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BigFuzzPlus: Fuzz tester for Big Data Applications

Welcome to this repository. This repository has been created for the Bachelor research project in Computer Science and Engeneering at the Technical University of Delft.

This is a copy of the original repository, hosted on gitlab. This repo includes the data collected for the evaluation of the research project. These results can be found in the EVALUATION_RESULTS folder, containing the data log files for each benchmark and the 4 implementations tested. The benchmarks are found in the customarray directory and correspond to the following codes:

  • B1 : ExternalUDF
  • B2 : FindSalary
  • B3 : StudentGrades
  • B4 : MovieRating
  • B5 : SalaryAnalysis
  • B6 : Property

and the implementations are: 0 - BigFuzz 1 - Random Stacked 2 - Smart Stack 4 - Single Stack

The files in the EVALUATION_RESULTS folder are labeled -.txt If the data needs to be reproduced, the log files contain the seed of each iteration. These seeds can be used to produce the same mutation. The DataSet folder contains all initial input files

Below the original information provided for the BigFuzzPlus repository

The developers of this repository are:

  • Bo van den Berg
  • Lars van Koetsveld van Ankeren
  • Melchior Oudemans
  • Lars Rhijnsburger
  • Martijn Smits

On this repository, a new method is implemented: BigFuzzPlus. This method builds on the implementation found in the BigFuzz repository (

New functionalities added are:

  • Tabular input specification
  • JSON input specification
  • (Boosted) Coverage-guided fuzzing
  • Systematic mutations for fuzzing
  • Stacking of mutation

The papers describing the implemented methods can be found in the "TODO" directory on this repository. How to use these functionalities are described below.


The following items will be explained:

  • Drivers
  • Program Arguments
  • Implementation specific details
  • modules

How to run BigFuzzPlus


If you want to run a benchmark, you can provide an initial file seed. This seed can be any random file. To use that file, enter the file location in the dataset/conf file.

conf= ./dataset/movierating.csv
movierating.csv= ASTAR:_2,_3


After cloning the repository, the maven will install all modules and import all dependencies. Below is a list of which driver you need to run per implementation:

Implementation Driver
tabular input specification TabFuzzDriver
JSON input specification BigFuzzPlusDriver
Coverage guided fuzzing BigFuzzPlusDriver
Systematic mutations for fuzzing BigFuzzPlusDriver
Stacking of mutation BigFuzzPlusDriver


Independent of which implementation is used, the first 4 program arguments are:

[0] - test class
[1] - test method
[2] - mutation method
[3] - max Trials (default = Long.MAXVALUE)

The test class is the Benchmark class name, and the test method is the method inside said class. If the class/method does not exist, the program will cause an error.
Existing benchmarks can be found in either the "Benchmarks" (module: bigfuzz-benchmarks) or "customarray" (module: bigfuzz-dfcoverage) directories. To use one of these benchmarks, the corresponding module needs to be passed in the run configurations.

The mutation method needs to be an existing mutation method and has to be added to the BigFuzzPlusGuidance class.

(e.g. StackedMutation / SystematicMutation / FindSalaryMutation/ ....)

To run with (Boosted) Coverage-Guided fuzzing

  • set SelectionMethod to COVERAGE_FILES (default = INIT_FILES)
  • Tweak the favor rate between 0 and 1 (0 = only baseline selection, 1 = only favored selection)

If run with StackedMutation as the mutation method:

[4] - stacked mutation method (default = 0)

  • 0 = Disabled
  • 1 = Permute_random (permute between 1 and the max amount of mutations)
  • 2 = Permute_max (Always permute until the max amount of mutations)
  • 3 = Smart_stack (Apply higher-order mutation exclusion rules)
  • 4 = Single mutate (Only apply 1 mutation per column)

[5] - max mutation stack (default = 2)

If run with SystematicMutation as mutation method:

[4] - mutate columns (default = disabled)
[5] - max mutation depth (default = 6)

Example of a StackedMutation run configuration:
StackedMutation run configuration example



bigfuzz-benchmarks (dir: Benchmarks)

Contains the benchmarks from bigfuzz which have been used in the code coverage results for their paper.

bigfuzz-old-customarray (dir: big_fuzz_customarray)

Contains the benchmarks from bigfuzz repository

bigfuzz-dfcoverage (dir: customarray)

Contains the benchmarks which have been modified to work with direct inputs, rather than a reference to the inputs.

jqf-examples (dir: examples)

Not used.

bigfuzz-guidance (dir: fuzz)

Contains the BigTest, BigFuzz and BigFuzzPlus drivers.

jqf-instrument (dir: instrument)

Contains code that is used by the JQF engine.

jqf-maven-plugin (dir: maven-plugin)

Contains the maven project setup for JQF.

transformer (dir: transformer)

Contains the code used to transform a Spark program to a java program. However, the program requires UDF generator/specifications and does not transform properly in this repository.


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