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MorphoCut Server

This repository contains the MorphoCut web application that serves as a frontend for the MorphoCut library.

Running the development version

During development, Flask and Vue run natively on the host. PostgreSQL and Redis run in their respective Docker containers.


  • To run PostgreSQL and Redis, you need Docker Compose.

  • To run the Python application, create a Conda environment by running the following in the repository root:

    conda env create -f environment.yml # Create a prespecified environment
  • To run the Vue application, you need to have NodeJS installed. Then install the required packages:

    /$ cd morphocut_server/frontend
    /morphocut_server/frontend/$ npm install # Install all the required packages

Run the application

  • Start PostgreSQL and Redis. The services will run as long as the window is not closed.

    /$ docker-compose up postgres redis # Start the PostgreSQL and Redis containers exposing the relevant ports
  • In a new window, start Flask:

    /$ source activate_dev # Activate the environment and set appropriate environment variables
    /$ flask run # Run the flask application, reloading automatically as necessary.
    * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  • In a third window, start Vue:

    /$ cd morphocut_server/frontend
    /morphocut_server/frontend/$ npm run serve # Run the Vue frontend, reloading automatically as necessary.
      App running at:
      - Local:   http://localhost:8080/frontend/ 

    Open the link to access the application.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.