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Webpack Browser-sync

A webpack@1&2 dev server with browser-sync

NPM License Build Status

Usage: webpack-browser-sync [options]

  --config, -c          path to webpack.config
                                     [required] [default: "./webpack.config.js"]
  --webpack             enable webpack
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --index               index.html relative path from webpackConfig.output.path
                                                  [string] [default: index.html]
  --hot                 enable hot module replacement [need webpack enabled]
  --proxy               use proxy for remote debug                      [string]
  --compress            enable gzip                                    [boolean]
  --historyApiFallback  enable history api fallback                    [boolean]


  • only support node >= 12
  • output.publicPath should not use remote url for development