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Releases: moqui/moqui

Moqui Framework version 1.6.0

17 Jan 21:45
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Moqui Framework 1.6.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release.

There are over 575 commits since the last release and an increase in size from around 67k lines to around 74k lines of text (primarily Java, Groovy, XML, XSD, and FTL files; not including files from other projects). The System and Tools apps have 57 screens and 124 forms. Moqui has 123 entities, 23 view entities, and 97 services.

The new Moqui Tools REST API has 85 services. This uses the new Service REST tool which allows specifying resource and id paths with services and entity operations associated with HTTP request methods, one of the major new features in this release.

Along with this feature there is generation of Swagger definitions and Swagger UI is included with links to view the various defined APIs in the Tools app. The REST API also uses the new feature of explicitly defined 'master' entities which are based on relationships to detail and join entities to produce and consume JSON (or nested maps/lists), easily combining related records into a single document for query or update.

Another major new feature is the ScreenTest interface and an implementation that includes stubs for the WebFacade and various Java Servlet interfaces to simulate web requests without a Servlet container running. There are tests for the System and Tools apps and the Tools REST API that do 70 renders. These tests are run along with other Spock tests in gradle test runs, and for the projects in the Moqui Ecosystem all are run in the Travis CI automated builds.

Other features include a REST Client tool, various email send and receive improvements, a session token for CSRF prevention, password reset uses a separate temporary password to avoid disabling accounts, a login/api key issued like a temporary username/password combination, component definition files with dependencies to change load order, and wiki entities and services based on the ResourceFacade (originally in HiveMind).

This is the 6th anniversary release for Moqui Framework (the project was started 3 Feb 2010). These plus dozens of smaller features and features from past releases make Moqui Framework the best option, open source or commercial, for building efficient, large scale, secure, and integrated enterprise applications with minimal code.

For full release notes see:

The file is a source distribution for all projects in the Moqui Ecosystem: Moqui, Mantle, SimpleScreens, HiveMind, and PopCommerce.

The MoquiEcosystem-1.6.0.war file is a prebuilt all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). This is the file deployed on the Moqui Demo server ( with small changes to the MoquiProductionConf.xml file for HTTPS settings.

Moqui Framework version 1.5.3

12 Sep 00:15
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Moqui Framework 1.5.3 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

This release includes various smaller improvements and bug fixes, and a number of library updates. There are no significant new features but many smaller improvements and cleanups.

There are around 400 commits since the last release and an increase in size from around 65k lines to around 67k lines of text (primarily Java, Groovy, XML, XSD, and FTL files; not including files from other projects). The System and Tools apps have 56 screens and 121 forms. Moqui has 127 entities and 70 services.

For full release notes see:

Moqui Framework Release 1.5.2

03 May 03:46
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Moqui Framework 1.5.2 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

The main improvement in this release is significantly better performance.
Overall performance is about 3x faster, with various lower level entity and
service operations around 10x faster. There are also various improvements
to stability, especially in production under a load. Some of these are from
better concurrency handling and other improvements in Moqui, others from
updates to libraries including a newer version of Bitronix TM.

The H2 database is now used by default instead of Derby. There is now a
CUPS server integration using Cups4J including services to print, and
services and screens for managing printers and print jobs.

There are fixes for running Moqui on Microsoft Windows, and for using the
OrientDB database through the Entity Facade. These were both supported in
the past but were broken in recent versions of Moqui Framework.

For more details see:

For instruction on how to run and deploy Moqui see:

Moqui Framework Release 1.5.1

30 Mar 01:00
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Moqui Framework 1.5.1 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

New features in this release include various enhancements to DataDocument
functionality and the introduction of the search#CountBySource to be used
for analytics and reporting using ElasticSearch as the data store. Note
that as part of these changes the fields of the primary entity of a
DataDocument are in the root map/object of the document instead of in a
map/object names for the primary entity.

There is also new functionality for handling JSON documents in more places
including load/import and write/export of entity data and a generic entity
REST interface following various RESTful best practices. See the rest.xml
screen file for more details (comments there with examples, etc).

For more detailed release notes see:

Moqui Framework Release 1.5.0

07 Mar 20:22
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Moqui Framework 1.5.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release.

This release includes a number of UI improvements in XML Screens and Forms
including lazy-loading trees (with jstree), more complete database-driven
forms, general form response saving (together support DB-driven surveys,
and can also be used with any XML Form), ability to include entire screen
sections in other screens, required screen parameters so explicit checking
isn't necessary (most screens with parameters need this), significant style
improvements based on updated Metis (and Bootstrap, jquery, etc), a new
dark/light style switcher, and restored use of screen themes to load CSS,
JS, images, inserted text and templates, and much more.

One major new feature in this release is EntitySync which duplicates data
between systems based on update timestamps. This can move data between
tenants, systems on different networks and used for different purposes, and
so on. Another major feature is the system-system messaging that is a store
and forward message queue, or in other words it persists outgoing messages
to allow retry in sending or even modify and retry, and incoming messages
to allow retry in processing, modify and retry, etc. This can be used along
with or instead of a lower-level message queue to provide more visibility
at a business level and to facilitate production support for messages with
issues. It is configurable so that different services can be used to
process different messages (send, receive, consume). Both EntitySync and
System-System Messages are new and not yet vetted in production so should
be considered beta features as of this release.

The Tools application has been split into System and Tools applications
targeted at the different roles of system administrators and developers.
There are new screens in the System app for security (users, user groups,
and artifact groups with preferences, permissions, authz, tarpits), for
Entity Sync to review status and create/maintain, and for System-System
Messages to review incoming and outgoing messages and handle issues with
messages. There are also improvements in the Tools screens for developers
including various Auto Screen improvements, an Artifact Statistics screen
with counts of various artifacts and improved service detail with
highlighted display of actual and generated source.

NOTE: This release, just as the previous, required JDK 7 to run. It also
includes the invoke dynamic variation of Groovy (which requires Java 7)
for significantly enhanced performance.

NOTE: The webroot, tools, and example components are now in the new
runtime/base-component directory instead of the runtime/component directory
to keep them separate from add-on components. There is also a new
runtime/component-lib directory for library components that are loaded
after mantle (if present) and before the components in the
runtime/component directory.

For more detailed release notes see:

Moqui Framework Release 1.4.0

22 Mar 05:44
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Moqui Framework 1.4.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release.

Significant new features include: incorporating the Metis Admin Template,
adding Twitter Bootstrap and updating jQuery/jQueryUI, added Bitronix
transaction manager and pluggable JTA implementation support, added JBoss
KIE and Drools with framework and component knowledge base support,
Markdown support, JSON-RPC improvements, data loading improvements to
support CSV files and calling services to load data, a Quartz Scheduler
history in the DB and a Quartz persistence implementation, and services to
clean Quartz history as well as Moqui artifact hit and hit bin histories.

There are various bug fixes and stability improvements in this release for
things like PostgreSQL support, input data handling, form-list and general
pagination, Tomcat and other Servlet container deployment, and email

This release is backward compatible with the previous release (1.3.2),
though some configuration changes may be needed and custom HTML/JS may need
to be updated for the new JS libraries and Metis Admin Template.

Moqui Framework Release 1.3.2

21 Nov 06:26
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Moqui Framework 1.3.2 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.

The main new feature is a write-through per-transaction cache that
effectively simulates the database for the scope of the transaction and
does all DB updates with a single connection just before commit. This
transaction cache is enabled on service definitions using the cache and
force-cache options for the service.@transaction attribute. With this in
place various Mantle services now run 2-3 times as fast with results
validated by extensive automated tests.

Another set of new features covers internal profiling for artifact
execution (entities, services, screens, transitions, etc). There are
various forms of output available including a full artifact call tree with
times, a consolidated tree to see own and total for artifacts in context,
and a hot spot list by own or total time. This is similar to Java-level
profiling tools but focuses on business level artifacts and with a low
overhead gathers data always but only generates reports when needed.

OrientDB is now included in the framework by default instead of only in an
addon component as before. This is useful as a general graph and document
database and as an alternative through the Entity Facade for high-write
entities like ArtifactHit.

Moqui Framework Release 1.3.1

21 Oct 01:22
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Moqui Framework 1.3.1 is a minor new feature, bug fix, and performance
enhancement release.

Moqui Framework Release 1.3.0

28 Jul 02:43
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Moqui Framework 1.3.0 is a major new feature and bug fix release. The major
new features include the EntityFacade Data Document, Data Feed, and Data
Search (based on ElasticSearch) features, the User Notification Message
feature, and various improvements to XML Screens and Forms. This release is
backward compatible with Moqui Framework release 1.2.0 with the exception
that the StatusValidChange entity is deprecated by the new
StatusFlowTransition entity.

For more details see the 1.3.0 release notes (in ReleaseNotes.txt).