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Extension Dependencies

dangoor edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 20 revisions

Extension Dependencies Research

(This may eventually become documentations on how extension dependencies are handled.)

The experience that Node users have with npm provides some useful background:

Kevin's notes

  • Two separate considerations
    • Brackets version
    • Dependency on other extensions that need to be downloaded as
  • npm supports version conflicts
    • different libraries can get different versions of the same
  • semver helps but is not granular enough…
    • we may change some APIs that would break some extensions, but not likely all or possibly even
  • What about Deprecation Warnings that not only print to the console but actually register the coming incompatibility with the repository?
  • Firefox has the Add-on Compatibility Reporter
    • users can report that an extension is no longer compatible
    • the idea is that beta users would use this
    • the repo could track which version the reports started coming in for
  • Are shared libraries worth it? (see Go for example)
    • what about shared capabilities?
    • rather than multiple extensions sharing an esprima, maybe it's more useful to share the AST that esprima produces? (one background thread parsing JS, rather than multiple!)
    • npm goes to great lengths to avoid DLL Hell. Maybe we don't want to reinvent that wheel? (Either use npm or statically include dependencies?)
  • This gets into extension APIs but rather than sharing capabilities via modules, you share via named extension points and pub/sub
    • Rather than a fully dynamic pub/sub where subscribers may subscribe to a message that never gets published, what if we had warnings for messages that never get published?
  • Will we be keeping every version of every extension around?
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