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XML-TEI Bible Documentation

This file gives some general information of how this project is being built.


The main file of this project is the TEIBible.xml file, which is in the root of the folder. This projects encodes the books of the Bible one by one not in any previsable order. That explain the fact that only some of the books are (and will be) inside the TEIBible.xml. The other most important file is the entities.xslx; there you will find the basic information about the people, groups, places, times and books that are encoded in the TEIBible.

All the other files and folders are documentation, extra files or work-in-process files.


My work in this project and its markup are published under Creative Commons Licence BY Attribution 4.0 International. The data is available over GitHub and is published as it is. Please, take in consideration that this project lacks of any kind of financial or institutional support, for good and bad.

Original Idea

I, José Calvo Tello, started this project in 2015 out of pure interest in his free time. I didn't find any version of the Bible in XML-TEI in which information below the verse level was encoded, like references to people and places, or who was talking and to whom. My interest on the Bible awaked the idea of encode such information, which meant another kind of reading and would allow the use of new computational techniques to get more information about the text.

Although this project is not part of my research work, neither I am preparing the data to answer any hypothesis, while working I am using my background as scholar with experience in different areas of philology, NLP and Digital Humanities.


At the moment following books are fully encoded in this chronological order:

  • Gospel of Matthew
  • Gospel of John
  • Revelation
  • Genesis
  • Book of Ruth
  • Book of Jonah
  • Acts
  • Malachi
  • Haggai
  • Exodus
  • Zechariah
  • Micah
  • Nahum
  • Habakkuk
  • Zephaniah
  • 1 Samuel
  • 2 Samuel
  • 1 John
  • 2 John
  • 3 John
  • Jude
  • Job
  • 1 James
  • 1 Peter
  • 2 Peter
  • Ezekiel
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Romans
  • 1 Corinthians
  • 2 Corinthians
  • Joshua
  • Mark
  • Daniel
  • Hosea
  • Judges
  • Obadaih
  • Philemon
  • Nehemiah
  • Psalms
  • Ezra
  • 1 Timothy
  • 2 Timothy
  • Titus
  • Jeremiah
  • Hebrews
  • Philippians
  • Amos
  • Leviticus
  • Lamentations
  • Galatians
  • 1 Kings
  • 1 Thessalonians
  • 2 Thessalonians
  • Isaiah
  • Ephesians
  • 2 Kings
  • Esther
  • Numbers
  • Proverbs
  • Colossians
  • Deuteronomy
  • Song of songs
  • Luke
  • 1 and 2 Chronicles

At the moment, following book is being encoded:

Original Text

The original text comes from a Reina Valera translation into Spanish. I didn't take any of the most modern in order to avoid copy right problems.


The text is in Spanish because is my mother tongue. The project doesn't forsee to export the structure of the markup to other languages, but I could help to develope a strategy of doing it.


The text is encoded in XML-TEI and controlled with a scheme, also published in the project. The root element of the TEIBible.xml is a teiCorpus, which has very basic metadata. Every book is then encoded as a TEI element, with some basic Metadata.

Chapters, Pericopes and Verses

The books of the Bible are identified using the ids from here:

In each book, the chapters are encoded as divs, keeping the number of, the chapter both in a @n attribute and in the id. The verses follow the same system but are encoded as ab elements (I decided to use it because neither the definition of the p element nor l element fit the concept of the biblical verse).

Between chapters and verses exists a medium level of division, which typically has a title. I call it pericopes (although the pericopes are often used only to this level of division in the Gospels).

In a few cases, the pericope division doesn't fit the verse division. That means, a part of a verse belong to a pericope and the rest of the part of the verse belong to the next pericope. This is a classical example where the xml rules doesn't match the complexity of the reality. In this cases I decided to put the whole verse in one of the pericopes, in order to keep the structure simple. It happens this, for example, in Genesis 35:22.

One attribute used in different kind of elements is cert. In general in the majority of the cases it means that the encoder was not sure about some information encoded. One very good example of it when in Matthew 13:54 is said that Jesus Vino a su tierra, being uncertain if Nazareth, Belen or other place is meant. In case the attribute is in the TEI element div with the value high, it means that the whole book is not fully corrected but the specific chapter is.

Name entities

It has been used the rs TEI element with the attribute key. It has been encoded the reference of:

  • People, as per + number
  • Groups and organizations, as org + number
  • Places (known, unknown and spiritual), as pla + number
  • Very clear time references, as tim + number
  • Written works and books, as wor + number

The order of the number follow in the majority of the cases the order that I have been following encoding the Bible. So Jesus is per1 not because I think he is very important, but because he is the first person been mentioned in Matthew (the first book that I encoded). Take in considerartion that God is per14.

To know more about the information that is encoded about each of this entities, read the section about the entities.

Grammatical details

Proper (Raquel) and common names (mujer) have been disambiguated manually (future work: resolution of pronouns, verbs...). The phrase referenced to a entity might contain adjectives (hija menor), preposition followed by determinants or other names (hija de Labán). Neither subordinate adjective phrases (hija que tuvo en Canaán) nor determinants (la mujer) or possesive pronouns (hija mío) are part of the reference to the entity. Numbers are part of the resolution because in many cases they create a lexicalized phrase (24 ancianos, 12 tribus). In case two proper names are mentioned one after the other referenced to the same person (dijo a su mujer Rebeca) both are encoded individually. In general, adjectives not followed by a noun have been not resoluted (ella era joven); only in case and adjective was been used as a noun (el menor) it has been encoded.

Semantical details

In general, only people mentioned by name are encoded. Exception constitute people with a strong relative relations (mujer de Noé, suegra de Pedro), or that play an important role in different chapters (faraón, copero del faraón).

The groups are harder to delimit than individual persons. It has been encoded information about more or less well defined groups (fariseos, discípulos), celestial groups (ángeles, demonios), ethnical groups (samaritanos, amorreos, egipcios), churches and religios groups (sanedrín, iglesia de Efeso), tribes and descendants (tribu de Judá, hijos de Labán). Anyway, the line of groups that are worth to mark and those groups who are not is thin.

If a person are not referenced with a name or a strong relations, manytimes the person is marked just as part of the group that belongs. That happens specially with the angels: even if only one angel appears, he is marked as the group of angels. In case several people are refentiated and they do not constitute a clear group (sus dos esposas) or it is very clear who are meant (Pedro y Juan, dos de sus discípulos), they are referentiated not with an id of the group, but with the different personal ids.

Direct Speech

Another main aspect of the markup of the text is the direct speech: everytime someone communicates with other person in some way (speacilly spoken and written) is marked with the TEI element q. The person or people who communicate is marked through its id with the attribute who. The person talked to is marked with the attribute corresp (in the absence of a better attribute). Both attributes can contain several values (entonces Juan y Pedro dijeron a los fariseos y sacerdotes). The kind of the communication is encoded with the attribute type, been possible the values:

  • oral
  • written
  • dream
  • unknown
  • prayer
  • vow
  • soCalled (when quoting what other people have said)
  • idea (when quoting something that someone should say to other person).

In case the person quotes some text, this is encoded in the attribute source.

Of course in case that someone tells that other person said, this are encoded as nested q. There are many example of very complex structures of this kind.


In the Entities file you find for each of this categories:

  • id
  • normalized name in Spanish (most natural name for this person)
  • aclaration (if needed, speacilly assigning some familiar relations)
  • variants (if the person had several names, like Jacob-Israel)
  • comment (if needed)
  • book (only AT as Old Testament, or NT as New Testament)
  • cert (if the encoder is not sure if this distinction should actually be made or not)
  • Gender (female, male or other, been male the default value)
  • normalized names in German and Portuguese (work in progress beeing made by Matthias Ziegler)


Besides the repository in GitHub, the corpus has been published in two different long-time archives:

Previous Work and Inspiration

There different projects that have helped to put together this idea. One incredible resource is, which have a similar orientation and offer a lot of interesting visualizations and data.

Many of the things that I put in use in this project I have learnt from the CLiGS at the University of Würzburg, Germany, ( and many of my scripts look a lot like the ones from the toolbox.

Aditional files

This project also includes some other files:

  • Scheme to control the XML-TEI
  • CSS to visualize the text in Browser and correct it
  • Some files of documentation
  • XSLT and Python scripts to extract some interesting information
  • The resulting data and visualizations
  • CSV file (entities.xlsx) to control the ids used

Quantitative data

In the resulting data table there is a table called "quantitative_data.csv" that can be open with a sheet program such as Calc or Excel (CSV with tabs).

In it there is many information about different quantitative aspects about the Bible, many of them based on the qualitative data marked manually. This table tries to answer questions like:

  • how many verses does each book have?
  • how many people is referenced in each book?
  • how many different people is referenced in each book?
  • who is the most commont person? and how often is this person mentioned?
  • which is the most common place?
  • etcetera

Each column of the table "quantitative_data.csv" represents a different kind of information. I tried to make the name of the columns as obvious as possible, without having too long name of columns, therefor I have used some contractions. Here you find an explanation about them:

  • n: number (Genesis is number 1)
  • viaf: unique identifier for the book
  • ent: entity (people, places, organizations/groups, works or times/moments)
  • ref: referenced
  • pers: person/people
  • plas: places
  • orgs: organizations/groups
  • wors: works ("el libro de la ley")
  • tims: time/moments (fin del mundo, comienzo del mundo, resurrección de Jesús)
  • diff: different (for example, Exodus referes 1429 times to people, but only 80 different people: many people are mentioned many times; in compare, Nehemias mentions 962 times to people and referes to 284 different people: many people come just once).
  • mq: most common
  • id: identifier of the identity. Identifiers and names are made explicit in the Entities
  • freq: frequency
  • rss: element rs in TEI, which is used to encode entities. The difference between this column and "ent ref" is that rss can contain several people mentioned, while "ent ref" contains always single entities. The difference between these two values can point out if a book referes many times to a group of entities within the same noun (for example like Job)
  • qs: element q in TEI, used for quotationss and in general for communication
  • mean, median and std: average, value in the middle and standard deviation calculated in each verse
  • 1st perc and 100th perc: minimum and maximum value of something
  • who: TEI attribute used for the entity who is communicating (talking, writting...)
  • toWhom: future TEI attribute used for the entity to whom some is communicating (listening, reading...)

Take in consideration that the values are raw, so beware of raw comparition: For example 1 and 2 of Samuel referes to people almost the same amount of times (2104 and 2206), but because 2 of Samuel is 115 verses shorter than 1 of Samuel, relative to the length of the book there is actually much more references to people in 2 of Samuel (3.2 per chapter) than in 1 of Samuel (2.6). Probably the most logica way of relative the data would be per verse, but other options are possible (chapters, words, entities...). In a program like Calc or Excel you can divide the values of a column with another column easily; for example, if you want to get the relative values of "ent ref" by verses, you add in the row 2 of a new column following formulae: "=i2/f2" and then copy his in the rest of the rows.

If you are interested in knowing what information exactly is been extracted, check the Python script: /programing/python/

Thanks to

Thanks to Maria Calvo for many data, patiente and knowledge. The way I work owes you more than I usually recognize. Thanks to Tabea for listening and support. Thanks to Matthias Ziegler for the translations into German and Portuguese about some of the names.

Future Work and colaboration

There is a lot that one can do with this text. My main tasks for the next future are:

  • encode books of the Bible with the structured here presented
  • improve the scripts that prepare the data for the personal correction in order to spare time and work
  • improve the scripts that take the data and visualize it in different ways
  • get frequency of each entity (raw, chapters and amount of books)
  • get geolocalization of the most common places

And with these purposes I have work for a couple of years. Besides it, there are a lot of ideas or possibilities. I am very open to work together with other people if they want to help. Here I list some ideas (of course there is a lot more to be done) sorted more or less by stimated difficulty:

  • add geolocalization coordinates of places
  • translate the ids of the entities to other languages in order to get visualizations in this languages aswell
  • encode the pass of the time at the chapter level
  • encode reference between verses in the Bible
  • map the entities with other resources like DB-Pedia, Strong concordances...
  • speacilly the verse that are parallel to other very similar in other Gospels
  • encode abstract actions like someone dying, someone getting married...
  • mix linguistic annotation in the TEI structure
  • resolute authomatically the people referenced in pronouns, verbs and other POS
  • encode topic like money, forgiveness, love... Maybe use the Thompson Chain Reference (
  • add different information about the entities: subtypes, relations between people (wife-husband, parent-child, boss-servant) or between people and groups
  • extract information about the relations between the entities from the text using structures like mujer de Noe. mujer de Jacob o Mi hijo; o <rs key=”per14 per15”>hijos de Jacob
  • export the structure of the markup to other languages (speacilly the original languages of the Bible) with some kind of Machine Learning method
  • make version in USX:

Codificar: • temas, como dinero, ayuda a los pobres, perdón, etcétera. • referencias a otros pasajes de la Biblia • el paralelismo entre bloques de los evangelios • el paso del tiempo • acciones: aspectos básicos de personajes, como si habla con Dios, si alguien muere, si está embarazado, milagros, etcétera • colocar en q a quién se habla (por lo menos cuando se esté muy claro). Hay atributo who, pero no hay atributo towho :( • geolocalización, aunque esto se puede colocar directamente en el documento de ontology • Intentar sacar relaciones entre personas a través de la información que hay codificada. Es decir, las relaciones más importantes como las familiares (marido-mujer, progenitor-hijo) deben estar marcadas por cosas como mujer de Jacob o Mi hijo; o <rs key=”per14 per15”>hijos de Jacob • cambiar @corresp a @ana • cambiar a • Buscar persona más frecuente del libro y colocar su id como por defecto en who aunque con un caracter al final o algo así para poder distinguir cosas no revisadas y cosas revisadas • cambiar #org a #gro