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Yuqi Hou edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 3 revisions

Markticle is based off the tutorial, Creating A “Save For Later” Chrome Extension With Modern Web Tools by Daniel Sternlicht.

Unfortunately, not all of the code snippits in this tutorial actually works, and I've had to do a fair amount of tinkering so far.

Right now, I am having trouble with the following step:

Returning to our MainController, let’s make sure we’re injecting the storage service in the app:

> angular.module('markticle').controller('MainController', function($scope, StorageService) {
>   $scope.marks = […];
> });

I can't include StorageService without all my marks hardcoded marks in my controller disappearing! I don't know why! Feel free to poke around this repo and let me know if you find any solutions to this problem!

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