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    	                           Version: 0.0.7
    	                           Author: Maxim Kononovich


Codacy Badge

A simple social network platform.

If you want test my program just open

  1. First, extract the InConnect-master folder out of the JAR file.
  2. In IntelliJ IDEA, select "Open Project" and choose the extracted folder.
  3. Once the project is opened, Refresh the Project in order to make sure that the Gradle dependencies are set up.
  4. To run the InConnect server, run bootRun task in Gradle tasks
  5. Launch in a console "npm start" for start webpack
  6. The URL used to connect to the game in a browser, is "localhost:8080".

>> If you are connecting from a different computer on the network, use the IP address instead of localhost.

In this app you can write messages. see your profile, login with google oAuth.
At messages you can put hrefs and see preview of url, jr if url on youtube you can see video inside html