface;

class BcfApi implements BcfApiInterface

     * Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
    public function setApiKey($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
    public function setBIMData_Connect($oauthToken)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $oauthToken ...

     * Configure API key authorization: Bearer
    public function setBearer($apiKey)
        // Retrieve logged in user from $apiKey ...

    // ...

     * Implementation of BcfApiInterface#updateViewpoint
    public function updateViewpoint(string $guid, int $projectsPk, string $topicsGuid, ?string $imgFormat, ?PatchedViewpointRequest $patchedViewpointRequest, int &$responseCode, array &$responseHeaders): array|object|null
        // Implement the operation ...

    // ...


Name Type Description Notes
guid string
projectsPk int
topicsGuid string
imgFormat string All snapshot_data will be returned as url instead of base64 [optional]
patchedViewpointRequest OpenAPI\Server\Model\PatchedViewpointRequest [optional]

Return type



ApiKey, BIMData_Connect, BIMData_Connect, Bearer

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

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