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Form validators that can be used directly via code or constructed from JSON to provide more dynamic validation.

Using the library

Add the repo to your Flutter pubspec.yaml file.

  form_validation: <<version>> 

Then run...

flutter packages get


The library provides a set of built-in validators while also providing a mechanism for applications to provide their own validators. All the built-in validators are able to be deserialized via JSON. They all expect an attribute of type to match a specific value when being desearialized.

Note: With the sole exception of RequiredValidator, all built in validators will pass on null or empty values.

Class Type Description
CurrencyValidator currency Ensures the value is a valid currency
EmailValidator email Ensures the value is a validly formatted email address
MaxLengthValidator max_length Ensures the value contains no more than a set number of characters
MaxNumberValidator max_number Ensures the value is no larger than a given number
MinLengthValidator min_length Ensures the value contains no fewer than a set number of characters
MinNumberValidator min_number Ensures the value is no smaller than a given number
NumberValidator number Ensures the value is a valid number
PhoneNumberValidator phone_number Ensures the value is a validly formatted phone number
RequiredValidator required Ensures the value is not null, empty, nor white space only

Validation Messages / Translations

The library provides a default set of English error messages for each validator's error message. This library uses the static_translations library for the string and language management, see it for details on how to override the defaults or provide values for other languages.

Key Parameters Description
form_validation_currency label Used when an invalid currency value is detected
form_validation_currency_positive label Used when a valid, but negative, currency value is detected
form_validation_email label Used when an invalid email is detected
form_validation_max_length label, length Used when a value contains more characters than length
form_validation_max_number label, number Used when a value is larger than number
form_validation_min_length label, length Used when a value contains fewer characters than length
form_validation_min_number label, number Used when a value is smaller than number
form_validation_number label Used when a number is expected but not detected
form_validation_number_decimal label Used when a number is detected, but not allowed to be a decimal
form_validation_phone_number label Used when an invalid phone number is detected
form_validation_required label Used when a value is required, but detected as null, empty, or all white space

JSON Support

The Validator class can be used to decode a list of child ValueValidator entries. Each of the built-in validators can be deserialized via JSON. In addition to being able to deserialize from JSON, each of the built-in validators supports serializing to a JSON compatible map via toJson or an actual JSON encoded string via toJsonString.

The overall struction needs to be:

  "validators": [
    // One or more of the JSON objects shown below


  "allowNegative": <bool>, // Default: true; states whether negative values are allowed or not
  "type": "currency"


  "type": "email"


  "length": <int>, // The maximum length the value may be
  "type": "max_length"


  "length": <int>, // The maximum number the value may be
  "type": "max_number"


  "length": <int>, // The minimum length the value may be
  "type": "min_length"


  "length": <int>, // The minimum number the value may be
  "type": "min_number"


  "type": "number"


  "type": "phone_number"


  "type": "required"

Custom Validators

The Validator supports custom validators being added either directly through classes extending the ValueValidator abstract class and passing them in via the constructor. Alternatively, an application may register a validator type with Validator using the registerCustomValidatorBuilder function.


class MyCustomValidator extends ValueValidator {
  static const type = 'my_custom_validator';

  static MyCustomValidator fromDynamic(dynamic map) {
      // initialization args go here

    MyCustomValidator result;

    if (map != null) {
      assert(map['type'] == type);

      result = MyCustomValidator(
        // Do additional JSON conversion here

    return result;

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
    // add additional attributes here
    "type": type,

  String validate({
    @required BuildContext context,
    @required String label,
    @required String value,
  }) {
    String error;

    // In general, validators should pass if the value is empty.  Combine 
    // validators with the RequiredValidator to ensure a value is non-empty.
    if (value?.isNotEmpty == true) {
      // Do processing to determine if the value is valid or not

    return error;


void main() {

  // start app


var jsonStr = '''
  "validators": [{
    "type": "required"
  }, {
    "type": "my_custom_validator"

// This will create a validation chain with the RequiredValidator as well as the
// MyCustomValidator defined above
var validator = Validator.fromDynamic(json.decode(jsonStr));


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