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ME 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics

Maurice Rahme

Student ID: 3219435

Homework 4: turtle_nav package

Image Processing: yolo.launch

This package calls te usb_cam_node from the usb_cam package as 'cam1'. The pixel_format parameter is passed as yuyv to mark the colour space. RViz is also launched with a saved configuration that loads and image that reads off the topic /darknet_ros/detection_image. This topic is published to by the darknet_ros node in the darknet_ros package, which is set to read from /cam1/image_raw (this is where the usb_cam_node publishes the raw image frames) through the yolo_v3.launch file, which in turn passes thisparameter to the darknet_ros.launch file.

Although the frame rate is low (approximately 0.1Hz), it is noted in the darknet_ros documentation that the package is CUDA-optimised, indicating that CPUs are not capable of running it well. The darknet_ros node takes the raw image and uses YOLO (You Only Look Once), which is based on the COCO dataset and uses a Convolutionary Neural Network to detect object classes such as persons, buses, cars, etc. In the screenshot below, I am detected as a person.



After running source devel/setup.bash and catkin_make in your catkin workspace, run export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger to set the turtlebot3 model environment variable to burger.

To run any of the launchfiles described below, use roslaunch turtle_nav <launchfile_name.launch>


This launchfile starts by defining some arguments for reusability, including rviz_arg (loads an RViz config file), house (determines whether to use the turtlebot3_house.launch file), and gmap (determines whether to use the turtlebot3_slam.launch file).

First, if the house argument is true, the turtlebot3_house.launch file is included, with the arguments model:=burger and xpos:=-2.0 to select the desired turtlebot3 version and initial x position respectively. The initial y position is defaulted at 1.0, which is satisfactory.

Next, the turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch file is included to start the keyboard teleoperation node, which allows for controlling the turtlebot using the W A S D keys in the terminal. The turtlebot3_slam.launch file is also included with the arguments slam_methods:=gmapping and open_rviz:=false, which selects the gmapping SLAM method and does not load this package's RViz config file. A custom config file is instead loaded in the next line, where the rviz node is called.

This launchfile loads the turtlebot3_house world as well as an RViz config file where the currently built map (based on gmapping) can be viewed along with the laser scanner data. If the turtlebot3 is controlled through the keyboard, the map will become more populated as the turtle explores more of the world, provided there are obstacles for the turtle's virtual laser scanner to read.


Using a map saved from teleoperating the turtle in house_turtle.launch, the loc.launch file calls the former and passes house:=true. It also passes to the rviz argument to point to its own config file, which loads a local and global cost map, along with a local, global and ROS Nav (from start to finish) path. Next, the map_server node is run from the map_server package, which reads the map.yaml, in the maps directory, which in turn points to the map.pgm and identifies its resolution (how many real-world meters per cell) and origin (where the 0,0 index of the map file is in real-world coordinates).

The amcl.launch file uses this map to output pose estimates of the turtlebot3 using Adaptive Monte Carlo Localisation. It is passed the arguments initial_pose_x:=-2.0 and initial_pose_y:=1.0 to give an initial estimate and calibrate the localisation. An accurate estimate is important in this step. It is also passed the parameters global_map_frame_id:=map and use_map_topic:=true to ensure that the map from the map server is used for localisation.

The move_base.launch file is also loaded with the argument model:=burger to allow for placing 2D Nav Goals in RViz that the robot can autonomously move to by avoiding high-cost regions in its local and global cost maps.

The turtlebot3_remote.launch file is also included to publish tf data map -> odom -> base_footprint, where the transform from odom -> base_footprint is subtracted from the robot pose estimate in the map frame, making the map -> base_footprint the map estimate, where the map frame is fixed to the world frame. Below is a screenshot of a plan being executed in RViz.


Below is a gif (sped up 4x) of the map being executed with a failure condition near the end (rotate recovery movements).



This launchfile loads the loc.launch file but passes the house argument as false. Instead, it copies code from the turtlebot3_house.launch file but changes the world_name argument to spawn a new custom world which should test the turtlebot3's ability to create a new path in the presence of previously unseen local obstacles (with respect to the known loaded map).

Below is a screenshot of a plan being executed along with a re-plan case once a new obstacle becomes identified.

remap1 remap2

Below is a gif (sped up 4x) of the map being executed with the replan case.



This launcfhile is nearly identical to house_turtle.launch, except that it uses its own RViz config file, and the move_base.launch file is included to allow the turtlebot3 to move to 2D Nav Goals. Additionally, a custom node mapper is loaded. This node uses the move_base action server to send 2D Nav Goals to the turtlebot3 simulated in Gazebo, in order to map the world: turtlebot3_house. The strategy is as follows:

  • First, the map data is collected from the /map topic using the callback_map subscriber callback function. A random coordinate on the map is then chosen, satisfying three criteria: the coordinate must be un-obstructed (cell value < 0.196), it must have at least one neighbouring cell (including diagonals) that is unmapped (cell value -1), and can have no more than one neighbour cell be an obstacle (cell value > 0.65).

  • Upon finding a map coordinate which satisfies these criteria, a 2D Nav Goal is sent to the move_base action server to command the turtlebot3 to move to that point. The gmapping node will cause the turtlebot3 to map the environment as it moves. The next 2D Nav Goal is given when a terminal status is returned from the move_base action server (goal reached, goal aborted, etc).

Below is a gif (sped up 8x) of the autonomous mapping using this launchfile:


Below is the map generated after executing for 7 minutes:



DarkNet Experiment and Navigation with Turtlebot in ROS






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