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Page Metadata Parser

A Javascript library for parsing metadata in web pages.
This mobile fork has a webpack config specifically configured for embedding in a WKwebView. It uses babel-transform instead of babel-pollyfill.


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npm install --save page-metadata-parser



This library is meant to be used either in the browser (embedded directly in a website or into a browser addon/extension) or on a server (node.js).

Each function expects to be passed a Document object, which may be created either directly by a browser or on the server using a Document compatible object, such as that provided by jsdom.

You may use each rule individually, or together to parse all of the metadata provided by this library.

Supported schemas

This library employs parsers for the following formats:



meta tags


This library is based on the work of Mozilla Fathom, a framework for using rules to parse content on web pages.

A single rule instructs the parser on a possible DOM node to locate a specific piece of content. For instance, a rule to parse the title of a page might look like

['meta[property="og:title"]', node => node.element.getAttribute('content')]

A rule consists of two parts, a querySelector compatible string which is used to look up the target content, and a callable which receives a Node (a wrapper around a DOM element) and returns the desired content from that Node.

This rule would be able to successfully find a page's title from the following HTML sample:

<meta property="og:title" content="A Sample Page" />

Many rules together form a Rule Set. This library will apply each rule to a page and choose the 'best' result. In our case, the order in which rules are defined indicate their preference, with the first rule being the most preferred. A Rule Set can be defined like so:

const titleRules = {
  rules: [
    ['meta[property="og:title"]', node => node.element.getAttribute('content')],
    ['title', node => node.element.text],

In this case, the OpenGraph title will be preferred over the title tag.

This library includes many rules for a single desired piece of metadata which should allow it to consistently find metadata across many types of pages. This library is meant to be a community driven effort, and so if there is no rule to find a piece of information from a particular website, contributors are encouraged to add new rules!


Using a single rule

This library provides rules to find the following forms of metadata in a page:

Field Description
type The type of content as defined by opengraph.
url A canonical URL for the page.
provider A string representation of the sub and primary domains.
title A user displayable title for the page.
description A user displayable description for the page.
icon_url A URL which contains an icon for the page.
image_url A URL which contains a preview image for the page.
keywords The meta keywords for the page.

To use a single rule to find a particular piece of metadata within a page, simply pass that rule and a Document object to getMetadata and it will apply each possible selector for that rule until it finds a matching piece of information and return it.


const {getMetadata, metadataRules} = require('page-metadata-parser');

const pageTitle = getMetadata(doc, {title: metadataRules.title});

Extending a single rule

To add your own additional custom parser to an existing rule, you can simply push it into that rule's array.


const {getMetadata, metadataRules} = require('page-metadata-parser');

const customDescriptionRules = metadataRules.description;

  ['meta[name="customDescription"]', node => node.element.content]

const pageDescription = getMetadata(doc, {description: customDescriptionRules});

Using all rules

To parse all of the available metadata on a page using all of the rules provided in this library, simply call getMetadata on the Document.

const {getMetadata, metadataRules} = require('page-metadata-parser');

const pageMetadata = getMetadata(doc, metadataRules);

Nesting rules

You can nest rules into arbitrarily deep object structures which will mirror the structure of the returned metadata payload.


const {getMetadata, metadataRules} = require('page-metadata-parser');

const nestedMetadataRules = {
  images: {
    preview: metadataRules.image_url,
    icon: metadataRules.icon_url,
  text: {
    title: metadataRules.title,
    description: metadataRules.description,

const nestedMetadata = getMetadata(doc, nestedMetadataRules); 




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