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BikeShare Tools

These are a set of tools to do some fun things with the Toronto Open Data BikeShare API or data. Right now it just creates heatmaps but more interesting things may come.

Getting Started


Install the dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

There seems to be a bug in folium I'll soon be sending a PR for, and another bug has been fixed already but not released, so pip installing from the repo is preferred.

Clone this project's repo into your preferred folder.


$ python migrate
$ python collectstatic

Generate a new secret key and place it in bikeshare_tools/.env with your Postgres User and Pass

export SECRET_KEY="---"
export DB_USER="user"
export DB_PASS="pass"

This project uses python-dotenv to safely store Django and DB credentials. To load them in your current session to use runserver run $ source bikeshare_tools/.env to load the environment variables. This can be automatically run by uWSGI as a service by using the Environment variable shown later below.

Run the project with uWSGI:

$ uwsgi -ini uwsgi.ini

This will create a socket in the project folder which Nginx/Apache etc can proxy to.

If using nginx

 location /bikeshare/static {
    alias /home/nap/bikeshare_tools/bikeshare_tools/static;

  location /bikeshare {
    uwsgi_pass  unix:/home/nap/bikeshare_tools/bikeshare_tools.sock;
    include /home/nap/bikeshare_tools/uwsgi_params;

will route for the URL domain.tld/bikeshare/

A systemd service can be setup to automatically deal with running uWSGI. On Debian in /lib/systemd/system/uwsgi-bikeshare.service

Description=uWSGI for bikeshare Django project

ExecStart=/home/nap/.virtualenvs/bikeshare_tools/bin/uwsgi --ini /home/nap/bikeshare_tools/uwsgi.ini


which can then be started with

$ sudo service uwsgi-bikeshare start

Built With
