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Getting Started

Mohammed Mustafa Fulwala edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 2 revisions


Front end

Make sure you're in the directory of frontend and run:

npm install
npm start

Back end

1. Using Docker:

You can dockerize every service. For ease of development, we have provided a script called This option lets you dockerize every service and includes nginx, a load balancer. If you only want to dockerize the mysql db, then follow instructions on 2. instead.

  1. Make sure you install docker and docker-compose in your computer (If docker compose does not work, install it using pip3 i.e. pip3 install docker-compose)
  2. Download the repository, and cd backend
  3. Run ./ run and wait until the program finishes.
  4. Wait for a few minutes (this will only be needed in the first run).
  5. Visit localhost at port 80 and your spring application should be running there.
What if there are changes to the application, does it reflect?

Yes, every time you make a change it will automatically reload in the docker container.

Database management

You can visit localhost:8081 that will open adminer, which allows db management of the mysql data.

Stopping the application

If you want to stop the application, run ./ stop.

2. Docker for mysql but no docker for spring

You can still run the application on your computer while having docker run the database.To do this, do the following:

  1. Install java 11 in your machine.
  2. Run mvn clean install
  3. Then finally run:
./ db-only
mvn spring-boot:run
Database management

You can visit localhost:8081 that will open adminer, which allows db management of the mysql data.

What if there are changes to the application, does it reflect?

Yes, every time you make a change, the spring application should automatically reload.

Stopping the application

You can kill the mvn process through hitting ctrl+c in the terminal. And, you can stop the db container using: ./ stop

3. Without Docker at all

  1. Ensure you're using IntelliJ
  2. Ensure that you have MySQL Installed
  3. Ensure that the MySQL Server is running
  4. Make sure that you have a database up and running with the following properties:
  • Database is running under localhost:3306/db_lonlygames
  • There is a user called lonlygames
  • The password should be password
  • The server port should 8080