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Bug 612721 - 'cfx docs' should export HTML, and html fragment; r=warner
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Will Bamberg committed Dec 31, 2010
1 parent 4bf5557 commit 81aa396
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Showing 41 changed files with 6,332 additions and 118 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/addon-kit/docs/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<!-- contributed by Paul OShannessy [] -->
<!-- contributed by Paul O'Shannessy [] -->
<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [] -->
<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [] -->

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions python-lib/cuddlefish/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import sys, re, textwrap


class ParseError(Exception):
# args[1] is the line number that caused the problem
def __init__(self, why, lineno):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +241,7 @@ def parse_hunks(text):
# return a list of tuples. Each is one of:
# ("raw", string) : non-API blocks
# ("api-json", dict) : API blocks
yield ("version", VERSION)
lines = text.splitlines(True)
line_number = 0
markdown_string = ""
Expand Down
288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions python-lib/cuddlefish/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
import sys, os
import markdown
import apiparser
import time

# list of all the 'class' and 'id' attributes assigned to
# <div> and <span> tags by the renderer.
API_REFERENCE = 'api_reference'
MODULE_API_DOCS_CLASS = 'module_api_docs'
MODULE_API_DOCS_ID = '_module_api_docs'
API_HEADER = 'api_header'
API_NAME = 'api_name'
API_COMPONENT_GROUP = 'api_component_group'
API_COMPONENT = 'api_component'
DATATYPE = 'datatype'
RETURNS = 'returns'
PARAMETER_SET = 'parameter_set'
MODULE_DESCRIPTION = 'module_description'

<!DOCTYPE html>\n
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n
<base target="_blank"/>\n
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"\n
href="../../../css/base.css" />\n
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"\n
href="../../../css/apidocs.css" />\n
<title>Add-on SDK Documentation</title>\n
<style type="text/css">\n
body {\n
border: 50px solid #FFFFFF;\n
<script type="text/javascript">\n
function rewrite_links() {\n
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");\n
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {\n
var before = images[i].src.split("packages/")[0];\n
var after = images[i].src.split("/docs")[1];\n
images[i].src = before + after;\n
<body onload = "rewrite_links()">\n'''


def indent(text_in):
text_out = ''
lines = text_in.splitlines(True)
indentation_level = 0
indentation_depth = 2
for line in lines:
if (line.startswith('<div')):
text_out += ((' ' * indentation_depth) * indentation_level) + line
indentation_level += 1
if (line.startswith('</div>')):
indentation_level -= 1
text_out += ((' ' * indentation_depth) * indentation_level) + line
return text_out

def tag_wrap_id(text, classname, id, tag = 'div'):
return ''.join(['\n<'+ tag + ' id="', id, '" class="', \
classname, '">\n\n', text + '\n</' + tag +'>\n\n'])

def tag_wrap(text, classname, tag = 'div'):
return ''.join(['\n<' + tag + ' class="', classname, '">\n\n', \
text, '\n</'+ tag + '>\n\n'])

def span_wrap(text, classname):
return ''.join(['\n<span class="', classname, '">', \
text, '</span>\n\n'])

class API_Renderer(object):
def __init__(self, json, tag): = json['name']
self.tag = tag
self.description = json.get('description', '')
self.json = json

def render_name(self):
raise Exception('not implemented in this class')

def render_description(self):
return markdown.markdown(self.description)

def render_subcomponents(self):
raise Exception('not implemented in this class')

def get_tag(self):
return self.tag

class Class_Doc(API_Renderer):
def __init__(self, json, tag):
API_Renderer.__init__(self, json, tag)

def render_name(self):

def render_subcomponents(self):
return render_object_contents(self.json)

class Function_Doc(API_Renderer):
def __init__(self, json, tag, owner=None):
API_Renderer.__init__(self, json, tag)
self.owner = owner
self.signature = json['signature']
self.returns = json.get('returns', None)
self.parameters_json = json.get('params', None)

def render_name(self):
if (self.owner):
return self.owner + '.' + self.signature
return self.signature

def render_subcomponents(self):
return self._render_parameters() + self._render_returns()

def _render_parameters(self):
if not self.parameters_json:
return ''
text = ''.join([render_comp(Parameter_Doc(parameter_json, 'div')) \
for parameter_json in self.parameters_json])
return tag_wrap(text, PARAMETER_SET)

def _render_returns(self):
if not self.returns:
return ''
text = 'Returns: ' + span_wrap(self.returns['type'], DATATYPE)
text += self.returns['description']
return tag_wrap(text, RETURNS)

class Parameter_Doc(API_Renderer):
def __init__(self, json, tag):
API_Renderer.__init__(self, json, tag)
self.datatype = json.get('type', None)
self.properties_json = json.get('props', None)

def render_name(self):
if self.datatype:
return + ' : ' + \
span_wrap(self.datatype, DATATYPE)

def render_subcomponents(self):
if not self.properties_json:
return ''
text = ''.join([render_comp(Internal_Property_Doc(property_json, 'div')) \
for property_json in self.properties_json])
return text

# internal_property_doc is a hack to deal with the fact that
# in the current model properties of parameters are represented
# differently. This should be fixed, but it's an incompatible change,
# so deferring it for now.
class Internal_Property_Doc(API_Renderer):
def __init__(self, json, tag, owner = None):
API_Renderer.__init__(self, json, tag)
self.owner = owner
self.datatype = json['type']

def render_name(self):
if self.owner:
rendered_name = self.owner + '.' +
rendered_name =
return rendered_name + ' : ' + \
span_wrap(self.datatype, DATATYPE)

def render_subcomponents(self):
return ''

class Property_Doc(API_Renderer):
def __init__(self, json, tag, owner = None):
API_Renderer.__init__(self, json, tag)
self.owner = owner
self.datatype = json['property_type']

def render_name(self):
if self.owner:
rendered_name = self.owner + '.' +
rendered_name =
return rendered_name + ' : ' + \
span_wrap(self.datatype, DATATYPE)

def render_subcomponents(self):
return render_object_contents(self.json)

def render_object_contents(json):
ctors = json.get('constructors', None)
text = render_comp_group(ctors, 'Constructors', Function_Doc)
methods = json.get('methods', None)
text += render_comp_group(methods, 'Methods', Function_Doc)
properties = json.get('properties', None)
text += render_comp_group(properties, 'Properties', Property_Doc)
return text

def render_comp(component):
# a component is wrapped inside a single div marked 'API_COMPONENT'
# containing:
# 1) the component name, marked 'API_NAME'
text = tag_wrap(component.render_name(), API_NAME, component.get_tag())
# 2) the component description
text += component.render_description()
# 3) the component contents
text += component.render_subcomponents()
return tag_wrap(text, API_COMPONENT)

def render_comp_group(group, group_name, ctor, tag = 'div', comp_tag = 'div'):
if not group:
return ''
# component group is a list of components in a single div called
# 'API_COMPONENT_GROUP' containing:
# 1) a title for the group marked with 'API_HEADER'
text = tag_wrap(group_name, API_HEADER, tag)
# 2) each component
text += ''.join([render_comp(ctor(api, comp_tag)) for api in group])
return tag_wrap(text, API_COMPONENT_GROUP)

def render_descriptions(descriptions_md):
text = ''.join([description_md for description_md in descriptions_md])
return tag_wrap(markdown.markdown(text), MODULE_DESCRIPTION)

def render_api_reference(api_docs):
if (len(api_docs) == 0):
return ''
# at the top level api reference is in a single div marked 'API_REFERENCE',
# containing:
# 1) a title 'API Reference' marked with 'API_HEADER'
text = tag_wrap('API Reference', API_HEADER, 'h2')
# 2) a component group called 'Classes' containing any class elements
classes = [api for api in api_docs if api['type'] == 'class']
text += render_comp_group(classes, 'Classes', Class_Doc, 'h3', 'h4')
# 3) a component group called 'Functions' containing any global functions
functions = [api for api in api_docs if api['type'] == 'function']
text += render_comp_group(functions, 'Functions', Function_Doc, 'h3', 'h4')
# 4) a component group called 'Properties' containing any global properties
properties = [api for api in api_docs if api['type'] == 'property']
text += render_comp_group(properties, 'Properties', Property_Doc, 'h3', 'h4')
return tag_wrap(text, API_REFERENCE)

# take the JSON output of apiparser
# return the HTML DIV containing the rendered component
def json_to_div(json, markdown_filename):
module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(markdown_filename))
descriptions = [hunk[1] for hunk in json if hunk[0]=='markdown']
api_docs = [hunk[1] for hunk in json if hunk[0]=='api-json']
text = "<h1>" + module_name + "</h1>"
text += render_descriptions(descriptions)
text += render_api_reference(api_docs)
text = tag_wrap_id(text, MODULE_API_DOCS_CLASS, \
module_name + MODULE_API_DOCS_ID)
return text.encode('utf8')

# take the JSON output of apiparser
# return standalone HTML containing the rendered component
def json_to_html(json, markdown_filename):
return indent(HTML_HEADER + \
json_to_div(json, markdown_filename) + HTML_FOOTER)

# take the name of a Markdown file
# return the HTML DIV containing the rendered component
def md_to_div(markdown_filename):
markdown_contents = open(markdown_filename).read()
json = list(apiparser.parse_hunks(markdown_contents))
return json_to_div(json, markdown_filename)

# take the name of a Markdown file
# return standalone HTML containing the rendered component
def md_to_html(markdown_filename):
return indent(HTML_HEADER + md_to_div(markdown_filename) + HTML_FOOTER)

if __name__ == '__main__':
if (len(sys.argv) == 0):
print 'Supply the name of a docs file to parse'
print md_to_html(sys.argv[1])

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