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Getting started

This guide walks through getting a development environment set up to allow you to contribute to Fjord.


This definitely works for Mac OSX and Linux and probably works for Windows, too. If you have issues, please let us know.

Getting the requirements

  1. Download and install git if you don't have it already:


    Windows users: When you install git, make sure to choose "Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings". If you don't, then you'll end up with Windows-style line endings in your checkout and Fjord won't work in the virtual machine.

  2. Download and install VirtualBox if you don't have it already:
  3. Download and install Vagrant if you don't have it already:


    You might have to close your terminal and start a new one to pick up changes to PATH or other things in the environment after installing these so that they're available.

Download Fjord

If you have a GitHub account, you should fork the Fjord repository and then clone your fork:

git clone<USERNAME>/fjord.git

If you do not have a GitHub account, that's ok! Clone the official Fjord repository this way:

git clone

This creates a directory called fjord/. We'll call that the "Fjord repository top-level directory".

Building a vm and booting it

This will build a VirtualBox vm using Vagrant. The vm will have Ubuntu Linux Trusty 14.04 installed in it. Fjord works in this environment.


Setting up Fjord in Vagrant takes at least 15 minutes and possibly more depending on your network connection.

Plan to kick off a command and then go do something else for a while.

Run this command in the Fjord repository top-level directory:

vagrant up

It takes a while the first time you do this since it has to create the virtual machine and provision it.

First it downloads an Ubuntu Linux 14.04 image (~300mb), then it installs some software in this image like MySQL and Elasticsearch. Then it sets things up so that Fjord runs in this VM using the files on your machine. This allows you to use whatever editor you like on your machine to edit code that runs in the VM without having to copy files around.

Setting up Fjord

After you've created a vm, we have some minor setup to do:

# Create a shell on the guest virtual machine
vagrant ssh

# Change into the fjord/ directory
cd ~/fjord

First we download all the product detail data:

# Update product details
./ update_product_details -f

Then we set up the database:

# Create the database and run migrations
./ migrate

Then we create a superuser to log into Fjord:

./ createsuperuser

The username and password don't matter, but the email address does. You must choose an email address that is your Persona identity. If you don't have a Persona identity, you can create one at the Persona site.


You can convert any account into a superuser account by doing:

./ ihavepower <email-address>

After that, let's generate some data in the database so that we have something to look at. We'll then need to index that data so it shows up in searches.

# Generate sample data
./ generatedata

# Index the sample data into Elasticsearch
./ esreindex

That's it!

Editing code and running it

Fjord is a Django project. We use the Django runserver to run the website to test it.

First, if you haven't got a running virtual machine, launch it with:

vagrant up

Then, ssh into the virtual machine:

vagrant ssh

This gives you a shell in the virtual machine that lets you run all the Django commands, run the test suite, etc.

To launch the Django runserver, use the vagrant ssh shell and do:

cd ~/fjord
./ runserver

Then on your host computer, use your browser and go to You should see Fjord.

Getting more sample data

Sample data is tied to a specific moment in time. You'll need to run the generatedata command every time you need fresh data.

The generatedata command only generates data and saves it to the db. After running generatedata, you'll need to add that data to the Elasticsearch index:

./ generatedata
./ esreindex


You can call generadata as many times as you like.

Virtual machine maintenance commands

Command to run on host Explanation
vagrant up Launches the vm
vagrant ssh SSHs to the vm
vagrant halt Halts the vm
vagrant status Status of the vm
vagrant destroy Destroys the vm (not recoverable!)

See more in the Vagrant documentation. If you have questions, let us know. commands

You can see the complete list of ./ commands by typing:


For each command, you can get help by typing:

./ <COMMAND> --help

We use the following ones pretty often:

Command Explanation
generatedata Generates fake data so Fjord works
runserver Runs the Django server
collectstatic Collects static files and "compiles" them
migrate Migrates the db with all the migrations specified in the repository
shell Opens a Python REPL in the Django context for debugging
esreindex Reindexes all the db data into Elasticsearch
esstatus Shows the status of things in Elasticsearch
update_product_details Updates the product details with the latest information
ihavepower Turns a user account into a superuser


You can get sample data in your db by running:

./ generatedata

This will generate 5 happy things and 5 sad things so that your Fjord instance has something to look at.

If you want to generate a lot of random sample data, then do:

./ generatedata --with=samplesize=1000

That'll generate 1000 random responses. You can re-run that and also pass it different amounts. It'll generate random sample data starting at now and working backwards.


Vagrant sets up a forward between your host machine and the guest machine. You need to run the runserver in a way that binds to all the ip addresses.

Run it like this:

./ runserver


When you're running the dev server (i.e. ./ runserver ...), Fjord compiles the LESS files to CSS files and serves them individually. When you're running Fjord in a server environment, you run:

./ collectstatic

to compile the LESS files to CSS files and then bundle the CSS files and JS files into single files and minify them. This reduces the number of HTTP requests the browser has to make to fetch all the relevant CSS and JS files for a page. It makes our pages load faster.

However, a handful of tests depend on the bundles being built and will fail unless you run collectstatic first.


Over time, code changes to Fjord require changes to the database. We create migrations that change the database from one version to the next. Whenever there are new migrations, you'll need to apply them to your database so that your database version is the version appropriate for the codebase.

To apply database migrations, do this:

./ migrate

For more information on the database and migrations, see db-chapter.


This allows you to open up a Python REPL in the context of the Django project. Do this:

./ shell

esreindex and esstatus

Fjord uses Elasticsearch to index all the feedback responses in a form that's focused on search. The front page dashboard and other parts of the site look at the data in Elasticsearch to do what they do. Thus if you have no data in Elasticsearch, those parts of the site won't work.

To reindex all the data into Elasticsearch, do:

./ esreindex

If you want to see the status of Elasticsearch configuration, indexes, doctypes, etc, do:

./ esstatus


Event data like Firefox releases and locale data are all located on a server far far away. Fjord keeps a copy of the product details local because it requires this to run.

Periodically you want to update your local copy of the data. You can do that by running:

./ update_product_details


If you create an account on Fjord and want to turn it into a superuser account that can access the admin, then you need to grant that account superuser/admin status. To do that, do:

./ ihavepower <email-address>

Running tests

Fjord comes with unit tests and we use py.test for running them.

Before you run the tests, make sure you run collectstatic:

./ collectstatic

I run this any time I run the tests with a clean database.

The test suite is run like this:


That uses the default options defined in pytest.ini. You can specify different command line options on the command line.

For more information about running the tests, writing tests, flags you can pass, running specific tests and other such things, see the test documentation <tests-chapter>.

Helpful tips

Flushing the cache

We use memcached for caching. to flush the cache, do:

echo "flush_all" | nc localhost 11211

Issues with commit timestamps

The Ubuntu image that we are using, has UTC as the configured timezone. Due to this, if you are in a different timezone and make commits from the VM, the commit timestamps will have a different timezone when compared to the timezone on the host computer. To have matching timezone on the host and the VM, run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

and select your current timezone as the timezone for the VM.

Maintaining your development environment

Fjord is in active development and periodically there are changes that require you to do something in your development environment.


Whenever big development environment changes happen, an announcement will be sent to the input-dev mailing list. It'll usually include instructions on what you should do to update your development environment.

Updating your git repository

We land commits to the master branch of the official repository regularly. You'll need to update your master branch with the new commits. You can do that like this:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Updating your database

We periodically change Django models and the changes need to be reflected in your database tables. To update your database, do this:

$ ./ migrate

See getting-started-chapter-migrate.

Updating Python requirements

Fjord will often tell you when you need to update your virtualenv with new requirements. You'll see something like this:

(fjordvagrant)vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/fjord$ ./ runserver
There are 28 requirements that cannot be checked.
The following requirements are not satsifed:

Update your virtual environment by doing:

    ./ install -r requirements/requirements.txt
    ./ install -r requirements/compiled.txt
    ./ install -r requirements/dev.txt

or run with SKIP_CHECK=1 .

Follow the instructions to update them.

Updating Node.js dependencies

If you need to update your node.js dependencies. To do so simply use:

npm install


If you see a "npm ERR! notarget No valid targets found." error while installing the Node packages, this is due to npm-lockdown being unable to find a package that matches the hash in lockdown.json.

Where to go from here?

conventions-chapter covers project conventions for Python, JavaScript, git usage, etc.

workflow-chapter covers the general workflow for taking a bug, working on it and submitting your changes.

db-chapter covers database-related things like updating your database with new migrations, creating migrations, etc.

es-chapter covers Elasticsearch-related things like maintaining your Elasticsearch index, reindexing, getting status, deleting the index and debugging tools.

l10n-chapter covers how we do localization in Fjord like links to the svn repository where .po files are stored, Verbatim links, getting localized strings, updating strings in Verbatim with new strings, testing strings with Dennis, linting strings, creating new locales, etc.

tests-chapter covers testing in Fjord like running the tests, various arguments you can pass to the test runner to make debugging easier, running specific tests, writing tests, the smoketest system, JavaScript tests, etc.

vendor-chapter covers maintaining vendor/ and the Python library dependencies in there.