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ORFeus is an ORF prediction tool designed to detect alternative translation events, including programmed ribosomal frameshifts, stop codon readthrough, and short upstream or downstream ORFs. It requires aligned ribosome profiling (ribo-seq) reads, reference transcript annotations, and a reference genome. ORFeus can be run on both bacterial and eukaryotic data.

Note that high-resolution (even nucleotide-resolution) ribosome profiling data is ideal. The higher-resolution the data and the deeper the sequencing, the better predictions ORFeus will make.

Quick Start

Build the model:

python forward.wig reverse.wig genome.fa annotations.gtf

Run the model:

python data.txt.gz parameters_h1.npy parameters_h0.npy


ORFeus requires the following input files. (See input files for details on preparing these to work with ORFeus, particularly the aligned ribo-seq reads file.)

  1. Aligned ribo-seq read counts (format: wiggle or bedgraph)
  2. Transcript annotations (format: gtf or gff)
  3. Genome (format: fasta)

Reasons to use ORFeus:

  • You are interested in finding alternative translation events in an annotated species. (Run ORFeus and look at the top predictions.)
  • You want to find changes in translation across multiple conditions or timepoints. (Run ORFeus separately on ribo-seq data from each condition and compare predictions.)

Reasons not to use ORFeus:

  • You need a de novo ORF caller for a novel genome. (ORFeus requires input transcript annotations to determine transcript bounds and for training parameters.)
  • You don't have high-resolution ribo-seq data. (ORFeus infers translation based on ribosome profiling reads.)

ORFeus can predict the following types of canonical and alternative ORFs:

altorf types



We recommend installing Anaconda, which is a Python distribution that comes with all of these packages.


Install from source

git clone

Run example

Navigate to the ORFeus directory:

cd ORFeus

Create and activate an environment with python 3.7 and the required versions of python packages (suggested):

conda create --name orfeus_env --file requirements.txt
conda activate orfeus_env

Set the ORFeus parameters:

python orfeus/ data/coronavirus/Finkel2021_forward.wig data/coronavirus/Finkel2021_reverse.wig data/coronavirus/dna.fa data/coronavirus/annotations.gtf -o data/coronavirus/

Run ORFeus:

python orfeus/ data/coronavirus/data.txt.gz data/coronavirus/parameters_h1.npy data/coronavirus/parameters_h0.npy -o data/coronavirus/

When finished running ORFeus, you can deactivate the python environment (suggested):

conda deactivate

Input files

Transcript annotations

The annotations file must be in GTF or GFF format. At minimum, the annotations file must contain the following columns (placeholder columns are not used by ORFeus and can be populated with any value, though the standard is .):

  • seqname: name of the chromosome (note this must match exactly the seqname in the genome sequence file)
  • source: placeholder
  • feature: feature type (note only five_prime_utr, exon, and three_prime_utr features will be kept)
  • start: first position of the feature, 1-indexed
  • end: last position of the feature, 1-indexed
  • score: placeholder
  • strand: + (forward) or - (reverse)
  • frame: placeholder
  • attribute: semicolon-separated list with additional information (note only the info below will be kept)
    • transcript_id
    • transcript_name
    • transcript_biotype (note only "protein_coding" features will be kept)

Please note that any chromosomes (seqname) column included in the annotations file will be considered in by ORFeus when setting parameters. Be sure to remove any extra chromosomes or scaffolds you don't want considered in the final analysis (e.g. mitochondrial chromosomes should be removed if your ribo-seq data is for cytosolic RNA) This is very important to make sure the parameters are set correctly. Otherwise added noise from these extra chromosomes is incorporated into the model.

Below is an example transcript from a GTF file that meets the minimum requirements. All placeholder fields have been populated with a period.

V	.	five_prime_utr	546794	546816	.	+	.	transcript_id "YER178W_mRNA"; transcript_name "PDA1"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding";
V	.	exon	        546817	548079	.	+	.	transcript_id "YER178W_mRNA"; transcript_name "PDA1"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding";
V	.	three_prime_utr	548080	548208	.	+	.	transcript_id "YER178W_mRNA"; transcript_name "PDA1"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding";

Genome sequence

The genome sequence file must be in FASTA format. There should be one sequence entry for each unique seqname (chromosome) in the annotations file.

Below is an example FASTA file excerpt for the chromosome of the above example transcript. Note that the seqname matches the seqname column entries in the annotations example.

>V dna:chromosome chromosome:R64-1-1:V:1:576874:1 REF

Aligned ribo-seq read counts

The final aligned ribo-seq read counts must be in either WIG format or BedGraph format. The raw reads must be aligned and then the read ends should be offset to correspond to the P-site of the ribosome. The count of read ends at each position of the genome should be stored, with one file for the forward strand and one for the reverse strand.

altorf types

Align raw reads to genome

Align raw ribo-seq reads to the genome. Filter out reads mapping to annotated ncRNA sequences. You should decide whether uniqely-mapping or multi-mapping is appropriate for your data set.

Uniquely-mapping reads:

  • filters out reads that map to repetitive regions (e.g. regions with repeated sequences may appear as gaps in the read density, even though they may actually be translated)
  • filters out reads that map to similar or related sequences (e.g. insertion sequences that have multiple copies in the genome will have no reads, even though they may actually be translated)

Multi-mapping reads:

  • generates confounding signals from mis-mapped multi-mapping reads (e.g. reads that were actually generated from one transcript also map to another transcript, adding noise)
  • complicates interpretation of predictions (e.g. predictions of alternative events may be due to reads from that transcript or another transcript)

In some cases, you may want to run ORFeus twice: once on the uniquely-mapped reads and once on the multi-mapped reads. This will allow you to compare the predictions and determine which events may be artifacts of read mapping. Any predictions that differ between the two runs should be examined more closely, since they might arise from mapping artifacts.

Offset aligned reads to P-site

Before passing the data to ORFeus, you need to offset the read ends so they align to a position within the P-site of the ribosome. This lets ORFeus infer the exact codon being translated for each read.

You can determine the offset for each read length and export the resulting read counts using existing software packages like Shoelaces or using your own custom scripts.


altorf types

Build the model

python orfeus/ forward.wig reverse.wig genome.fa annotations.gtf

Building the model involves processing the data and setting the model parameters (transition probabilities, emission probabilities). Run python orfeus/ -h to see all available options.

usage: [-h] [-s SKIP [SKIP ...]] [--data_file DATA_FILE] [-o OUTDIR]
              [-a ALPHA] [-b BETA] [-g GAMMA] [-d DELTA] [-z ZETA] [--f5 F5]
              [--f3 F3] [--utr5 UTR5] [--utr3 UTR3] [--orf ORF]
              [--uorf UORF] [--dorf DORF]
              [--start_codons [START_CODONS [START_CODONS ...]]]
              [--sense_codons [SENSE_CODONS [SENSE_CODONS ...]]]
              [--stop_codons [STOP_CODONS [STOP_CODONS ...]]] [-r BINS] [-l]
              [-m MIN] [-M MAX] [-p] [-f] [-c] [--iters ITERS]
              [--window WINDOW] [--threads THREADS]
              plus_file minus_file seqs_file annotations_file

Build ORFeus model

positional arguments:
plus_file             riboseq plus strand bg/wig file path
minus_file            riboseq minus strand bg/wig file path
seqs_file             genome or transcriptome fasta file path
annotations_file      annotations gtf/gff file path

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s SKIP [SKIP ...], --skip SKIP [SKIP ...]
                      list known frameshifted genes that should be filtered
                      out before codon assignments
--data_file DATA_FILE
                      processed data file path
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                      output directory for all intermediate and results
-a ALPHA, --alpha ALPHA
                      probability of PRF
-b BETA, --beta BETA  probability of -1 PRF given PRF
-g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                      probability of stop codon readthrough
-d DELTA, --delta DELTA
                      probability of upstream or downstream short ORFs
-z ZETA, --zeta ZETA  probability of multiple non-overlapping ORFs
--f5 F5               fraction of transcripts with 5'UTRs (default:
                      calculated from annotations)
--f3 F3               fraction of transcripts with 3'UTRs (default:
                      calculated from annotations)
--utr5 UTR5           mean nucleotide length of 5'UTRs (default: calculated
                      from annotations)
--utr3 UTR3           mean nucleotide length of 3'UTRs (default: calculated
                      from annotations)
--orf ORF             mean nucleotide length of main ORFs (default:
                      calculated from annotations)
--uorf UORF           mean nucleotide length of upstream short ORFs
                      (suggested: 50)
--dorf DORF           mean nucleotide length of downstream short ORFs
                      (suggested: 50)
--start_codons [START_CODONS [START_CODONS ...]]
                      list of valid start codons (default: infer from the
--sense_codons [SENSE_CODONS [SENSE_CODONS ...]]
                      list of valid sense codons (default: all codons except
                      TAA, TAG, TGA)
--stop_codons [STOP_CODONS [STOP_CODONS ...]]
                      list of valid stop codons (default: TAA, TAG, TGA)
-r BINS, --bins BINS  number of bins to group emission probabilities
                      (suggested: 25)
-l, --log             whether to bin the riboseq values in logspace
                      (suggested: false)
-m MIN, --min MIN     minimum reads per transcript (default: -1)
-M MAX, --max MAX     maximum reads per transcript (default: infinity)
-p, --pool            whether to pool the observed riboseq values from all
                      codons of a given state type (suggested: false, unless
                      you have a small transcriptome with <=20 ORFs)
-f, --fit             whether to fit a log-normal distribution to the
                      observed riboseq values or use the raw frequencies
                      (suggested: false, unless you have a small
                      transcriptome with <=20 ORFs)
-c, --coverage        whether to run the coverage threshold simulation
--iters ITERS         number of iterations to simulate
--window WINDOW       window (in nts) around true event to count as correct
                      altORF prediction
--threads THREADS     number of processes to run in parallel when simulating

Run the model

python orfeus/ data.txt.gz parameters_h1.npy parameters_h0.npy

Running the model generates the predicted ORFs and altORFs, using the given processed data and model parameters (generated by orfeus/ The most likely transcript path is calculated using the Viterbi algorithm. Run python orfeus/ -h to see all available options.

usage: [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [-c COVERAGE] [--threads THREADS]
          data_file parameters_file_h1 parameters_file_h0

Run ORFeus model

positional arguments:
data_file             processed data file path (generated by
parameters_file_h1    model parameters file path (generated by
parameters_file_h0    null model parameters file path (generated by

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                    output directory for all intermediate and results
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
                    mean riboseq coverage threshold
--threads THREADS     number of processes to run in parallel when running
                    the model on all transcripts

Output files

Predicted ORFs and altORFs

A table of predicted ORFs and altORFs is generated in results.txt. This table contains the following columns for each transcript:

  • transcript_id: transcript ID
  • transcript_name: transcript name (None if missing)
  • mean_coverage: mean number of ribo-seq reads per nucleotide for the transcript
  • predicted=annotated: true if the predicted ORFs are exactly the same as the annotated ORFs, false otherwise
  • annotated_events: annotated ORF and altORF events (indices for each event in parentheses, 1-indexed and inclusive of start and end index)
  • predicted_events: predicted ORF and altORF events (indices for each event in parentheses, 1-indexed and inclusive of start and end index)
  • log_odds_score: log of the predicted path score divided by the null path score (see below)
  • annotated_path_score: total probability of the annotated path
  • predicted_path_score: total probability of the predicted path (path if altORFs events are allowed)
  • null_path_score: total probability of the best canonical path (path if no altORF events are allowed)

Below is an example of the predicted ORF and altORF output for three transcripts.

transcript_id  transcript_name   mean_coverage   predicted=annotated   annotated_events   predicted_events                                                                 log_odds_score   annotated_path_score   predicted_path_score   null_path_score
YOR239W_mRNA   ABP140            2.1462          false                                    +1 PRF (829-829), ORF (1-828), ORF (830-1888)                                    789.118          nan                    -3568.647              -4357.765
YEL009C_mRNA   GCN4              0.3338          false                 ORF (572-1417)     uORF (211-222), uORF (279-287), uORF (396-407), uORF (421-432), ORF (572-1417)   18.157           -2483.361              -2465.204              -2483.361
YAR028W_mRNA   None              1.0389          true                  ORF (55-759)       ORF (55-759)                                                                     0.000            -1962.025              -1962.025              -1962.025

Predicted mRNA

The output predicted mRNA sequence file is in FASTA format. The translation of each transcript is denoted for each sequence entry. We use with the following symbols to denote each type of ORF and altORF feature:

  • .: nucleotide in UTR (this symbol is shown in place of each UTR nucleotide)
  • [X: beginning of a translated ORF (this symbol appears before the first nucleotide of the start codon X)
  • X]: end of a translated ORF (this symbol appears after the last nucleotide of the stop codon X)
  • X|Y: stop codon readthrough (this symbol appears after between the last nucleotide of the stop codon X and the first nucleotide of the downstream sequence Y)
  • (X): nucleotide skipped during a +1 programmed ribosomal frameshift (these symbols surround nucleotide X that is skipped)
  • (X)(Y): nucleotides skipped during a +2 frameshift, which is how a -1 programmed ribosomal frameshift is represented by the model (these symbols surround nucleotides X and Y that are skipped)

Below is an example FASTA file excerpt for a predicted mRNA ORF sequence.

>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction

Predicted protein

The output predicted protein sequence file is in FASTA format. The protein translation of each predicted ORF is a separate entry in the file.

Below is an example FASTA file excerpt for the predicted protein sequences for the above example transcript.

>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction 0
>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction 1
>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction 2
>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction 3
>YEL009C_mRNA (GCN4) orfeus prediction 4