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Libre - a Book Scrapping Project To Help Find Books Easily.


Libre is a responsive single page app designed to filter data from web-applications as a mirror site to ease consumer reach of books. Built with tailwind.css and vanilla javascript of the front end, it incorporates python for task automation. Libre scrapes data on the backend from the manybooks website gathering images, links and names for each iteration of a single book using python packages such as Beautiful Soup 4, requests and a html parser -> lxml parser.

Running the project locally -> Front-end manipulation

Front end manipulation is not crucial so if you just want to render the project skip to backend manipulation section

Make sure your local version is v6+. I currently we are using v10.8 as of March 2021.

npm install

If you want to regenerate css with your changes, run this command to generate css using tailwind config (e.g. tailwind.js)

$ ./node_modules/.bin/tailwind build style.css -c ./tailwind.js -o ./output.css

If you want to recompile the javascript, make sure browserify is installed globally then run this command to create bundle.js

$ npm install -g browserify
$ browserify main.js -o bundle.js

Back-end manipulation

Make sure you have python3 and django installed and you are in a virtual environment. Linux users

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Enter into the directory of the project(Bookshelf) and type

$ python3 runserver

It will prompt to install dependencies

$ pip install lxml

$ pip install bs4

$ pip install requests



Use it freely but please do not republish, distribute or sell "as-is". Read more about Us.

This project Demo

👋 Is currently running. Click Live-Demo Explore it and feel free to drop your feedback. Note that it might take a few seconds to load because Heroku puts the app to 'sleep' after 30 minutes of inactivity


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Follow femar: Website, Dribbble, Github, Twitter, Medium

© aduki, Inc 2021 © Moreh Wa Chege © Bookshelf 2021


Book sharing Webapplication







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