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93 lines (68 loc) · 3.21 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (68 loc) · 3.21 KB


A drop in replacement for Backbone Models' toJSON method providing a set of useful options. If no options are passed it works the same as Backbone's native toJSON method.

Consider this model for the following examples:

var user = Backbone.Model.extend({ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky' });

user.fullName = function(abbreviated) {
  var lastName;
  lastName = abbreviated ? this.attributes.lastName.substring(0, 1) : this.attributes.lastName;
  return "" + this.attributes.firstName + " " + lastName;

user.initials = function() {
  return "" + (this.attributes.firstName.substring(0, 1)) + " " + (this.attributes.lastName.substring(0, 1));


Pass a String, Array, or Object specifying the method(s) you want to inlcude as part of the returned JSON object. This can be usefull when a view's template needs a value that's not an attribute on the model.

// when passed an array each item will be called on the model
user.toJSON({ methods:['fullName', 'initials'] });
{ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky', fullName: 'Andreas Gursky', initials: 'A G' } // result

// if only one method is needed you can also pass a string
user.toJSON({ methods:'fullName'] });
{ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky', fullName: 'Andreas Gursky' } // result

// if you need to pass arguments to the method you can use an object
// the keys become the method name, and the value should be an array of arguments
user.toJSON({ methods:{ fullName:[true] });
{ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky', fullName: 'Andreas G' } // result


Passing { namespace: 'photographer' } will namespace the JSON response

user.toJSON({ namespace: 'photographer' });
{ photographer: { firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky' } } // result

Most of the time that I need to namespace a model's attributes is when saving to the server. But Backbone.sync doesn't provide a hook to modify the attribues before making an ajax request. I just calls toJSON() on the model. To get around that you can set a namespace property on the model which causes toJSON() (* note no options are passed) to return a namespaced set of attributes.

user.namespace = 'photographer'
{ photographer: { firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky' } } // result

// to omit namespace pass in false
user.toJSON({ namespace:false });
{ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky' } // result

// the namespace property can also be a function returning a string
user.namespace = function() {
  return 'photographer';


In Javascript the convention is to use camelCase when naming things. The server-side language you're using might use underscores instead. Hence the transform option.

{ first_name:'Andreas', last_name:'Gursky' } // result

user = new Backbone.Model({ first_name:'Andreas', last_name:'Gursky' });
{ firstName:'Andreas', lastName:'Gursky' } // result

// set property on model so transform happens by default
user.toJSONKeysTransform = 'underscore';
userData = user.toJSON();
{ first_name:'Andreas', last_name:'Gursky' } // result