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Add total_cmp to f32 and f64, plus tests
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golddranks committed May 25, 2020
1 parent 215f2d3 commit 68bab3e
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Showing 5 changed files with 433 additions and 0 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions src/libcore/num/
Expand Up @@ -810,4 +810,77 @@ impl f32 {
pub fn from_ne_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Self {

/// Returns an ordering between self and other values.
/// Unlike the standard partial comparison between floating point numbers,
/// this comparison always produces an ordering in accordance to
/// the totalOrder predicate as defined in IEEE 754 (2008 revision)
/// floating point standard. The values are ordered in following order:
/// - Negative quiet NaN
/// - Negative signaling NaN
/// - Negative infinity
/// - Negative numbers
/// - Negative subnormal numbers
/// - Negative zero
/// - Positive zero
/// - Positive subnormal numbers
/// - Positive numbers
/// - Positive infinity
/// - Positive signaling NaN
/// - Positive quiet NaN
/// # Example
/// ```
/// #![feature(total_cmp)]
/// struct GoodBoy {
/// name: String,
/// weight: f32,
/// }
/// let mut bois = vec![
/// GoodBoy { name: "Pucci".to_owned(), weight: 0.1 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Woofer".to_owned(), weight: 99.0 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Yapper".to_owned(), weight: 10.0 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Chonk".to_owned(), weight: f32::INFINITY },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Abs. Unit".to_owned(), weight: f32::NAN },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Floaty".to_owned(), weight: -5.0 },
/// ];
/// bois.sort_by(|a, b| a.weight.total_cmp(&b.weight));
/// # assert!(bois.into_iter().map(|b| b.weight)
/// # .zip([-5.0, 0.1, 10.0, 99.0, f32::INFINITY, f32::NAN].iter())
/// # .all(|(a, b)| a.to_bits() == b.to_bits()))
/// ```
#[must_use = "method returns a new number and does not mutate the original value"]
#[unstable(feature = "total_cmp", issue = "none")]
pub fn total_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> crate::cmp::Ordering {
let mut left = self.to_bits() as i32;
let mut right = other.to_bits() as i32;

// In case of negatives, flip all the bits expect the sign
// to achieve a similar layout as two's complement integers
// Why does this work? IEEE 754 floats consist of three fields:
// Sign bit, exponent and mantissa. The set of exponent and mantissa
// fields as a whole have the property that their bitwise order is
// equal to the numeric magnitude where the magnitude is defined.
// The magnitude is not normally defined on NaN values, but
// IEEE 754 totalOrder defines the NaN values also to follow the
// bitwise order. This leads to order explained in the doc comment.
// However, the representation of magnitude is the same for negative
// and positive numbers – only the sign bit is different.
// To easily compare the floats as signed integers, we need to
// flip the exponent and mantissa bits in case of negative numbers.
// We effectively convert the numbers to "two's complement" form.
if left < 0 {
// i32::MAX corresponds the bit pattern of "all ones expect for the sign bit"
left ^= i32::MAX
if right < 0 {
right ^= i32::MAX

73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions src/libcore/num/
Expand Up @@ -824,4 +824,77 @@ impl f64 {
pub fn from_ne_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> Self {

/// Returns an ordering between self and other values.
/// Unlike the standard partial comparison between floating point numbers,
/// this comparison always produces an ordering in accordance to
/// the totalOrder predicate as defined in IEEE 754 (2008 revision)
/// floating point standard. The values are ordered in following order:
/// - Negative quiet NaN
/// - Negative signaling NaN
/// - Negative infinity
/// - Negative numbers
/// - Negative subnormal numbers
/// - Negative zero
/// - Positive zero
/// - Positive subnormal numbers
/// - Positive numbers
/// - Positive infinity
/// - Positive signaling NaN
/// - Positive quiet NaN
/// # Example
/// ```
/// #![feature(total_cmp)]
/// struct GoodBoy {
/// name: String,
/// weight: f64,
/// }
/// let mut bois = vec![
/// GoodBoy { name: "Pucci".to_owned(), weight: 0.1 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Woofer".to_owned(), weight: 99.0 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Yapper".to_owned(), weight: 10.0 },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Chonk".to_owned(), weight: f64::INFINITY },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Abs. Unit".to_owned(), weight: f64::NAN },
/// GoodBoy { name: "Floaty".to_owned(), weight: -5.0 },
/// ];
/// bois.sort_by(|a, b| a.weight.total_cmp(&b.weight));
/// # assert!(bois.into_iter().map(|b| b.weight)
/// # .zip([-5.0, 0.1, 10.0, 99.0, f64::INFINITY, f64::NAN].iter())
/// # .all(|(a, b)| a.to_bits() == b.to_bits()))
/// ```
#[must_use = "method returns a new number and does not mutate the original value"]
#[unstable(feature = "total_cmp", issue = "none")]
pub fn total_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> crate::cmp::Ordering {
let mut left = self.to_bits() as i64;
let mut right = other.to_bits() as i64;

// In case of negatives, flip all the bits expect the sign
// to achieve a similar layout as two's complement integers
// Why does this work? IEEE 754 floats consist of three fields:
// Sign bit, exponent and mantissa. The set of exponent and mantissa
// fields as a whole have the property that their bitwise order is
// equal to the numeric magnitude where the magnitude is defined.
// The magnitude is not normally defined on NaN values, but
// IEEE 754 totalOrder defines the NaN values also to follow the
// bitwise order. This leads to order explained in the doc comment.
// However, the representation of magnitude is the same for negative
// and positive numbers – only the sign bit is different.
// To easily compare the floats as signed integers, we need to
// flip the exponent and mantissa bits in case of negative numbers.
// We effectively convert the numbers to "two's complement" form.
if left < 0 {
// i64::MAX corresponds the bit pattern of "all ones expect for the sign bit"
left ^= i64::MAX
if right < 0 {
right ^= i64::MAX

143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions src/libstd/
Expand Up @@ -1531,4 +1531,147 @@ mod tests {
fn test_clamp_max_is_nan() {
let _ = 1.0f32.clamp(3.0, NAN);

fn test_total_cmp() {
use core::cmp::Ordering;

fn quiet_bit_mask() -> u32 {
1 << (f32::MANTISSA_DIGITS - 2)

fn min_subnorm() -> f32 {
f32::MIN_POSITIVE / f32::powf(2.0, f32::MANTISSA_DIGITS as f32 - 1.0)

fn max_subnorm() -> f32 {
f32::MIN_POSITIVE - min_subnorm()

fn q_nan() -> f32 {
f32::from_bits(f32::NAN.to_bits() | quiet_bit_mask())

fn s_nan() -> f32 {
f32::from_bits((f32::NAN.to_bits() & !quiet_bit_mask()) + 42)

assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-q_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-f32::INFINITY).total_cmp(&-f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-f32::MAX).total_cmp(&-f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-2.5_f32).total_cmp(&-2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-1.0_f32).total_cmp(&-1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-1.5_f32).total_cmp(&-1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-0.5_f32).total_cmp(&-0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-f32::MIN_POSITIVE).total_cmp(&-f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-max_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-min_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (-0.0_f32).total_cmp(&-0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, 0.0_f32.total_cmp(&0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, min_subnorm().total_cmp(&min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, max_subnorm().total_cmp(&max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, f32::MIN_POSITIVE.total_cmp(&f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, 0.5_f32.total_cmp(&0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, 1.0_f32.total_cmp(&1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, 1.5_f32.total_cmp(&1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, 2.5_f32.total_cmp(&2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, f32::MAX.total_cmp(&f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, f32::INFINITY.total_cmp(&f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, s_nan().total_cmp(&s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, q_nan().total_cmp(&q_nan()));

assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-f32::INFINITY).total_cmp(&-f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-f32::MAX).total_cmp(&-2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-2.5_f32).total_cmp(&-1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-1.5_f32).total_cmp(&-1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-1.0_f32).total_cmp(&-0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-0.5_f32).total_cmp(&-f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-f32::MIN_POSITIVE).total_cmp(&-max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-max_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-min_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-0.0_f32).total_cmp(&0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, 0.0_f32.total_cmp(&min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, min_subnorm().total_cmp(&max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, max_subnorm().total_cmp(&f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, f32::MIN_POSITIVE.total_cmp(&0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, 0.5_f32.total_cmp(&1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, 1.0_f32.total_cmp(&1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, 1.5_f32.total_cmp(&2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, 2.5_f32.total_cmp(&f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, f32::MAX.total_cmp(&f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, f32::INFINITY.total_cmp(&s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, s_nan().total_cmp(&q_nan()));

assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-q_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-f32::INFINITY).total_cmp(&-s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-f32::MAX).total_cmp(&-f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-2.5_f32).total_cmp(&-f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-1.5_f32).total_cmp(&-2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-1.0_f32).total_cmp(&-1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-0.5_f32).total_cmp(&-1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-f32::MIN_POSITIVE).total_cmp(&-0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-max_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-min_subnorm()).total_cmp(&-max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (-0.0_f32).total_cmp(&-min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, 0.0_f32.total_cmp(&-0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, min_subnorm().total_cmp(&0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, max_subnorm().total_cmp(&min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, f32::MIN_POSITIVE.total_cmp(&max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, 0.5_f32.total_cmp(&f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, 1.0_f32.total_cmp(&0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, 1.5_f32.total_cmp(&1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, 2.5_f32.total_cmp(&1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, f32::MAX.total_cmp(&2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, f32::INFINITY.total_cmp(&f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, s_nan().total_cmp(&f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, q_nan().total_cmp(&s_nan()));

assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-s_nan()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&-0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-q_nan()).total_cmp(&s_nan()));

assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&-0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&0.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&min_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&max_subnorm()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::MIN_POSITIVE));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&0.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&1.0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&1.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&2.5));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::MAX));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&f32::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (-s_nan()).total_cmp(&s_nan()));

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