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Mostafizur Rahman edited this page Mar 5, 2016 · 11 revisions


BCrypt.Net is a Universal Encryption(Blowfish) utility for Windows, Universal Windows Application, Windows IoT Core, Store Application, Phone, Asp.Net Web Application and Xamarin.

How to use it

Add reference to your code like this.

using BCrypt.Net; using BCrypt = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt;

To hash a password for the first time, call the HashPassword() method with a random salt, like this:

string pass = global::BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword("password", global::BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt());

To check whether a plain text password matches one that has been hashed previously, use the CheckPassword() method:

if (global::BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.CheckPassword("password", pass)) { Console.WriteLine("Match"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Don’t Match"); }

The GenerateSalt() method takes an optional integer parameter that determines the computational complexity of the hashing:

string SaltStrong30 = global::BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt(30); string SaltStrong31 = global::BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt(31);

The amount of work increases exponentially (2**number). The default number is 10, and the valid range is 4 to 31.

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