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File metadata and controls

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django-browserid comes with a few extra pieces to make development easier. They're documented below.

Offline Development

Because django-browsered :ref:`relies on the Persona service <persona-dependence>`, offline development is not supported by default. To work around this, django-browserid includes an auto-login system that lets you specify an email to log the user in with when they click a login button.


Auto-login is a huge security hole as it bypasses authentication. Only use it for local development on your own computer; never use it on a publicly-visible machine or your live, production website.

Enable auto-login

To enable auto-login:

  1. Add the AutoLoginBackend class to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting.
  2. Set :attr:`BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_EMAIL <django.conf.settings.BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_EMAIL>` to the email you want to be logged in as.
  3. Set :attr:`BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED <django.conf.settings.BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED>` to True.
  4. If you are not using :py:func:`browserid_js template helper <django_browserid.helpers.browserid_js>`, you have to manually add browserid/autologin.js to your site.

For example:

   'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend',  # After auto-login.


Once these are set, any login button that uses the :doc:`JavaScript API </api/javascript>` will not attempt to show the Persona popup, and will immediately log you in with the email you set above.

Disable auto-login

To disable auto-login:

  1. Set :attr:`BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED <django.conf.settings.BROWSERID_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED>` to False.
  2. If you added browserid/autologin.js to your site, you must remove it.