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Davit Barbakadze edited this page Aug 5, 2017 · 2 revisions

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Module: moxie.core.EventTarget

Table of Contents


Parent object for all event dispatching components and objects


Unique id of the event dispatcher, usually overriden by children


Can be called from within a child in order to acquire uniqie id in automated manner

Register a handler to a specific event dispatched by the object


  • type String
    Type or basically a name of the event to subscribe to
  • fn Function
    Callback function that will be called when event happens
  • [priority=0] Number
    Priority of the event handler - handlers with higher priorities will be called first
  • [scope=this] Object
    A scope to invoke event handler in

Check if any handlers were registered to the specified event


  • [type] String
    Type or basically a name of the event to check

Unregister the handler from the event, or if former was not specified - unregister all handlers


  • type String
    Type or basically a name of the event
  • [fn] Function
    Handler to unregister

Remove all event handlers from the object

Dispatch the event


  • Type String/Object
    of event or event object to dispatch
  • [...] Mixed
    Variable number of arguments to be passed to a handlers

Register a handler to the event type that will run only once


  • type String
    Type or basically a name of the event to subscribe to
  • fn Function
    Callback function that will be called when event happens
  • [priority=0] Number
    Priority of the event handler - handlers with higher priorities will be called first
  • [scope=this] Object
    A scope to invoke event handler in