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This repository sets up a central qualification framework for blueprint releases (e.g. Anthos Service Mesh) to guarantee they work for a particular version of Anthos CLI. It provides a continuous integration pipeline to monitor new blueprint releases, trigger integration tests for validation, and eventually tag the release candidate for all blueprints.

The framework supports blueprints as submodules, as well as subdirectories in the central repository.

Validation Workflow

The workflow leverages the Jupyter-based test approach and run it on Google Cloud Build.

workflow image

The diagram shows the workflow and covers the following scenarios:

  1. A blueprint is managed by a separate repository and is released via release tags
  2. A blueprint is managed by a separate repository and is released via release branches
  3. A blueprint resides in the same repository

For the first two cases, the blueprints will be linked as submodules of the main repository. A cloud build configuration file will be set up in each blueprint repository. Whenever a new release is published, the cloud build will update the submodule in the main repository. Then a second cloud build will be kicked off to run the validation tests. A new release tag of the main repository will be published if all tests look good.

The blueprints, the Anthos CLI versions and the format of the new release tag are defined in the anthoscli-release-candidates.json file.

How to add new Blueprints

1. Blueprints managed by separate repositories

The blueprint owners need to setup CloudBuild configuration

  • Copy the template: blueprint-cloudbuild.yaml to the root directory of the blueprint repository, rename it to cloudbuild.yaml
  • Update _CNRM_BLUEPRINTS_SUBMODULE_PATH with the correct SUBMODULE_PATH in the cloudbuild.yaml file
  • Copy id_rsa.enc to the root directory of the blueprint repository
  • Copy know_hosts to the root directory of the blueprint repository
  • Push the changes to the blueprint repository: git add -u && git commit -m "Setup CloudBuild configuration for the qualification framework" && git push origin <BRANCH>
  • Connect CloudBuild to the blueprint repository link
  • Create a trigger link
    • Name: the name of the trigger, e.g. ASM-release-trigger
    • Description: the description of the trigger, e.g. The CloudBuild release trigger for ASM package
    • Event: it depends on the release strategy.
      • If the blueprint publishes releases via tags, set Event to Push new tag and in the Source section, use a regular expression to match to the release tag format, e.g. ^v\d+.\d+.\d+$.
      • If the blueprint publishes releases via release branches, set Event to Push to a branch and in the Source section, use a regular expression to match to the branch, e.g. ^release-\d+.\d+-asm$
    • Source: select the corresponding Repository
    • Build Configuration File Type: set to Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json) and verify the Cloud Build configuration file location
    • Click the CREATE button to create the trigger
    • Note: in the release branch case, please create a trigger per release branch. If you have N release branches, N CloudBuild triggers need to be created.

The blueprint owners need to create a pull request to add the blueprint repository as a submodule

  • Clone the cnrm-blueprints repo: git clone --recursive
  • Add the current blueprint as a submodule: it depends on the release strategy. If it uses release branches, a submodule needs to be added per release branch.
    • release tags: git submodule add --name <NAME> <BLUEPRINT_REPO_URL> <SUBMODULE_PATH>. e.g. git submodule add --name asm asm
    • release branches: git submodule add -b <BRANCH> --name <NAME> <BLUEPRINT_REPO_URL> <SUBMODULE_PATH>. e.g.
      git submodule add -b release-1.4-asm --name asm-1.4 asm-1.4
      git submodule add -b release-1.5-asm --name asm-1.5 asm-1.5
      git submodule add -b release-1.6-asm --name asm-1.6 asm-1.6
  • Add the SUBMODULE_PATH to the blueprints list in anthoscli-release-candidates.json to include the new blueprint
  • Create a commit: git add -u && git commit -m "Add XXX blueprint as a submodule"
  • Push up the commit to a fork or a separate branch: e.g. git checkout -b submodule && git push origin submodule
  • Create a Pull Request

2. Blueprints reside in the same repository

  • Add the blueprint packages to a separate subdirectory
  • Add the subdirectory name to the blueprints list in anthoscli-release-candidates.json to include the new blueprint
  • Create a commit: git add -u && git commit -m "Add XXX blueprint as a subdirectory"
  • Push up the commit to a fork or a separate branch: e.g. git checkout -b subdirectory && git push origin subdirectory
  • Create a Pull Request

Validation Monitoring

The cloud build history for validation is listed under the anthos-blueprints-validation project: link.

The release candidates for Anthos CLI verified blueprints are listed here


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  • Python 68.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 30.5%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%