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This is a new React Native project, bootstrapped using @react-native-community/cli.

Getting Started

Note: Make sure you have completed the React Native - Environment Setup instructions till "Creating a new application" step, before proceeding.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Using the package manager of your choice, install dependencies:

bun install # or (yarn|npm) install
(cd ios && bundle install)
(cd ios && bundle exec pod install)

Step 2: Start Metro

Start Metro:

bun start # or (yarn|npm) start

Step 3: Build and run the application

In a new terminal, run the following:

For iOS

bun ios

# using npm
npm run ios

# OR using Yarn
yarn ios

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the app running in your iOS Simulator shortly.

Step 4: Follow On-screen Instructions

The application, once loaded, has on-screen instructions to replicate the issue.