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Plugin to toggle the display of a target el. Generic enough to use for tabs, accordions, dropdowns, and more.

toggleTarget requires a control and a target to show/hide. It will work for dropdown menus, accordions, tabs, and pretty much any scenario in which you want clicking one element to show/hide another. For the plugin to work, jQuery must be loaded and available in the plugin's scope. Then the plugin must be instantiated either on the window or on a jQuery object corresponding to a DOM element.

toggleTarget has a loose dependency on stateClasses (another plugin I wrote). When used together manages states for toggle controls (normal, hover/focus, active).

Why to Use?

  • Optionally integrates with stateClasses, which can be used to unify state management site-wide.
  • Reduces duplication of code related to these common interface behaviors.
  • Reduces the number of potential failure points where the JavaScript is directly managing the style of elements rather than their behavior.
  • Ensures design teams can manage appearance without needing to edit JavaScript by using CSS animations by default.
  • Enables higher performance animations with CSS animations as default.
  • Reduces the number of event bindings by using event delegation.
  • Minimizes DOM traversal and expensive jQuery object generation.
  • Loosens the coupling between HTML markup and JavaScript behavior.

Example Use

When the plugin initiates it will automatically determine toggled state of controls and content based on any classes that are already set on the element(s) in question.

// Example init 1.
	toggleSelector: '[data-tab]',
	alwaysOne: true

<ol class="tabs" data-tabsnav>
		<button class="tabs--tab active" data-tab data-target="tab-name1">Tab Name 1</button>
		<button class="tabs--tab" data-tab data-target="tab-name2">Tab Name 2</button>
		<button class="tabs--tab" data-tab data-target="tab-name3">Tab Name 3</button>
<div data-id="tab-name1" class="tabs--content">
	Tab Name 1 Content
<div data-id="tab-name2" class="hide tabs--content">
	Tab Name 2 Content
<div data-id="tab-name3" class="hide tabs--content">
	Tab Name 3 Content

The above will make all toggles in data-tabsnav exclusive. Meaning only one can show at a time. It will also ensure one piece of toggle-able content always shows.

This example also shows a scenario in which the selectors are customized so that different options can be passed to a group. If several objects are using the same HTML and same configuration, you should only have to invoke the plugin once.

// Example init 2. On a jQuery object.

<button class="menu--btn" data-tog data-target="dropdown">Dropdown Menu</button>
<section class="hide menu--list" data-id="dropdown">
	<a class="menu--link" href="#1">Dropdown Menu Link 1</a>
	<a class="menu--link" href="#2">Dropdown Menu Link 2</a>
	<a class="menu--link" href="#3">Dropdown Menu Link 3</a>
	<a class="menu--link" href="#4">Dropdown Menu Link 4</a>
  • The above will use all the default options.
  • Because it was passed a jQuery object and there is no group wrapper, the object returned by $('[data-tog]') will be both the toggle and group.
  • This toggle will be able to alternate between open and closed states on each click.

For more examples see toggletarget.html


optional, boolean
default: false

One of two behavior profiles for the plugin. By default, all the toggle-able content in a group can be toggled off (everything can be closed). If true, there will always be one piece of content visible.

  • "false" is a good profile for menus.
  • "true" is a good profile for tabs.

optional, boolean
default: false

One of two behavior profiles for the plugin. By default, only one piece of toggle-able content will display at a time. If true, all the toggle-able content can display at once.

  • "false" is a good profile for tabs.
  • "true" is a good profile for menus.

optional, boolean
default: false

One of two behavior profiles for the plugin. By default, only each toggle must match up to a single piece of content. If true, a toggle can display or hide multiple pieces of content. If multiOpen is true, multiTarget should not be true.

optional, selector string
default: [data-tog]

Selector used to find the individual toggle controls in the DOM.

optional, selector string
default: [data-toggles]

Selector used to find if there is a group of related toggle controls in the DOM.

optional, string attribute name
default: data-target

Attribute whose value will be substituted for {{target}} in targetSelector.

optional, selector string with token
default: [data-id="{{target}}"]

Selector used to find toggle-able content in DOM. Use {{target}} to as a placeholder for the dynamic part of the selector provided as the value of a targetAttribute.

optional, selector string or object
default: none

DOM element node or jQuery object corresponding with a wrapper for the group if there is group of related toggle controls in the DOM. If you already have a reference to the element, you can pass it in rather than requiring the plugin to re-select it. Overrides targetSelector.

optional, class string
default: none

The plugin does not do any animation, rather it assumes css animations for convenience and performance reasons. Class(es) to add when showing content.

optional, class string
default: hide

The plugin does not do any animation, rather it assumes css animations for convenience and performance reasons. Class(es) to add when hiding content.

optional, callback function
default: undefined

Callback when toggle-able content is being shown. This is one of the places the loose dependency on stateClasses can be removed or JavaScript animation can be added.

  • Instead of changing classes for toggle control state directly, the default callback function triggers the stateClasses event.
  • Instead of animating the transition in JavaScript, the plugin swaps out the optional targetHideClass and targetShowClass, allowing use of CSS animations.

To completely override this default functionality, pass in a custom targetShowCallback.

optional, callback function
default: undefined

Callback to extend functionality when toggle-able content is being shown. Either add an event handler for the active.toggleTarget event on the toggle-able content or pass in a custom targetAfterShow.

optional, callback function
default: undefined

Callback when toggle-able content is being hidden. This is one of the places the loose dependency on stateClasses can be removed or JavaScript animation can be added.

  • Instead of changing classes for toggle control state directly, the default callback function triggers the stateClasses event.
  • Instead of animating the transition in JavaScript, the plugin swaps out the optional targetHideClass and targetShowClass, allowing use of CSS animations.

To completely override this default functionality, pass in a custom targetHideCallback.

optional, callback function
default: undefined

Callback to extend functionality when toggle-able content is being hidden. Either add an event handler for the normal.toggleTarget event on the toggle-able content or pass in a custom targetAfterHide.


There are no methods designed to be public, but any method could be accessed directly using the standard syntax for jQuery plugins.



Plugin to toggle the display of a target el. Generic enough to use for tabs, accordions, dropdowns, and more.







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