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83 lines (46 loc) · 3.33 KB

ICIKendallTau 1.1.3

  • makes rank_order_data take a sample class argument to enable splitting out by class.

ICIKendallTau 1.1.2

  • adds the rank_order_data function to help with visualizing the pattern of missingness with respect to the rank of the rows.
  • adds the yeast_missing dataset as a more realistic dataset for running the test_left_censorship and rank_order_data.

ICIKendallTau 1.1.0

  • adds the function test_left_censorship to verify if ici_kendalltau is appropriate to use on the data or not.

ICIKendallTau 1.0.0

  • Calculates correlation between columns of the matrix, not the rows.

ICIKendallTau 0.3.20

  • kt_fast now uses the same data.frame format for output as ici_kendalltau, but returns a matrix by default. The data.frame is useful when large amounts of comparisons are run.

ICIKendallTau 0.3.0

  • Handling parallel execution differently to avoid really large matrix issues on each core.
  • Introduces the return_matrix parameter to ici_kendalltau that allows to return the results in the form of a data.frame instead of lists of matrices.

ICIKendallTau 0.2.10

  • Provide the kt_fast function that handles missing or NA values similarly to the stats::cor function, but uses our ici_kt fast function underneath.

ICIKendalltau 0.2.8

  • Made all error outputs the same length as the default output but containing NA.
  • Check for the case when one of the variables in ici_kt has all identical arguments, warns the user and returns NA.

ICIKendallTau 0.2.1

  • Added new argument include_only to ici_kendalltau that allows the user to define which of the pairwise correlations to actually do.

ICIKendallTau 0.1.17

  • switched theme.
  • updated installation instructions to use r-universe.

ICIKendallTau 0.1.16

  • updating documentation and examples

ICIKendallTau 0.1.4

  • Switched pairwise_completeness to also use the global_na parameter.
  • Oh yes, there is a function pairwise_completeness to enable scaling by the completeness between any two samples.

ICIKendallTau 0.1.2

  • Updated the API to use a single variable, global_na that defines all the values that should be set to NA for the correlation calculation.
  • This is a big API change, so we bumped the version up to 0.1.

ICIKendallTau 0.0.6

  • Fixing a bug where if there are 55,000 elements in the vector, some of the match overflows from 32 bit to 64 bit, and results make no sense.

ICIKendallTau 0.0.5

  • Fixed a bug where instead of returning a two element vector, it only returned a zero length value. This probably only happened when one of the entries contained all NA values, or you tried to pass "vectors" with less than two entries.

ICIKendallTau 0.0.4

  • Fixing things that came up with R CMD check in the documentation. Should be all good now (I hope).

ICIKendallTau 0.0.3

  • Added tests!
  • Removed a bunch of code that wasn't necessary because it was using the incorrect formula's, and we have the correct version in the ici_kt_pairs function for reference purposes.

ICIKendallTau 0.0.2

  • Fixed an issue where a warning would be issued if {furrr} was not installed.

ICIKendallTau 0.0.1

  • First release. It's been tested and used rather thoroughly by myself, but I'd say it's still rather alpha. Even though I use it all the time myself.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.