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File metadata and controls

785 lines (565 loc) · 25.7 KB

Paths and Linking


Morepath lets you publish model classes on paths using Python functions. It also lets you create links to model instances. To be able do so Morepath needs to be told what variables there are in the path in order to find the model, and how to find these variables again in the model in order to construct a link to it.


Overlapping paths

Morepath lets you define multiple overlapping paths:

@App.path(model=Item, path='items/{id}')
def get_item(id):

@App.path(model=ItemDetail, path='items/{id}/details/{detail_id}')
def get_item_detail(id, detail_id):

If you have overlapping paths, you need to name the variable names the same in the overlapping part of the paths, otherwise Morepath reports a configuration conflict. So you can't have this:

@App.path(model=Item, path='items/{id}')
def get_item(id):

@App.path(model=ItemDetail, path='items/{item_id}/details/{detail_id}')
def get_item_detail(item_id, detail_id):

Morepath reports an error in this case, as {id} and {item_id} overlap but are different variable names.

Let's assume we have a model class Overview:

class Overview(object):

Here's how we could expose it to the web under the path overview:

@App.path(model=Overview, path='overview')
def get_overview():
    return Overview()

And let's give it a default view so we can see it when we go to its URL:

def overview_default(self, request):
    return "Overview"

No variables are involved yet: they aren't in the path and the get_overview function takes no arguments.

Let's try a single variable now. We have a class Document:

class Document(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

Let's expose it to the web under documents/{name}:

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents/{name}')
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

def document_default(self, request):
    return "Document: " +

Here we declare a variable in the path ({name}), and it gets passed into the get_document function. The function does some kind of query to look for a Document instance by name. We then have a view that knows how to display a Document instance.

We can also have multiple variables in a path. We have a VersionedDocument:

class VersionedDocument(object):
    def __init__(self, name, version): = name
        self.version = version

We could expose this to the web like this:

def get_versioned_document(name, version):
    return query_versioned_document(name, version)

def versioned_document_default(self, request):
    return "Versioned document: %s %s" % (, self.version)

The rule is that all variables declared in the path can be used as arguments in the model function.

URL query parameters

What if we want to use URL parameters to expose models? That is possible too. Let's look at the Document case first:

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents')
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

get_document has an argument name, but it doesn't appear in the path. This argument is now taken to be a URL parameter. So, this exposes URLs of the type documents?name=foo. That's not as nice as documents/foo, so we recommend against parameters in this case: you should use paths to identify something.

URL parameters are more useful for queries. Let's imagine we have a collection of documents and we have an API on it that allows us to search in it for some text:

class DocumentCollection(object):
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def search(self):
        if self.text is None:
            return []
        return fulltext_search(self.text)

We now publish this collection, making it searchable:

@App.path(model=DocumentCollection, path='search')
def document_search(text):
    return DocumentCollection(text)

To be able to see something, we add a view that returns a comma separated string with the names of all matching documents:

def document_collection_default(self, request):
    return ', '.join([ for document in])

As you can see it uses the method.

Unlike path variables, URL parameters can be omitted, i.e. we can have a plain search path without a text parameter. In that case text has the value None. The search method has code to handle this special case: it returns the empty list.

Often it's useful to have a default instead. Let's imagine we have a default search query, all that should be used if no text parameter is supplied (instead of None). We make a default available by supplying a default value in the document_search function:

@App.path(model=DocumentCollection, path='search')
def document_search(text='all'):
    return DocumentCollection(text)

Note that defaults have no meaning for path variables, because whenever a path is resolved, all variables in it have been found. They can be used as type hints however; we'll talk more about those soon.

Like with path variables, you can have as many URL parameters as you want.

Extra URL query parameters

URL parameters are matched with function arguments, but it could be you're interested in an arbitrary amount of extra URL parameters. You can specify that you're interested in this by adding an extra_parameters argument:

@App.path(model=DocumentCollection, path='search')
def document_search(text='all', extra_parameters):
    return DocumentCollection(text, extra_parameters)

Now any additional URL parameters are put into the extra_parameters dictionary. So, search?text=blah&a=A&b=B would match text with the text parameter, and there would be an extra_parameters containing {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'}.

extra_parameters can also be useful for the case where the name of the parameter is not a valid Python name (such as @foo) -- you can still receive such parameters using extra_parameters.


To create a link to a model, we can call :meth:`` in our view code. At that point the model is examined to retrieve the variables so that the path can be constructed.

Here is a simple case involving Document again:

class Document(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents/{name}')
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

We add a named view called link that links to the document itself:

@App.view(model=Document, name='link')
def document_self_link(self, request):

The view at /documents/foo/link produces the link /documents/foo. That's the right one!

So, it constructs a link to the document itself. This view is not very useful, but the principle is the same everywhere in any view: as long as we have a Document instance we can create a link to it using

You can also give link a name to link to a named view. Here's a link2 view creates a link to the link view:

@App.view(model=Document, name='link2')
def document_self_link(self, request):
    return, name='link')

So the view at /documents/foo/link2 produces the link /documents/foo/link.

Linking with path variables

How does the code know what the value of the {name} variable should be so that the link can be constructed? In this case this happened automatically: the value of the name attribute of Document is assumed to be the one that goes into the link.

This automatic rule won't work everywhere, however. Perhaps an attribute with a different name is used, or a more complicated method is used to construct the name. For those cases we can take over and supply a custom variables function that knows how to construct the variables needed to construct the link from the model.

The variables function gets the model as a single argument and needs to return a dictionary. The keys should be the variable names used in the path or URL parameters, and the values should be the values as extracted from the model.

As an example, here is the variables function for the Document case made explicit:

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents/{name}',
          variables=lambda model: dict(
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

Or to spell it out without the use of lambda:

def document_variables(model):
    return dict(

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents/{name}',
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

Let's change Document so that the name is stored in the id attribute:

class DifferentDocument(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

Our automatic variables won't cut it anymore, so we have to be explicit:: attribute, we can do this:

@App.path(model=DifferentDocument, path='documents/{name}',
          variables=lambda model: dict(
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

All we've done is adjust the variables function to take

Getting variables works for multiple variables too of course. Here's the explicit variables for the VersionedDocument case that takes multiple variables:

          variables=lambda model: dict(,
def get_versioned_document(name, version):
    return query_versioned_document(name, version)

If you have extra_parameters, the default variables expects that extra_parameters to exist as an attribute on the object, but you can write a custom variables that retrieves this dictionary from the object in some other way:

          variables=lambda model: dict(text=model.search_text,
def get_search_results(text, extra_parameters):

Linking with URL query parameters

Linking works the same way for URL parameters as it works for path variables.

Here's a get_model that takes the document name as a URL parameter, using an implicit variables:

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents')
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

Now we add back the same self_link view as we had before:

@App.view(model=Document, name='link')
def document_self_link(self, request):

Here's get_document with an explicit variables:

@App.path(model=Document, path='documents',
          variables=lambda model: dict(
def get_document(name):
    return query_document_by_name(name)

i.e. exactly the same as for the path variable case.

Let's look at a document exposed on this URL:


Then the view documents/link?name=foo constructs the link:


The documents/link?name=foo is interesting: the name=foo parameters are added to the end, but they are used by the get_document function, not by its views. Here's link2 again to further demonstrate this behavior:

@App.view(model=Document, name='link2')
def document_self_link(self, request):
    return, name='link')

When we now go to documents/link2?name=foo we get the link /documents/link?name=foo.

Prefixing links with a base URL

By default, :meth:`` generates links as fully qualified URLs using the HOST header and the given protocol (http, https), for instance:


You can use the :meth:`morepath.App.link_prefix` decorator to override this behavior. For example, if you do not want to add the full hostname (in fact the behavior of Morepath before version 0.9), you can write:

def simple_link_prefix(request):
    return ''

The link_prefix function is only called once per request per app, during the first call to :meth:`` for an app. After this it is cached for the rest of the duration of that request.

Linking to external applications

As a more advanced use case for link_prefix, you can use it to represent an application that is completely external, just for the purposes of making it easier to create a link to it.

Let's say we want to be able to link to documents on the external site, and that these documents live on URLs like{id}.

We can create a model for such an external document first:

class ExternalDocument(object):
    def __init__(self, id): = id

And declare the path space of the external site:

@ExternalApp.path(model=ExternalDocument, path='/documents/{id}')
def get_external_document(id):
    return ExternalDocument(id)

We don't need to declare any views for ExternalDocument; ExternalApp only exists to let you generate a link to the external site more easily.

Now we want'foo')) to result in the link All we need to do is to declare a special link_prefix for the external app where we hardcode

def simple_link_prefix(request):
    return ''

Type hints

So far we've only dealt with variables that have string values. But what if we want to use other types for our variables, such as int or datetime? What if we have a record that you obtain by an int id, for instance? Given some Record class that has an int id like this:

class Record(object):
    def __init__(self, id): = id

We could do this to expose it:

@App.path(model=Record, path='records/{id}')
def get_record(id):
        id = int(id)
    except ValueError:
        return None
    return record_by_id(id)

But Morepath offers a better way. We can tell Morepath we expect an int and only an int, and if something else is supplied, the path should not match. Here's how:

@App.path(model=Record, path='records/{id}')
def get_record(id=0):
    return record_by_id(id)

We've added a default parameter (id=0) here that Morepath uses as an indication that only an int is expected. Morepath will now automatically convert id to an int before it enters the function. It also gives a 404 Not Found response for URLs that don't have an int. So it accepts /records/100 but gives a 404 for /records/foo.

Let's examine the same case for an id URL parameter:

@App.path(model=Record, path='records')
def get_record(id=0):
    return record_by_id(id)

This responds to an URL like /records?id=100, but rejects /records/id=foo as foo cannot be converted to an int. It rejects a request with the latter path with a 400 Bad Request error.

By supplying a default for a URL parameter we've accomplished two in one here, as it's a good idea to supply defaults for URL parameters anyway, as that makes them properly optional.


Sometimes simple type hints are not enough. What if multiple possible string representations for something exist in the same application? Let's examine the case of :class:``.

We could represent it as a string in ISO 8601 format as returned by the :meth:`` method, i.e. 2014-01-15 for the 15th of january 2014. We could also use ISO 8601 compact format, namely 20140115 (and this what Morepath defaults to). But we could also use another representation, say 15/01/2014.

Let's first see how a string with an ISO compact date can be decoded (deserialized, loaded) into a date object:

from datetime import date
from time import mktime, strptime

def date_decode(s):
    return date.fromtimestamp(mktime(strptime(s, '%Y%m%d')))

We can try it out:

>>> date_decode('20140115'), 1, 15)

Note that this function raises a ValueError if we give it a string that cannot be converted into a date:

>>> date_decode('blah')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: time data 'blah' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d'

This is a general principle of decode: a decode function can fail and if it does it should raise a ValueError.

We also specify how to encode (serialize, dump) a date object back into a string:

def date_encode(d):
    return d.strftime('%Y%m%d')

We can try it out too:

>>> date_encode(date(2014, 1, 15))

A encode function should never fail, if at least presented with input of the right type, in this case a date instance.


To help you write these functions, note that they're the inverse each other, so these equality are both True. For any string s that can be decoded, this is true:

encode(decode(s)) == s

And for any object that can be encoded, this is true:

decode(encode(o)) == o

The output of decode should always be input for encode, and the output of encode should always be input for decode.

Now that we have our date_decode and date_encode functions, we can wrap them in an :class:`morepath.Converter` object:

date_converter = morepath.Converter(decode=date_decode, encode=date_encode)

Let's now see how we can use date_converter.

We have some kind of Records collection that can be parameterized with start and end to select records in a date range:

class Records(object):
   def __init__(self, start, end):
      self.start = start
      self.end = end

   def query(self):
      return query_records_in_date_range(self.start, self.end)

We expose it to the web:

@App.path(model=Records, path='records',
          converters=dict(start=date_converter, end=date_converter))
def get_records(start, end):
    return Records(start, end)

We also add a simple view that gives us comma-separated list of matching record ids:

def records_view(self, request):
    return ', '.join([str( for record in self.query()])

We can now go to URLs like this:


The start and end URL parameters now are decoded into date objects, which get passed into get_records. And when you generate a link to a Records object, the start and end dates are encoded into strings.

What happens when a decode raises a ValueError, i.e. improper dates were passed in? In that case, the URL parameters cannot be decoded properly, and Morepath returns a 400 Bad Request response.

You can also use encode and decode for arguments used in a path:

@App.path(model=Day, path='days/{d}', converters=dict(d=date_converter))
def get_day(d):
    return Day(d)

This publishes the model on a URL like this:


When you pass in a broken date, like /days/foo, a ValueError is raised by the date decoder, and a 404 not Found response is given by the server: the URL does not resolve to a model.

Default converters

Morepath has a number of default converters registered; we already saw examples for int and strings. Morepath also has a default converter for date (compact ISO 8601, i.e. 20131231) and datetime (i.e. 20131231T23:59:59).

You can add new default converters for your own classes, or override existing default behavior, by using the :meth:`morepath.App.converter` decorator. Let's change the default behavior for date in this example to use ISO 8601 extended format, so that dashes are there to separate the year, month and day, i.e. 2013-12-31:

def extended_date_decode(s):
    return date.fromtimestamp(mktime(strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d')))

def extended_date_encode(d):
    return d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

def date_converter():
    return Converter(extended_date_decode, extended_date_encode)

Now Morepath understand type hints for date differently:

@App.path(model=Day, path='days/{d}')
def get_day(d=date(2011, 1, 1)):
    return Day(d)

has models published on a URL like:


Type hints and converters

You may have a situation where you don't want to add a default argument to indicate the type hint, but you know you want to use a default converter for a particular type. For those cases you can pass the type into the converters dictionary as a shortcut:

@App.path(model=Day, path='days/{d}', converters=dict(d=date))
def get_day(d):
    return Day(d)

The variable d is now interpreted as a date. Morepath uses whatever converter that was registered for that type.

List converters

What if you want to allow a list of parameters instead of just a single one? You can do this by wrapping the converter or type in the converters dictionary in a list:

@App.path(model=Days, path='days', converters=dict(d=[date]))
def get_days(d):
    return Days(d)

Now the d parameter will be interpreted as a list. This means URLs like this are accepted:




For the first case, d is a list with one date item, in the second case, d has 2 items, and in the third case the list d is empty.


Sometimes you only know what converters are available at run-time; this particularly relevant if you want to supply converters for the values in extra_parameters. You can supply the converters using the special get_converters parameter to @app.path:

def my_get_converters():
    return { 'something': int }

@App.path(path='search', model=SearchResults,

Now if there is a parameter (or extra parameter) called something, it is converted to an int.

You can combine converters and get_converters. If you use both, get_converters will override any converters also defined in the static converters. This can also be useful for dealing with URL parameters that are not valid Python names, such as @foo or foo[]; these can still be converted using get_converters.


Sometimes you may want a URL parameter to be required: when the URL parameter is missing, it's an error and a 400 Bad Request should be returned. You can do this by passing in a required argument to the model decorator:

@App.path(model=Record, path='records', required=['id'])
def get_record(id):
    return query_record(id)

Normally when the id URL parameter is missing, the None value is passed into get_record (if there is no default). But since we made id required, 400 Bad Request will be issued if id is missing now. required only has meaning for URL parameters; path variables are always present if the path matches at all.


In some special cases you may want a path to match all sub-paths, absorbing them. This can be useful if you are writing a server backend to a client side application that does routing on the client using the HTML 5 history API -- the server needs to handle catch all subpaths in that case and send them back to the client, where they can be handled by the client-side router.

You can do this using the special absorb argument to the path decorator, like this:

class Model(object):
    def __init__(self, absorb):
        self.absorb = absorb

@App.path(model=Model, path='start', absorb=True)
def get_foo(absorb):
    return Model(absorb)

As you can see, if you use absorb then a special absorb argument is passed into the model factory function.

Now the start path matches all of its sub-paths. So for this path:


model.absorb is foo/bar/baz.

It also matches if there is no sub-path:


model.absorb is the empty string ''.

Note that you cannot use view names with a path that absorbs; only a default view with the empty name. View names are absorbed along with the rest of the path.

Note also that you cannot define an explicit path under an absorbed path -- this is ignored. This means that the following additional code has no effect:

@App.path(model=Foo, path='start/extra')

You can still generate a link to a model that is under an absorbed path -- it uses the value of the absorb variable.

Proxy support

If you have a Morepath application that sits behind a trusted proxy that sets the Forwarded header, then you want links generated by Morepath take this header into account. To do this, you can make your project depend on the more.forwarded extension. After you have it installed, you can subclass your app from more.forwarded.ForwardedApp to make your app proxy-aware. Note that you only need to do this for the root app, not for any apps mounted into it.

You should only use this extension if you know you are behind a trusted proxy that indeed sets the Forwarded header. This because otherwise you could expose your application to attacks that affect link generation through the Forwarded header.