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A11y ♿️
A11y ♿️
Accessibility issues
Blocked ✋
Blocked ✋
Waiting for something before progress can continue
Blocker ⛔
Blocker :no_entry:
Blocking other work from being done
Bug 🪲
Bug :beetle:
Something isn't working
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Design 🎨
Design 🎨
Issues relating to design tools and processes
Dev ready ⚙️
Dev ready ⚙️
Indicates the story/card/tasks are ready to be coded
Discussion 🚲
Discussion :bike:
Something we need to discuss
Do Not Merge ⚠️
Do Not Merge :warning:
Do Not Merge
Documentation 📝
Documentation :memo:
Additions and improvements to documents
This is a large body of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller tasks/issues
Form Elements 🔘
Form Elements 🔘
Good First Bug
Good First Bug
Folks wanting to contribute and learning protocol can take on easier bugs as leads into the system.
In Sprint 👟
In Sprint :athletic_shoe:
Meaning it's in the current or tagged for the immediately upcoming sprint
Infra 🔧
Infra :wrench:
Improvements to the infrastructure that make the system go
Needs an Icon or something
Needs:Product ⚖️
Needs:Product ⚖️
For when stuff needs to be decided
Needs:Review 👋
Needs:Review 👋
Ready for Developer Review
Needs:Visual Spec 🎨
Needs:Visual Spec 🎨
Needs some sort of UI measurement specification to implement
On Board 🏂
On Board 🏂
Issues that map to the Priority Board
First level priority - Must have
Second level priority - Should have
Third level priority - Nice to have
Refactor 👩‍🏭
Refactor 👩‍🏭
Review: L
Review: L
Code review time: 2 hours or more
Review: M
Review: M
Code review time: 1-2 hours
Review: S
Review: S
Code review time: 30 mins to 1 hour
Review: XS
Review: XS
Code review time: 30 mins or less
Review: µ
Review: µ
Code review time: 5 minutes or less
Size: L
Size: L
Est. 2-3 days of work