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Mostafa Shahiri edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews wiki!

The Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews is a simple widget to display Woocommerce reviews with AJAX method. You can set the options of this plugin to fetch the reviews of the products based on their categories, their tags or their authors. Also, it has different options to set the ordering type, length of the reviews, number of the reviews, etc. Using AJAX method for loading more reviews has improved the performance of this plugin. It is very flexible with customizable settings.

Some Features of this plugin:

  1. Displaying reviews based on selected tags, categories and authors

  2. Gainig AJAX method for loading more reviews

  3. Easy to use

  4. Customizable settings

  5. Limiting the number of reviews

  6. Ordering reviews based on post created date, comment created date, post rating, comment rating, reviews count, total sales and product price.

  7. Limiting the length of reviews

  8. Custom text for readmore links.

  9. Using a pretty style for displaying the items.

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